Dash Adventure Story: 1st Half

Started by EchidnaPower, November 17, 2009, 06:46:43 AM

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This is too long for a bunch of parts. So here's the first half of the whole story.

The Earth was at peace. Dash, who was never exactly known to anyone but his friends, was quietly staring at the beautiful sea. Meanwhile, Sonic and his friends were trying to stop Robotnik in space again. "Don't even try, Ro-butt-nik!" Sonic taunts, running around the walls of the room. "Gah, if you would just stay still!" Robotnik squeals. "Sonic would never give up," Amy cheered. "He always wins!"
Robotnik grins. He finds the old button he used to stop Sonic from destroying the Space Colony Ark's cannon. "Until now, that is!" Robotnik presses the button. Sonic just jogs around and around. "Why dosen't it work?!" Robotnik screams. Sonic just taunts again, "Because I'm the be-" Sonic gets hit by a strange, lavender creature with a red and green hat. He laughs maniacally. "Ah, thank you, Marx. Zero, go!" Eggman commands. A strange white blob with a red pupil bursts into the room. Sonic's friends Tails and Amy were scared of the beast, even with or without a knocked out Sonic. "I'll get him!" Knuckles promises, flying to the beast. But he is only sent backward. "Let's go! We can't get hurt, either!" Tails explains. Amy and Knuckles agree, heading for the escape door.
"Oh no, you don't!" Eggman exclaims, shutting down all exits. Zero shrinks himself, and breaks into Sonic's body. Sonic screams in peril, trying not to give up his mind to Zero. Tails, Amy, and Knuckles freak out. "That blue boy is a dimwit!" Marx laughs. All the noise stopped. Sonic started to glow red eyes, and laugh menacingly. He collects the Chaos Emeralds, and starts to float. "Sonic, what are you doing?" Amy asks. "I'm not Sonic... I'm ZERO THREE!" He laughs, in a deranged voice. He starts glowing in a strange yellow color, and transforms into Super Sonic. He breaks out of the room, and heads for the Earth. "Let's follow him!" Tails says. Amy and Knuckles say the same, and head to Earth. Back with Dash, a strange light glows on the land. "What is that?" Dash asks, turning around at Super Sonic. The light travels to the horizon, landing in a fiery explosion. Everyone around the world saw this strange light. "What was that?" Dash asks. "Good question." QuickSilver said coming onto the scene. "Hey. What are you doing here QS?" Dash asked. "Came to see what you were up to, then I saw that explosion." QuickSilver replied. "Yeah, I wonder what that was?" Dash wondered. Tails flies into the scene.
"That was Sonic!" Tails answers. Dash had his eyes wide. "Sonic did that?" Tails nodded. Amy added, "And he turned evil, too!" Knuckles explains, "A weird white eye named Zero took him over!"
Dash thinks for a moment. "Hmm. We need to stop Sonic. Tails, Amy, and Knuckles can help. You too QS. But I need more help. Now who can I call? Slynic! He's a great swordsman! He can do it with me! And Electro! He can use electricity and handle machinery! Alan is really fast, too! And Ashura can help, also!" Dash held up a switch, and activated it. At the lighthouse, a green light shined, with a sword symbol. Slynic finds it in the sky, and heads to Dash. Dash presses another button, and lightning fills the sky. Electro saw this and also runs to the gang. And Ashura, who already saw the explosion, figured Dash would need him and was already on his way to the workshop.
At Tails's workshop, "So, fill us in Dash, what's going on?" Ashura asked. Dash was about to start explaining when there was a knock at the door. (Knock Knock) "Hmmm? Who would bother to come all the way up here?" Tails asked himself. Tails went and opened the door and saw Cream, Cheese, and Vanilla standing in his doorway. "Hi Tails." Cream said cheerfully. "Hey Cream, hello Ms. Vanilla." Tails replied. "Hello Tails, I'm sorry to bother you, but something strange has happened and Cream insisted you would know what it was. Vanilla said. "What is it?" Tails asked looking back at Cream. "there was a weird light in the sky, and I was hoping you would know what it was." Cream said in her usual polite manner. "Actually, we were just discussing that, come on in." Tails said. After the explanation, Slynic sums it up. "So we need to team up and stop Zero 3 from destroying the earth?" Slynic asked. "Yep." Ashura said. "Oh poor Mr. Sonic." Cream said sadly. "It's ok Cream." Vanilla said consoling her daughter. "You know, we could use all the help we can get, you want to come with us Cream?" Tails asked. "May I mother?" Cream asked. Vanilla thought about it for a few seconds, then nodded her head yes. "Yay!" Cream exclaimed. (Cream runs to the rest of the group and introduces herself to Dash and his friends)(Vanilla pulls Tails aside) "Please protect Cream Tails." She pleaded. "Of course! I'll do everything I can!" Tails said giving a playful salute. After the introductions were finished, Quicksilver gets the team going again. "What're we waiting for?! Let's get going!" Quicksilver exclaimed. "and fast, Zero won't stop now." Dash said. Dash skids across the green grass, bursting a hold through the gizoids. "Gee, these bots are rusty." Dash grins. An odd, buzzing sound whirls in the air. "Hey, Dasher! Are you coming or what? We need to save a world here, but if you're busy, we'll do autographs later." Slynic jokes. Dash looks up at him with a face telling Slynic he wasn't amused. "Just let me on the plane, green hog." Dash jeers. Slynic throws down the ladder.

After a while, Quicksilver reports to Dash on the plane wing. "Everyone's on the ship. You, me, Slynic, Ashura, and Electro. But the bad news is... is..." Quicksilver shakes. A giant streak of yellow light divides the other plane wing before anyone on the ship blinked. Dash slaps Quicksilver across the face. "Spit it out!" Dash screams. "Well... erm... Zero Three is attacking us." Quicksilver panics. Slynic hit his face on the face of the plane. "And you JUST figured it out?" Slynic yells. "Did you miss me, kids?" Super Sonic dreads. "Now, you might want to close your eyes," he says, grasping Dash's ear. "This won't be pretty." Dash panics. He punched Super Sonic, sending him off the plane. Super Sonic spit a tooth out, and frowned. "You know, this is the reason I sent Sonic's body to the surface. Now, I'll never turn back to normal!" he charged a red orb. All of a sudden, a shadow figure closes up on Super Sonic, and knocks him out on the back of the neck. Super Sonic falls into the ocean. "What was THAT?" Dash questioned. "It was me, Myst." a brown fox answered, landing on the wing. "And I know how to help. I beleive Sonic's normal body still has good in it. We need to bring it with us, STAT."
Dash frowns. "But how am I supposed to trust YOU?" Myst grins. He quotes, "Because I saved your nude butts. Kudos?" Dash sighs. "Oh, gee, Good point." BOOM! Slynic looks behind himself, red Metal Sonic robots destroying the plane. "Uh, guys? Backup?" (Boss Starts) (Boss Ends) "Alan! Hurry! While we give these robots a taste of their own medicine, get Sonic's body to a clearing!" Dash yelled, srapping an angry Red Metal Sonic. Alan was confused. "But what if he could just-" "STAT, Alan!" Dash jeers. Alan frowned, and hopped off the plane. CRASH! Slynic's eyes gone wide. "Um... Dash? Please tell me that's your stomach..." he quaked. Slynic looks down the hatch, and pieces of the plane were on fire (and chipping off.) "...with you puking metal out of your guts. PLEASE tell me that's what's going on." Slynic mumbles. Dash answers in a sad tone. "I'd love to do it, but unfortunatly, no." A huge, robotic scream breaks into a sonic boom. "Chaos Control!" A familiar voice calls. CLANG!! A kick is withdrawn. POW!! A punch is thrown. SHANG!! ZOW!! The pattern is respawned. The crew gets back up and looks at the black hedgehog, beating a big, red robot. "You DARE attack King Red?!" the robot jerks a fly swat at the hedgehog. "That's not a black hedgeghog! That's SHADOW!" Dash exclaims. "Ice Spear!" he summons a blue colored fireball, and spawns it to the robot. Another scream is jointed.


"Oh my goodness! Is he okay?" Amy cries, weeping at Sonic's body. Alan sighs. "Relax, guys. He's unconscious. Sonic will eventually wake up. But longer when we beat Zero. You should handle him."

Leaving Sonic in the care of Amy, Tails, Cream, and Knuckles. Alan ran back to help his friends. But by the time he got there, Dash and his crew were already dusting themselves off. "Awww! You didn't save any for me?" "Don't worry, we'll have Tails fix one so you can smash it." joked Slynic. "Whatever, let's just get back to Team Sonic." Meanwhile...Amy just kept staring at Sonic with tears in her eyes. She noticed a small cut on Sonic's arm. "Probably due to Alan's carelessness." She thought angrily. She proceeded to patch up his arm. "I wonder how Sonic would react if he was awake while she did that." Knuckles whispered to Tails jokingly. Tails eyes grew wide. He expected Amy to pull out her Piko-Piko Hammer and give Knuckles the beating of his life. But Amy didn't react, she was concentrated on patching up her cobalt hero's arm with gentle and loving care. "Is Mr. Sonic okay Amy?" Cream asked worriedly. Still no reaction from Amy. "You probably would have run away by now." She thought sadly as a tear rolled down her face. She was jarred from her trance by the return of Dash and his crew. Plus one more.

"Well well. look who's decided to grace us with his emo presence." Said Knuckles referring to Shadow. Shadow just grunted. "Now Amy's gonna lose it and smash Alan to paste for letting Sonic's arm get cut." thought Tails. But again his expectations were shot down when Amy merely stood up, put a smile on her face, and asked if everyone was okay. "Does anyone know where those metal rejects came from?" asked Dash. Everybody simulteanously shook their heads no. "Well, we'll worry about that later. My tracker says Zero 3 went past the nearby lake!" Said Tails. "Well then let's move!" said Dash.

Level starts...

After boss...

"Shoot! (Insert boss here) got away!" Myst yelled angrily. "Alright! I've had enough! Who are you and why are you helping us anyway?!" Yelled Dash. After a few moments of silence, Myst said: "Well, as you already know, my name is Myst, and as you can see, I am a kitsune, not a mutated fox thing." "Hey! I resent that!" Screamed an angry Tails. (Cream giggles) "As for why I'm helping you, that's my business, just be grateful." Dash grunted defeated. "Now let's get your blue buddy a place to rest." Said Myst. "Fine, got any ideas?" Said an annoyed Dash. "As a matter of fact, there's this guy I know named Daze who's shop is nearby. I'm sure he'd be happy to help us." "And what makes you say that?" asked Dash still annoyed. "Because...he owes me five bucks. Now come on." "Should we trust this guy?" Asked Knuckles. "Should you trust me?" Replied Shadow. "Fine, we'll follow him, but keep an eye on him. Said Dash. (They go after Myst)
At the shop...

"Oy, Daze!" Yelled Myst while everyone browsed the shop. "Alright, Alright, I'm comin!" Daze yelled back. "Wow! Look at this aisle!" Exclaimed Tails. "There's candy groceries, candy DVD's, there's even candy people from that movie "Sweeties!" Said a practically drooling Tails. "Oh, my mother wouldn't be happy if I had some of this.'' Cream said fighting the temptation. Tails turned down the drool after hearing that. Cheese flew towards a candy chao that he thought looked attractive. "Yea, he's a candy maniac." Said Myst. (Daze walks into view) "Hey there, I'm Daze." (Daze's jaw drops when he sees Myst) "Oh No!! Not you again!" Screamed Daze. "Yep, it's me, in the flesh." Myst taunted. "Great, well, whatever hairbrained scheme you're selling this time, I'm not falli..." "What if I told you that the lives of millions of people were in danger. Besides, if you let our buddy here rest a couple of hours, it might pay back two of those five bucks you owe me." Myst interrupted. "Well, while you two sort this out, we'll put Sonic in the back room of the shop." Said Tails. (Knuckles carries Sonic into the back.) "Hey hold it, I..." "Look Daze, I'm not offering you candy this time. Besides you owe me more than just five bucks! I've saved your butt so many times that it states in the mobius logbook of property:hedgehog,Daze,backside. Property of Mister Myst Kitsune!" Myst fought back. "Fine he can stay! But only until he wakes up!" Yelled Daze. "Deal, by the way, you just bought my hairbrained scheme again." Taunted Myst. "...AAAAHHHH!!" Screamed Daze at the top of his lungs. Meanwhile... "Sonic? Sonic?" said Tails trying to bring Sonic back into full consciousness. "Ohhhhh...my head, it feels like it weighs a ton." Groaned a still groggy Sonic. "You'll be ok in a few minutes, just lie down and relax." Amy said with a hint of depression in her voice. "Something bugging you Ames?" asked Sonic. "Ames?! (Her heart leaped at the mention of her nickname)No, if I gush all over him now, he'll just run away again." She thought sadly. "No, why would you think that?" She asked with fake sincerity. Sonic was just about to ask another question when he heard an ear piercing scream of anger. "What was that?!" Sonic asked getting his guard up. "Chill out, that was just ol Daze here getting suckered again." Said Myst. "Hey wait a minute, you're Sonic the Hedgehog! The spirit of candy told me that something happened to you." Exclaimed Daze."The spirit of candy? For real? Ugh." Thought Dash. "Yeah, he told me about that weird eyeball spirit Zero, he also told me where he's going. There's a portal to a world where lost candy goes in that opens up every now and then in(insert level here)" Daze explained. "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Said Sonic now at full strength. "Not without me you're not!" Said Daze. "I'm going after that candy!" (Everyone leaves for the portal) "I'm so sick of this candy talk, he gives me cavities just being near him." Grumbled Myst. (Level Starts) (Level Ends)

(On the way to the portal) "How're you feelin Sonic?" Tails called. "Get a stopwatch and we'll find out!" Said Sonic with his usual cocky grin. (Amy makes a sad smile) "What's wrong Amy?" Cream asked. "Oh, it's uh...nothing." Amy replied. Cream wasn't convinced, but she decided that she shouldn't push her too much, it wouldn't be polite to pry into someone else's affairs. "Well? where's the portal you two we're talking about?" Dash asked impatiently. "Keep your shirt on! We're almost there." Myst replied. (Dash looks at his body) "What shirt?" (They arrive at the portal) "So, that's the portal eh? Impressive" Dash said. "Let's go get that Master Gumdrop!" Daze exclaimed. "Ugh...I told the team not to use that gimmick." Myst said at(current player) "Uh Myst? Who're you talkin to?" Daze asked. "Nevermind that. Let's just go in." Shadow said impatiently. "I agree, let's get going." Myst said. (Myst, Daze and Shadow walk in first followed closely by the rest of the team) "Whoa" Dash said in astonishment. "Hey! There's no..candy..." Daze stopped mid-sentence. "Daze? what's wrong?" Myst asked. "LOOK OUT!" Daze yelled.(Two female hedgehogs jump out of nowhere and tackle Dash and Daze)

Boss starts
Boss ends

"HOLD IT! I know these two." Myst explains. "You might have mentioned that before we started fighting." Daze said. (Daze picks up Sped) "I should have known from the beginning, you're way too cute to be one of that egg guy's henchmen." Sped flirted. (Daze blushes)(Dash helps Ashley get up and they stare at each other then look away quickly) "Well, glad to see you two are ok, but I would like an explanation as to why you attacked us. Exclaimed Myst. "Well...that egg guy attacked us, so when you came through we thought you were more of his cronies." Sped explained. "Eggman attacked you guys?!" Dash asked anxiously. "Yeah, and he was with a flying yellow hedgehog with red eyes." Said Ashley. "ZERO!" The team exclaimed. "Which way did they go?" Dash asked. "They went towards the volcano, Satsuki's keeping an eye on them." Sped replied. (Myst's ears perk up) "Satsuki?! Is she alright?" Myst asked anxiously. "Yeah Myst, we'll take you to the volcano, she should be watching for you're bad guys." Let's go, now!" Myst said still anxious. "Ok, we're on our way." said Ashley. Level Starts

end of level

(On the way to the volcano) "This place reeks of negative chaos energy" Dash pointed out. "That's why it's called the negative world." Sped explained. "I don't like it here." Cream said clutching Tails's arm. "We'll be okay Cream." Tails said reassuringly. (Cream relaxes her grip, but doesn't let go of Tails's arm) "How exactly did you guys get stuck here anyway?" Dash asked. "They were exploring with my girlfriend and they got stuck in here." Myst answered for them. "Oh yeah, Satsuki right? You mentioned her." said Dash. "Why do you think I helped you guys? I couldn't get in here alone, the portal only let's groups of 2 or more in. I should know, I tried...I tried so hard to get in and rescue her.(A lone tear escapes Myst eye) But now I'm here, and I won't rest until I find her." Myst explained. "Well then, we'll help you." Dash offered. "Oh, so NOW you trust me." Myst stated flatly. "Because now I know you're intentions, If there's one thing I can't stand, it's someone who works in secret. Uh...no offense Shad." Dash said. (Shadow grunts) (They're almost at the volcano) "MYYYYYST!" A voice called.(Myst's ears perk up) "That sounds like Satsuki!" Myst exclaims. "MYYYYYST!" the voice called again. (A beautiful young fox girl runs on screen) "Myst! Myst!" (She hugs Myst tightly and he hugs back) "Oy Satsuki, I finally found you." Myst said happily. (Awkward silence) "Ahem!" Dash interrupted. (They reluctlantly break apart) "There's Eggman!" Sonic exclaimed. "And if Eggman's here, Zero can't be far off! Let's go!" said Dash. (Sonic and Dash lead the team up the volcano) "Eggman! You're finished!" Sonic exclaimed. "No my blue foe, you're the one who's finished, Zero has all of the emeralds and has been charging his power in the most potent source of negative chaos energy in this whole world! Come forth Zero!" taunted Eggman. "I feel a lot of negative power coming." said Knuckles. "Oh no, our world is doomed." said Amy (Zero 3 floats out of the mountain) "Not if I can help it!" Exclaimed Sonic. (Sonic jumps towards Zero 3 and gets punched back to where he came from) "OUCH!" Sonic groaned. "You have no chance heroes! "Zero will destroy our world! And I will build my empire on it's ruins!" Eggman rants. "I can't let them destroy my world, or Satsuki." Myst thought. "EVERYONE BACK!" Myst yelled. "Myst? What're you doing? Satsuki asked nervously. "Goodbye my beautiful kitsune" (Myst kisses her forehead) "Myst? MYST?!" she exclaimed with growing despairity. (Myst rises up in the air, his fur turns a darker brown, and his pupils disappear) "If you want my friends...you'll have to go...through...ME!" Yelled Myst with a dark voice. "So be it." Zero 3 said. (Myst fires black beams and Zero 3 fires his yellow ones)"What's up with Myst?!" Asked Dash. "I feel negative energy in him, his violent yet passioniate feelings have given him a dark form. Knuckles explained. (Everyone (especially Satsuki) watches on as the battle rages)(Zero 3 gets in a lucky shot and Myst powers down and falls into the nothingness of the nega volcano) "MYYYYYST!!" Satsuki cries out with tears coming out of her eyes. "Run!" Myst manages to call out. "Come Zero! We're done here, it's time to return!" Eggman commanded. "NO!" Sonic yelled. (He spindashes toward Eggman, but Zero Chaos Control's them away and Sonic hits air) "That was Chaos Control!" Shadow exclaimed. "NO! You're not getting away! You'll pay for this Eggman!" Dash screamed. (Satsuki is sobbing on her knees) "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." Sped apologizes. (They head back to the portal) Satsuki cried most of the way, but then something in her mind said this: "Don't cry, we'll meet again someday, I promise." She calmed down a little after that.

(back at Daze's shop)the group was trapped in a blacked out room "Great! Myst is gone, and we're trapped." exclaimed Dash. Satsuki giggled and said "Can't you see the light up there?! We're in the green boys shop!" "She's right! Wait! How do you know that?!" Daze asked. "Myst told me." Satsuki replied. "Oh...wait...Get out! This is where I keep my inappropriate candy mags!" Daze exclaimed. They all climbed out. "Alright, chasing Eggman and Zero isn't working, we need a strategy!" Exclaimed Dash. "How about we lure Zero here with a mountain of candy!" Said Daze. "Oooo I like that idea!" Said Sped. (Silence) "Uh no." replied Dash. (The planning continues) "Hey Cream?" Tails asked. "Yes Tails?" "Have you seen Amy lately?" "She went outside, but she didn't tell me why. She seemed...sad." Cream said. "Hmmm, I'll talk to Sonic about this, maybe he can say something to her." Tails said. "I hope so, I don't like when my friends are sad." Cream said. "Don't worry Cream(Tails puts his hand on her shoulder) I'm sure she'll be back to normal soon." Tails said smiling. "You're right, thanks Tails!" Cream said happily. (Cream gives Tails a quick hug and runs back to the group) After the pink disappeared from his face from the hug, Tails pulled Sonic aside. "Hey Sonic? Have you noticed that Amy seems kinda depressed lately?" Asked Tails. "Now that you mention it, she hasn't tried to get close to me since this whole adventure started." replied Sonic. "And you miss it...don't you?" Tails said knowingly. "Uh...no what makes you think that?!" Sonic said in denial. "Come on Sonic...I've noticed that you're trying to get her attention lately." Said Tails. "NO I'M NOT!" Sonic yelled quietly. "Suuure, I believe you Sonic." Tails said sarcastically. (Sonic sighs) "Well, even if you're saying you're not, don't you think you should go talk to her?" Asked Tails. "Tails! I'm...hmmm, you know what, I think I will. Thanks lil bro." Said Sonic "Finally, it's about time he talked to her." (Amy's sitting outside on the ground crying) (Sonic walks outside and readies himself to talk to her) "Hey Amy." (Amy reacts and wipes her eyes) "Oh, Hi Sonic." "Why're you sitting out here all alone?" "I'm uh...just trying to relax a little why?" "Just wonderin." (awkward silence) "Say uh, Amy...is something bothering you?" "No, why would you think that?" "This sounds familiar." Sonic thought. "Because you've seemed a little depressed lately." Said Sonic. "Really?" asked Amy. "So...IS something bothering you?" "Yes Sonic there is." "What is it?" "...You." (Sonic steps back in shock) "Me?" Sonic said with hurt in his voice. "Yes Sonic, you're what's bothering me." "But...what did I do?" "You really don't know?" She said with a hint of anger in her voice. (Sonic shakes his head confused) "What do you do everytime I try to get close to you?" (Sonic remembers all the times he's run away from her) "I...I run from you." "That's right! And everytime you run, it hurts Sonic! It hurts a lot! It makes me think...that I'm nothing but an annoyance to you!" She said with hot tears streaming down her face. This outburst caught Sonic by surprise, if there's one thing Amy wasn't to him, it was an annoyance. "But...why is it showing just now?" "Do you see that bandage on your arm Sonic?" (Sonic nods his head) "You got a cut and I put that on your arm while you were out(unconscious).Would you have let me do that if you were awake?! (Amy turns her back) Sonic felt ashamed, he had no idea that running from her hurt her so much. He had to set things straight. (Sonic takes a deep breath and puts his hand on her shoulder)(Amy starts to turn around) "I'm sorry Amy...the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you." "Then why do you run?" "That's what I do whenever I don't know how to react to something. And I had no idea it hurt you so much." "Well it does."(Another tear runs down her face)(Sonic cups her face in his hands and wipes the tear with his thumb) "I know that now, and I'm so sorry...will you forgive me?" (Amy hugs Sonic tightly) "Ohhh of course I do Sonic!" She says happily (Sonic relaxes and hugs her right back) "So...that pink hedgehog is Sonic's weakness." An unknown voice said. "Hey guys! Come inside, we finally came up with something!" Tails called. (Sonic and Amy walk in the shop...Sonic opens the door for Amy and let's her go first)(Tails is waiting by the door and waits for Amy to get out of earshot) "So, you don't care huh?" Tails joked (Sonic musses up Tails hair and snickers) "See? I told you." Tails said talking to Cream. (Cream smiles) "Alright gang, here's what we're going to do. We have to get Zero away form Eggman, he's got the chaos emeralds and he's keeping Zero's power at full, so if we get him away from Eggman, he'll lose power and then we've got him." Dash explained. "Well then, let's do it! Said Amy with her optimism returned."That's the Amy I know and love, WHOA! Did I just think that?"Thought Sonic. "Alright team, we can take a shortcut through Red Mountain. Let's go! Dash exclaimed.

meanwhile: a snow white fox was lying flat in a desert. (a green hedgehog was looking down at him) "target acquired!" the hedgehog said sinisterly.
(the hedgehog laughs and drags the fox off)
Level Starts Level Ends

"Hey Dash, I'm beat. Can we PLEASE stop for the night?" Daze whined. "What's the matter Daze? Need a sugar rush?" Satsuki joked. "Ugh, what? Are you taking over Myst's job as my personal harasser?" Daze complained. "Please Mr. Dash? I'm tired too." Cream said. "We'll go a little farther, and then we'll stop for the night." Dash said. "Fine, whatever." Daze grumbled. "Oh, ok, I'll try to go a little longer." Cream said. "Grab my hand Cream." Tails told her. (Cream takes Tails's hand and Tails starts to fly to give Cream a rest) "Thank you so much Tails." Cream said relieved. "You're welcome Cream." Tails said with a soft pink spreading across his furry cheeks. "Oh that's great. The little rabbit gets a free ride and I have to keep running." Daze mumbled. (Daze smashes his toe on a rock because he wasn't paying attention) "BANG!" "AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH!!" Daze screamed in pain. "What happened?" Sped asked. "I think I broke my toe!" Daze groaned. (Now everyone crowds around Daze) "Try to move it." Said Sped. (Daze tries to wiggle his toe) "AAAAGGGGHHHH!! Don't make me do that again!" Daze screamed. "Ok, I guess now we can stop for the night." Dash said. "There's a cave, we can stay there for the night." Slynic pointed out. "Alright, let's help him up gang." said Sonic. (Sonic and Knuckles get on either side of Daze and help him hobble into the cave) "Hey QuickSilver, you have elemental powers right?" Sped asked. "Yeah why?" "Well, how about making some ice for Daze?" Sped requested. (QuickSilver nods and ice starts coming out of nowhere) "Here, let me see." Sped said softly. (Daze pulls away) "Please?" Sped pleaded. (Daze stares into Sped's soft red eyes) "Wow her eyes are really pretty." Daze thought. (Daze gives in and let's Sped tend to him) "WHOOO! That ice is c-c-c-cold." Daze yelped. (Sped giggles) "How am I supposed to hunt for candy if I can't move?!" Daze said frustrated. "Don't worry Daze, I'll get you back on your feet faster. I promise." Sped said comfortingly. (Daze smiles) "Alright guys, we need to rest up for tomorrow. So, let's go to sleep now." Dash said. (The team agrees)(Sped lies down next to Daze and snuggles close to him, causing Daze to blush) "Hey Daze?" Sped asked. "Y-yes?" Daze stuttered. "Gnight." said Sped. "Gnight Sped." Daze replied. (Amy sees the two together) "Awww, how sweet." Amy gushed. (Sonic walks up behind her) "Whatcha lookin at Amy?" Sonic asked her. "Daze and Sped, they're just too perfect!" Amy squeeled quietly. (Sonic laughs) "Well, I'm kinda tired myself, still don't have all my stamina back I guess. Goodnight Ames." "Gnight Sonic." (Amy hugs Sonic) "Please don't run." Amy thought while she hugged him. (Her wishes came true as Sonic slowly relaxed and hugged her back) "She really is kinda cute, and her eyes are gorgeous. GAH! What's wrong with me?!" Sonic thought. (Amy walks to her sleeping bag) "What's going on with me? Am I really falling for Amy Rose?" Sonic wondered. (He tries to just shrug it off and goes to sleep)

Later that night

(A shadowy figure sneaks into the cave, revealed to be Marx)(Marx sneaks away with Amy and leaves a note next to Sonic) "Mission accomplished, you're in for quite a surprise tomorrow Sonic." Marx snickered evilly.

End Scene.

Morning comes.

Sonic is the first to wake up, and since he didn't like staying in one place long, he was going to go for a run to stretch his legs. Sonic looked around the cave and saw everyone except Amy. "Meh, musta gone to the little girls room." Sonic thought. He started walking out of the cave, then he felt something underneath his foot. [A piece of paper] What's this?" Sonic wondered. Sonic picked it up and read it, then he crumpled it up and threw it behind him. And behind him is where Tails was sleeping, and it bonked him on the head. Tails woke up and looked at Sonic, laughing because he thought it was just another Sonic prank. But then he noticed his forlorn stance. Sonic's fists clenched, his head down, and very un-Sonic like. "Hey, uh Sonic? You ok?" Tails asked. "Don't worry about me Tails, I'm just going for a run." Sonic replied "Sonic!" Too late, Sonic had already run off. "Something's wrong." Tails thought. Tails uncrumpled the paper Sonic tossed at him, this is what he read: MWAHAHAHA! I have Amy Sonic! And I will obliterate her at noon today! If you wish to save her, then surrender yourself to me at the Mystic Ruins. Don't be late, that is...if you REALLY care for her. Tails eyes grew wide. "We have to stop him!" Tails exclaimed. "GET UP! GET UP! GET UP EVERYONE!!" Tails screamed. Everybody gets their guard up after seeing the crazed fox going nuts. "What's wrong Tails?!" Cream asked worriedly. "S-son! H-e! Uh! Stuttered a still hyperventilating Tails. "Tails is going nuts!" Said Dash. "I can take care of that." Said QuickSilver. QuickSilver uses his elemental powers to splash Tails in the face. "Thanks, I needed that." said Tails. "Ok, now tell us what's going on, SLOWLY." Said Dash. "Eggman captured Amy!" Tails yelled. "WHAT!" Everyone exclaimed. "How do you know?" Dash asked. "He left a note! It says that if Sonic doesn't surrender to Eggman by noon...He's gonna...(Gulp) I think you get my point." Tails explained. (Everyone nods) "And now, Sonic ran off to save her! Said Tails. "Sonic's got a five minute head start on us, we're really gonna have to hustle if we're gonna catch up with him, we all know how far Sonic can get in a few minutes!" Dash exclaimed. "We'll stay here with Daze, you guys get going!" The girls said. "Alright guys let's go! DOUBLE TIME!!" Dash commanded. "Good luck gang!" The girls called out. Dash and his crew made a breeze as they rushed out of the cave.

Back with Sonic

"Just hang on Ames, I'm comin for you." Sonic thought to himself.

Level starts.

End Level

"Hey Tails, how much longer till we get to the ruins?" Dash asked. "About a half hour." Tails replied. "Well let's cut it to 15 minutes gang! It's already 11:45!" Dash exclaimed. "LOOK OUT!" Ashura yelled suddenly. Lasers start raining out of nowhere. "Get behind me!" QuickSilver said. QuickSilver put up a shield of ice to protect them from the barrage of lasers. But it would do no good as their antagonist melted their shield and walked right through. Then the lasers stopped. "Well well, are you supposed to be Sonic's replacement?" Marx asked referring to Dash. "Marx!" Knuckles growled. "Who?" Dash asked. "Marx! He works for Eggman! And he was there when Sonic got possessed by Zero!" Tails explained. "Correct. And the doctor has instructed me to stop you at all costs!" Marx said. "Ha! You and what army?" Slynic barked. And just as he said that, an army of red Metal Sonics came from the surrounding area. "I had to ask." Slynic moaned. "Well, now we know who was behind the other attack." Dash pointed out. "They should've killed Sonic before, but I wasn't counting on that emo hedgehog to make an appearance." Marx said. Shadow snickered at this. "But this time these bots are ready for anything!" Marx taunted. "We don't have time for your monologues Marx! You want a fight? You got one!" Dash exclaimed. The team got into their battle stances and prepared for the robot storm. "GET THEM!" Marx commanded. (Boss Starts) (Boss Ends) "NO! This can't be!" Marx cried out. "But it is, come on guys! This poser's held us up too long!" Dash said. "No way! I will stop you!" Marx exclaimed with determination. "No, I don't think you will." said Knuckles. Knuckles smacked his fists together and sent Marx flying. "Ohhhh...Dr. Eggman's gonna kill me." Marx groaned. And he fell flat on his face.

Back with Sonic...Time: 11:56

"Looks like I'm cutting it close." Thought Sonic. As he reached the top of the hill he was climbing, he saw Amy trapped in a glass capsule, and it seemed to be connected to a machine of some sort. "I don't see Eggman, maybe I'll get off scot-free!" Sonic thought. Sonic ran towards the capsule and prepared to break through it. "Sonic no! It's a trap!" Amy screamed. Unfortunately the glass was sound proof and Sonic could not hear her warnings. Amy continued to try with all her might to warn Sonic. "She sure seems happy to see me." Sonic thought. Sonic rolled up into a ball and tried to break the glass. "Sonic NO!" Amy cried. "AAAAGGGHHHHH!!" Sonic cried in pain. The capsule electrocuted Sonic and brought him down on his hands and knees, and with Sonic incapacitated, Eggman appeared. Mwahahaha! I knew you would try to be heroic!" Eggman laughed. As was his custom, Sonic quipped back. "What do you expect from a hero?" Sonic tried to muster a laugh, but his body wouldn't let him. "If I had known this little brat meant so much to you, I would've snatched her years ago." Eggman ranted. This comment got Sonic's attention. "Don't call her that!" Sonic snapped. "What's this? Did I strike a nerve Sonic?" Eggman taunted. Sonic merely growled. "Anyway, I believe the terms of our agreement were that you surrendered yourself to me, correct?" Eggman pointed out. Sonic stayed silent. "Say something you insipid hedgehog!" Eggman ordered. (Silence) "Hmmm, perhaps you need the proper motivation, maybe you need to see a sample of what will happen to her if you don't cooperate." Eggman reasoned. Eggman pushed a button on his Eggmobile console, and Amy's voice suddenly came through the glass. "Sonic! Sonic! Are you okay?!" Amy asked concerned. "I-I'm ok Ames. Don't worry...I'll get you out of there, I promise." Sonic said still weak from the electrocution. "I wouldn't be so sure of that." Eggman said. He pushed another button, and Sonic and Amy looked on as the machine attached to her prison opened up, revealing the Chaos Emeralds, and Zero 3. "Greetings my body donor." Zero said. "ZERO! Sonic and Amy both said at once. "I've cleverly devised this machine to use the Chaos Emeralds for torture!" Eggman gloated. Sonic glanced over at Amy with worry on his face. "And now Sonic, a small demonstration of what will happen to her should you defy me." Eggman said. He pushed yet another button, and the Chaos Emeralds started to glow bright. Amy's chamber began flashing and she screamed in pain. "AMY!!!" Sonic broke down on his knees again and closed his eyes in anger. Eggman stopped the light show and Amy broke down crying. "That was only the lowest setting, imagine full power Sonic!" Eggman gloated. Sonic opened his eyes only to glance at the crying girl in the capsule. By now Sonics blood was boiling, how dare he even think about harming Amy? "Well Sonic? What do you think?" Eggman asked proudly. "What do I think? (The Chaos Emeralds started glowing black, Sonics fur turned black, his voice became darker and more sinister sounding) I think this is a new low...(Sonics pupils disappeared and he slowly got up) And you're going to pay!" Sonic roared. He had become Dark Super Sonic, seeing Amy in pain had made his emotions reach their breaking point. In the blink of an eye, the now Dark Sonic rammed toward the capsule, the electricity zapped and held him back. But Sonic kept fighting and finally broke her glass jail, he scooped her up in his arms and put her down before turning towards Eggman. "They're escaping! Get them Zero!" Zero charged towards Sonic and gave him a punch to the jaw. Sonic snickered sinisterly. "All right then Zero...time for me to finish this!" Dark Super Sonic and Zero 3 brawled a somewhat...lopsided brawl, Dark Super Sonic gave Zero quite a beating. "This one's for possessing me!" Sonic exclaimed with his dark voice and gave Zero a more powerful punch. "This one is for killing Myst!" Sonic shoulder charged him hard. At this time Zero was almost out of energy. "And this one...(Zero charges towards Sonic and Sonic grabs his fist) is for hurting Amy!" Sonic charges up a dark punch and sends Zero over the horizon.

Back with Dash. "We're almost there!" Tails exclaimed. "Look up there!" Slynic said. The team looked up and saw a yellow hedgehog flying backwards. "Was that...Zero?" Dash asked. "I feel negative energy! That's him!" said Knuckles. "Good ol Sonic! Let's finish the job guys!" The team chased after Zero as he finally landed. "Oh man, feeling weak, need power!" Zero moaned. "Looks like you're toast!" Dash exclaimed. "Guess again heroes, I'm still strong enough to destroy you." Zero countered. "Alright then, let's brawl!" Dash said. Boss starts. Boss ends.

Back with Sonic

"Well, Dr. Robotnik...(Sonic stomped towards the cowering scientist) it's time for you to pay." Sonic said darkly. "C-Come now Sonic, be reasonable ." Eggman stuttered. "I am, I reason that you don't deserve to live." Sonic said evilly. "Wha-What's wrong with Sonic?" Amy wondered fearfully. "Now, I'm going to make sure that you don't hurt her or anyone else ever again." Sonic said darkly. Sonic grabbed Eggman by the collar and prepared to do something...he would probably regret later. "I've got to stop him." Amy thought. "Sonic please stop!" Amy cried. "Amy, this power...I can stop Eggman for good! He'll never hurt you or anyone again!" Sonic said. "But killing him isn't the answer!(She places her hand on his shoulder) Please stop!" Amy pleaded. Sonic turned his head and saw Amy's jade green eyes, shining from the tears she had cried before. Begging him to calm down and lose the dark form he had taken on. "What am I doing?" Sonic asked with his voice returning to normal. He let go of Eggman, and he slowly returned to normal. Sonic turned to face Amy. "I'm sorry Amy, the negative power of the emeralds is something that should never be unleashed." Sonic admitted. "It's okay Sonic, what matters is that we're both alright." Amy said. Amy hugged Sonic, and vice versa. "Now can we get out of here? I'm exhausted." Amy asked. "Sure, I just have one last thing to take care of." Sonic said. Eggman tries to escape. "EGGMAN! (Sonic runs in front of Eggman with a serious look on his face) I'm going to say this once, that "little brat" as you call her, just saved your life, but if you EVER harm or threaten Amy again...I won't hold back, and you WILL pay dearly, understand?" Eggman nodded. "Good, now I want you to get in your craft, and get out of here! Zero is history and so is your plan!" Sonic commanded. "This isn't over Sonic! I will get my revenge!" Eggman exclaimed. Eggman got in his egg mobile and prepared to leave. "I'll be back!" Eggman yelled. "Whatever, but in the meantime, ready Amy?" Amy pulled out her hammer and nodded. "What are you up to?" Eggman asked. "Time for a fastball!" Sonic exclaimed. Sonic rolled up into a ball and Amy sent him flying towards Eggman. (BANG!) Eggman got sent over the horizon. "I WILL RETUUUUURRRRRN!" Eggman called out.(Sonic picks up 6 chaos emeralds) "Hmmm, the last one must've got blasted away." Sonic thought. Turning back towards Amy, Sonic picked up Amy into his arms. "Come on Ames, let's head back." Sonic started back towards the cave. "Hey Sonic? Thanks for saving me...again." Amy said with eyes half closed. "Anytime Ames." Sonic replied. When Sonic didn't get a response, he looked down to see Amy sleeping peacefully in his arms. He smiled and picked up the pace towards the cave. "Sleep well Amy." (Amy makes a sigh of contentment)

Back with Dash

Zero is shown in his normal Sonic form after being banged around like a pinball by Dash and his crew. "Had enough yet?" Knuckles gloated. (Zero groans in pain) "Let's just finish this already." Shadow said. "Right, ready gang?" Dash exclaimed. The team prepares to finish off Zero with one big blast. They charge their beam attacks. "All together now! Fire!" They all fire their beams and merge it into one huge ultra powerful blast. Zero's Sonic body started burning away leaving his eyeball form. And eventually the blast sent Zero away in a flash of light. "We did it!" Tails exclaimed. Tails communicator started to beep. "It's Sonic!" Tails said. "Hey Tails, I've got Amy and we're headed back." Sonic said quietly. "Uh Sonic? Why are you whispering?" Tails asked. "Uh...I'll explain it to YOU later." Sonic replied. "Uh huh, don't worry Sonic, I get it." Tails said giving a thumbs up to Sonic. "See you later little bro." Sonic hangs up. "Well? Are they all right?" Dash asked. "Sonic's done it again! Eggman's defeated, and Amy's safe." Tails explained. "Well, he's done his job, and we've done ours. Let's get back to Daze and the girls." Dash said. The team head back to the cave.

Let's catch up with Daze.

"How're you feelin Daze?" Sped asked. "I'm feeling better thanks." Daze replied. "Good." (Awkward silence) "Hey Sped, can I ask you a question?" "Fire away." "How exactly did you get stuck in the negative zone anyway?" "Oh...uh, you promise you won't laugh?" "Sure." "I had heard rumors about the sweetest candy ever being in that zone, and I wanted to find it!" "You too?!" "Yeah, anyways, I jumped in and Satsuki and Ashley followed me in. Then we got stuck there. What I won't do for sweets." Sped explained. "Hey Sped?" "Yeah?" "Thanks for takin care of my toe, thanks to you I'll be back on the candy hunt before you know it." Daze said. (Sped smiles and kisses Daze on the cheek) "Now THAT is sweet." Sped said. (Daze blushes) "Hey Sped, can I have some water? I'm kinda hot." Daze asked "I'll say." Sped flirted. (Sped winks at Daze which makes him blush harder)(Satsuki and Ashley find Sped) "Hey guys, what's up?" Sped asks. "You tell us." Satsuki said. "You really like him don't you?" Ashley asked knowingly. "I...uh...yes." Sped admitted. "Thought so, it's so obvious." Ashley said. "You know what else is obvious? The way YOU look at Dash, YOU like HIM don't ya?" Sped countered. Ashley blushes. "I sure hope the guys are all right." Satsuki said. End scene.

Sonic arrives at the cave with Amy still sleeping.(Dash hasn't arrived yet, Daze and the girls are napping) Sonic looks down at Amy. "I'll put her over by her sleeping bag." Sonic thought. Sonic went and put Amy down on her sleeping bag, he was about to walk away and go to sleep himself, (Who wouldn't be tired after all he went through?) when he heard a small whimper. Sonic turned around and saw Amy all curled up and under stress. "What's wrong with her?" Sonic wondered. (Inside Amy's dream) A giant Eggman was trying to stomp her, "HELP! HELP!" Dream Amy cried. (Real world)
(More whimpering from Amy) "Something's bugging her, hmmm, I wonder." Sonic lies down next to Amy and snuggles close to her, and then he puts his arm around her shoulder. (Dream world)
Giant Eggman is bearing down on Amy, "AAAHHHH!" Dream Amy screamed. Suddenly a dream Sonic shows up and scoops Amy up and out of danger. "Sonic?" "I said he'd never hurt you again, and I meant it." Dream Sonic replied. "Now, you stay here, I'll handle Eggman." The Chaos Emeralds revolve around Dream Sonic and he becomes Super Sonic. "Go get him Sonic!" Dream Amy said. (Super Sonic defeats Eggman) (Real world)
As soon as Amy acknowledged Sonic's presence, Amy's body relaxed and the whimpering stopped. Her breathing became steady and calm. "Come to think of it, I am pretty tired." Sonic thought. (Sonic falls asleep snuggled close to Amy) "Goodnight Amy." Sonic whispered. (Later) "Mmmm, nice nap." Daze yawned. (Daze sees Sonic and Amy snuggled next to each other asleep) "Oh no, FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Daze thought. Daze hobbled out of the cave and heaved a sugary and colorful upchuck. "BLLLAAAAAGGGHHH!" Daze barfed. "Well isn't that a touching scene! Was her head on his chest?" Daze reluctantly looks back. (Amy's head is resting on Sonic's chest. His hand on the back of her head) "Oh no! Here we go again!" Daze turns back to the bushes and pukes again. "Ohhh, I can handle romance, but not when I first wake up!" Daze groaned. "Daze? Are you okay?" Sped asked from the cave. Daze gave a thumbs up. "Hmmm, I wonder what brought that on." Sped wondered out loud. "I think I know." Satsuki said. (Satsuki points at Sonic and Amy) "Awww, how sweet, let's leave them alone, oh, and get Daze some breath spray." said Sped. (Dash and the team show up) "What happened Daze? You swallow a jawbreaker?" QuickSilver joked. "What happened to Mr. Serious?" Daze wheezed. "Mission complete, I can chillax now." QuickSilver replied. (Knuckles stifles a laugh) "What's so funny Knuckles?" Slynic asked. (Knuckles points at Sonic and Amy) "So what? They're exhausted." Slynic said. "Mmmph, hey Tails? You got a camera?" Knuckles asked laughing. "Yeah, but...HEY!" Tails exclaimed. "Thanks Tails!" Knuckles said. (Sonic opens one eye) (The camera snaps) "I'm never gonna let Sonic live it down." Knuckles snickered. (Tails sweatdrops) "That's a very nice picture of Amy, Knuckles." Sonic said. "Sonic?! But, I, uh!" (Knuckles looks at the camera and sees Amy asleep) "Heh heh, smooth move knucklehead." Sonic joked. (everyone laughs) "Grrrr...hmmm, I have an idea." Knuckles thought. Knuckles made a quake punch and sent Amy flying into the air. "HEEELLLPPP!" Amy cried. Sonic moved in to catch her, and Knuckles was recording the whole thing. (Plop, into his arms) "Thanks Sonic." Amy said. "Anytime." Sonic replied. "And cut, ha ha ha! This is going to youtube for sure!" Knuckles laughed. (Amy's eyes turned to flame, she was MAD) "You woke me up...just to embarrass me and Sonic?!" Amy screamed. "Uh oh" Knuckles thought. Amy pulled out her hammer and was ready to give Knuckles the beating he was supposed to get earlier. "Allow me." Electro said. Electro turned into a bolt of electricity and went into the camera and fried the recording...and the camera. "MY CAMERA!!" Tails screamed. "Oops, looks like I had too much juice." Electro apologized. Tails groans. "Don't worry Tails, I'll give you a brand new candy camera when we get back to the shop." Daze said. "Fine." Tails mumbled. (Everyone starts laughing)

"Laugh while you can Sonic team. But soon you shall meet your greatest challenge. Thanks to this bracelet, (Eggman holds up Nazo's power bracelet) and of course...the Chaos Emerald! Zero shall return more powerful than before! MWAHAHAHAHA!!" Eggman ranted to himself.

End Scene.

(Scene opens up with a celebration held at Daze's shop) "Here's to a job well done!" Dash said. (Everyone clinks their soda glasses. (Yes, SODA not alcohol) "Ahhh, sugar, I needed some so badly!" Daze said. "So um...Daze, you said you we're going to give me a new camera?" Tails asked. "Oh yeah! Hang on...here." (Daze gives Tails a candy covered camera) "Um...thanks?" Tails reluctantly said. "Doesn't it rock?! If you get hungry, you can take a lick from your camera!" Daze said excitedly. Tails sweat dropped. (Sonic puts down his soda and walks outside, Amy follows him) "Hey Sonic!" Amy called. "What's up Amy?" Sonic asked. "I uh...just wanted to thank you." Amy said timidly. "For saving you from Eggman? You don't need to thank me again." Sonic replied. "No Sonic, not for that, for making me feel safe." Amy said. "What do you mean?" Sonic asked confused. "I was still rattled from that whole experience we had with Eggman, and I couldn't help but feel scared by myself. But...when you came close to me...I felt...safe. Like you were protecting me even in my dreams." Amy said. "Oh, well...you're welcome Ames." Sonic said with his hand behind his head. (Amy kisses Sonic on the cheek) "Well...uh...I think I'm gonna go for a run, see you later Ames." Sonic said somewhat nervously. (Sonic takes off) "Bye Sonic!" Amy called out. "Sonic ran towards some nearby ruins, but the reason he took off so suddenly...was to hide the blush on his face. "Wow, did that ever give me an adrenaline rush." Sonic thought to himself.

Back with Amy

(Amy giggles) "I saw you Sonic, you were blushing." Amy said to herself. (Amy giggles again) She stood there and took a deep breath of fresh air, happier than she had been in a while. Then she turned and went back to join her friends in the festivities. "You seem happy Amy." Cream said. "I am Cream, I think Sonic finally admitted he likes me!" Amy gushed. "Well I'm glad you're back to normal Amy, I felt bad seeing you unhappy." Cream said. "I always knew Sonic liked me, I just got discouraged, that's all. I can't wait for him to come back!" Amy said.

Back with Sonic

"I wonder, maybe when we go back home, if I should take Amy to Twinkle Park like she's always wanted." Sonic pondered in his mind. Sonic continued throwing the idea around in his head, when he heard a strange whirring sound...and...music? Sonic jumped into the nearby bushes and saw Eggman hovering by in his Eggmobile. And he was playing music. "I am the Eggman! That's what I am! I am the Eggman! "I've got a master plan! I am the Eggman!" The radio blared. "Ugh, he has horrible taste, next time we team up because his plan went wrong, I'm going to give him my soundtrack. Live and Learn would be much better." Sonic said to himself. Sonic started following Eggman into the ruins. "Hmmm, what's he up to?" Sonic thought. "Yes! Just as the sensors said it would be!" Eggman gloated. Still not realizing that Sonic was listening to everything. "What would be?" Sonic wondered. "With this power ring, I shall revive Zero and I shall give him the ultimate body with which to defeat Sonic!" Eggman ranted. "I wouldn't say your body is ultimate Eggman!" Sonic joked. "You again?! Shouldn't you be partying with your so called team?" Eggman said. "There was no Wii yet, so I went for a run, and who else but you would I run into?" Sonic replied. "Grrr, I've got to get that ring!" Eggman said. "Not gonna happen!" Sonic countered. Sonic runs towards the power ring and grabs it first. "NO!" Eggman cried. "Hmmph, you should know by now that I can get ANYWHERE before you can!" Sonic taunted. "Oh yeah? Watch this!" Eggman said. Eggman pushed a button on his console and Eggman suddenly disappeared. "What the?!" Sonic reacted. Eggman reappeared behind him and took the ring from him. "Hey!" Sonic yelled. "Why thank you Sonic!" Eggman taunted. "What's with the disappearing act?" Sonic asked. "Don't you mean...Chaos Control?!" Eggman said. "Impossible! Only me, Shadow, and QuickSilver can use Chaos Control!" Sonic said. "There was one more Sonic, and I'm going to bring him back to life! Farewell Sonic!" Eggman pushed the button again and teleported away. "Another? Who?" Sonic wondered. "I've got to tell the others!" Sonic said. And he took off at full speed.

With Eggman

(Chaos Control wears off and Eggman appears inside the (yet again) Death Egg)

"Welcome back master." Marx said. "Ohhh I hate that Sonic!" Eggman said immediately. "Did he stop your plan?" Marx inquired. "No, the plan is still in action. Now prepare to witness the ultimate feat in science!" Eggman said. Eggman placed the power ring inside a capsule and pulled a lever, closing the capsule. Then he pushed another button, and the capsule started flashing, and slowly, the figure of an eyeball started materializing inside the capsule. "Yes! It's working!" Eggman said. Eggman stopped the machine and the ring disappeared, leaving a fully revived Zero in it's place. "Yes! I've done it! I've revived Zero!" Eggman said. "Now, pull the lever and let him out Marx." Eggman ordered. Marx went over and pulled the lever. All of a sudden, a window opened up inside the Death Egg and the vacuum of space started to suck out lots of scientific stuff. "WRONG LEVER MARX!!" Eggman yelled. (Marx closes the window and pulls the correct lever) "My apologies master." Marx said. "Why do we even have that lever?" Eggman moaned. Zero floated out of the capsule. "Welcome back Zero, now stay over there whilst I create your new body!" Eggman said. Eggman went up to the machine and placed a bracelet inside the capsule, and placed the Chaos Emerald inside a socket in the machine. "With this bracelet, and the Chaos Emerald, I will re-create Sonic's greatest challenge!" Eggman said. Eggman pushed the button again, and the capsule started flashing once more. "It's working!" A silver hedgehog started materializing inside the capsule. "Yes! The negative power of the emerald is re-creating...Nazo!!" Eggman cheered. The capsule stopped flashing, and inside stood a lifeless hedgehog. "Now Zero! Take that body! And become the most powerful being Sonic will ever face!" Eggman ordered. Zero floated towards the body and shrunk down to get inside just as he did with Sonic. The Nazo clone began moving, and it's eyes flashed red like with Sonic, then they turned normal. And there stood a perfect copy of Nazo. "Well Zero? How do you feel?" Eggman asked. Zero replied with Nazo's voice: I am...NAZO 3!

Back at the party

Hey Shadow! You want to join the brawl tourney?" Daze asked. "Hmmph, I guess I'll have to show you the ultimate power." Shadow said in his typical style. (Shadow chooses Wolf) "Alright, I choose...Daze!" Daze said. (Shadow raises his eyebrow) "Check this out! I hacked the game and made Sonic green! Now he looks like me!" Daze said. "And that's supposed to be an improvement?" Satsuki joked. "Did Myst tell you to torture me before he went and killed himself?" Daze asked annoyed. "No, he's telling me to do so now." Satsuki replied. (Daze makes a confused face and turns away) "That girl is in major denial, Myst is dead!" Daze thought.

Back with Sonic

"I've got to get there now! If I know Eggman, he's probably already started his big plan." Sonic thought. (Sonic looks up and sees a silver hedgehog with a red aura flying across the sky) "No! It can't be! We killed him on Angel Island!" Sonic said to himself. (Sonic picks up the pace)

Back at the shop

"The winner is...Ashley!" Tails called out. "Well, you're pretty good at this." Dash said. "You put up a good fight though." Ashley said. "Hmmm, I want a rematch." Dash said. "You're on!" Ashley said playfully. "I don't like this game, I'm going outside to pick some flowers, will you go with me Tails?" Cream asked. "Gulp, how can I say no to eyes like that?" Tails thought while looking into Creams big brown eyes. "Sure Cream." Tails said. (They walk outside) "Those two make a cute couple." Sped said. "I'm glad Tails is hanging with Cream, he hasn't been that close to a girl since Cosmo died." Amy said. "Who?" Sped asked confused. "It's a long story. I'll explain later if there's time." Amy replied. "Fair enough." Sped said. (Note from EP....I might add the story of Cosmo as an unlockable scene) (Cream is humming a song while she makes one of her signature flower crowns) "How do I look Tails?" Cream asked smiling cutely. "You look great Cream. You..." Tails stopped midsentence. "What is it Tails?" Cream asked. "How sweet, it makes me want to throw up." a sinister voice said. (Cream turns around and finds Nazo staring down at her) "T-Tails?" she said fearfully. "How can you be alive? We defeated you once and for all!" Tails exclaimed. "Never underestimate a pure chaos being!" Nazo replied. (Nazo takes another step towards Cream) "Stay away from her Nazo!" Tails said stepping in front of her. "And what if I don't?" Nazo said. "Or I'll stop you myself!" Tails said trying to be brave. "Hmmph, out of way weakling!" Nazo exclaimed. (Nazo swings his arm and sends Tails flying back into the shop) "What's going on?!" Dash asked. (Tails groans before answering) "I-It's N-Nazo." Tails struggled to say. "What?!" Shadow growled. (Shadow runs outside followed closely by Dash and his crew, with Tails limping behind them) "It can't be!" Shadow said. "Nazo! He's back! But how?!" Knuckles growled. "Correction my echidna adversary, Nazo 3!" Nazo/Zero said. "It's Zero! He's in Nazo's body!" Tails realized. "Correct, now, if anyone moves, this little bunny here gets toasted." Nazo threatened. "No! You won't hurt Cream!" Tails exclaimed. (Tails fires an energy ball from his hand cannon) "How cute, a baseball. batter up!" Nazo taunted. (Nazo punches it back at Tails) (Tails dives away) "No one can match my power!" Nazo exclaimed. "I'll take that challenge!" Shadow yelled. "Ha ha ha ha! This body has memory of you Shadow, and you don't stand a chance on your own." Nazo/Zero said. "He's not alone. He's got us!" Dash said. "No matter, then you will all die!" Nazo/Zero said. (Nazo pushes Cream aside) (The team charged towards the reincarnated Nazo while Tails helped the crying Cream up with whatever strength he had left) "HA HA HA HA! Insects! You can not defeat me!" Nazo laughed as he flicked the team away one by one. "We'll see about that!" Someone said. "WHAT?!" Nazo turn around and sees Sonic charging towards him. (Sonic gives Nazo an Axe kick) "Hmmph. Is that all you got? How pathetic." Nazo grunted. Nazo smacks Sonic aside and bangs him into the wall. "OUCH!" Sonic cries. "SONIC!" (Amy runs to Sonic's side) "I'm ok Ames." He said reassuring her. "I don't care how powerful you are! Together we can finish this here and now!" Sonic said. "Come now Sonic, this is no place for an epic battle, if you are truly serious about facing me, then bring your team and meet me on the Death Egg in space." Nazo said. "And how are we supposed to get there?!" Dash exclaimed. "That's your problem, on the Death Egg Sonic. That's where you'll face me." Nazo said before Chaos Controlling out of what remained of Daze's shop. "We're in trouble." Dash stated flatly.

I love Jesus! Do you?
