Kahvirel. Gamer. Hero. Truth.

Started by shadowDOESrock, June 08, 2013, 10:21:48 PM

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In the distant world of the Internet...
out its farthest reaches...
on an article about...
Tekken going Free 2 Play on PS3.

On an article...
where everyone welcomed that...
where everyone thinks such a thing is great...
where everyone embraced such like it was normal...

One Hero stood up...
and spoke for real games and alike...


Quote from: KahvirelFuck you new generation of gamers, fuck your DLC, fuck your angry Birds, your annual COD release, your motion controls and your "pay to play online because yes" models and fuck your F2P models. Oh and your Farmville and Zynga shit too.

Sincerely, from an old gamer.

Quote from: DarkKyoushuThat post is going to be my favourite quote from now on.

Quote from: Xeven86Old gamer...? You sound like 14 year old stating his useless opinion.

Quote from: KahvirelYou're absolutely right, my opinion is blatantly useless, that piece of shit called the xbox one and all the other stuff companies get away with in today's gaming world are, sadly, the ultimate proof of that.

Quote from: GTpd4free to play can work very well as long as it's not pay to win.

Quote from: KahvirelTrue to a degree...the problem is that most of this way of thinking is due to the fact that MANY gamers that around today have not experienced what me and the other older guys did. We had games with TONS of content, costumes, endings, insane playtime and options: RIGHT THERE ON THE DISC (or cartridge if you're an old fuck like me). Then they took it away with this "you can still play the BASE game for free" and if you want you can ADD stuff to that by paying...wich is far more foggy than selling you everything upfront and be done with it....it's just a nice wording for miliking you. And again, the biggest problem is that games are less and less designed with the "fun" factor in mind or the real passion...they are designed around business models and revenure...and that's it. (inb4 flames: i know i'm generalazing etc)

Quote from: KahvirelLet me try to sum it up. We had Arcades and home gaming gave us all the freedom in the world (not mentioning better and deeper content) to pay once and not put quarters in the cabinet like madmen...now it seems like it's going backwards to some extent.

Quote from: ll-apollo-llSomeone try and say he hasn't got a point. Everything stated here is the honest truth.

Quote from: JejuDoAgreed

Quote from: WildSeven0079Best comment ever.

Quote from: ZeeDakPreach Brotha

Quote from: siavmGet used to it because things only get worse from here on out.

Quote from: JohnyRipMan420and I am sure you still walk around with your Zack Morris cell phone and hope they go back to roaming charges and per minute charges because you are "older" cell phone user I am sure. Lets go back to DOS and not embrace anything new!

Quote from: DarkKyoushuI love the part where you missed the point, JohnyRipMan. Also, just because its "new" doesnt make it better.

Quote from: glowingdemonseriously,some days you just want to surround yourself with what some would call "relics" of a different time and place and rock slowly back and forth in a fertile position as you realize everything you every loved is dying and gone. But I don't worry too much things have a way of working themselves out. just you wait.

The Forgotten Alex


He's the real hero of this crazy world. We should all praise him. He has seen the truth.
People asked.


This generations of youngsters don't know who Scrooge McDuck is...
I'm sad.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


All of his points are inconsistent. he mentions many things which aren't even in his initial comment. Yes, fuck this generation for it's faults, but motion controls and F2P? let's not forget about the social aspects of games, the ease of online play, co-op, great visuals and sound in games, a more cinematic, storytelling approach to games, proper horror that can actually scare you, great cel shading technology for anime and cartoony style games, great effects and streaming technology for immersion. Server capacity, data capacity, online saves, cross-platform. This generation sure has brought a fucktonne of things to gaming I know I absolutely adore, even if there is an annual CoD, angry birds, incomplete games with addon DLC, and all that.

I get what this person is getting at, but he's also bashing at a generation in it's entirety. He can hate it but he seems to ignore some of it's brilliance at the same time.

The new generation of gamers aren't even the ones responsible for the generation, it's the people who make the games, maybe give a little shout to all the developers leading the way into this clusterfuck of a generation. These gamers know they want entertainment but they're taking what they're given, there isn't much else. What are they gonna do about it? Why isn't this guy saying "what could be done right" or "what is being done right" as opposed to saying "this is shit, fix it somehow, mkay?"

And why hate F2P? Sure it's been done wrong with the supposed "pay to win" model, but consider games like Tera or Planetside 2 where paying is a way of showing great appreciation and getting a thanks for it. Free to play games are giving gamers what they've wanted for year and years, and now you all seem to be going "I never asked for this", make up your mind, guys, F2P isn't killing the retail package, it's not killing the full game experience, and no, it's not carving out rules for DLC opportunities and ways to chare us more money, that's a misunderstanding forged by certain companies. Take it as it is, don't feel forced or strung along. It's actually the misappointed views of gamers that have turned the F2P model into what it is, with standout titles being scrutinised for some reason... despite offering ENTIRE GAMES for free, no strings attached, no magical carrot waved above their head to lap up with their wallets. STOP BUYING THINGS IF THEY AREN'T "WORTH IT" TO YOU. You do not simply buy something and then complain it wasn't enough. No matter how much you want it. JUST DON'T DO IT. DON'T BUY IT. You know it's going to be bad, so just don't. Developers learn from SALES, because on the internet, the only words that will reach a developer is whatever's trending on twitter, or whatever captures the attention of large journalist sites or ridiculously popular Youtube stars.

Lastly, motion controls. Something that is again done wrong again and a game. Simple solution? Don't buy into it. Hang on to those concepts in motion-controlled gaming that actually drive intuition and creativity into gameplay. The innovation that was had when this became a "thing" was innovation, even if it spawned the "gimmick", but here's the thing, Gimmicks have been around since the "peripheral gaming days"
here's the kicker- Nobody bought those. So don't buy these, and you won't need to consider it an issue.

This guy is not a hero. He's not even being clever. He raises good points for all the wrong reasons and not calling him out on his innacuracies is something that makes me more sad than seeing 5 year olds in perth playing angry birds on their iPad Minis while their mother buys them the latest Call of Duty on "Xbox".
Don't get me wrong, 5 minutes ago I went on a HUGE tangent about why this generation has good reason to be called "arguably, the worst yet" but by no means is it horrible. We all just love to hate it.

As an obligatory TL;DR note, you don't like it? Don't buy it, and speak a little more honest and loud about the positives and negatives or something. Don't do what this guy did and make himself look like a dick on one hand and be considered a "hero" by like-gamers who don't seem to understand the weight of his negative points, and why they're considered so negative.

You're just as bad by lapping up this guy's views of negativity, as modern gamers are for lapping up the latest AAA clusterfuck.


TL;DR, Iris wants us to exercise self control.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!