Chaos's fanfics old: Long post inside

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 Started: Nov 13 2007, 09:46 AM
The birth of fire; My first Fanfic.....
Side Story------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fireyo, the son of Sonic, has strange powers. The most obvious being he can control fire. Sonic has been kidnapped, so Fireyo sets of to look for him, and all heck breaks loose.......

REMEMBER! This is set 8 years after the events of the final Sonic game. Expect differences people, like later on in the story, Eggman.jr.jr!

Chapter 1
Part one: A black Shadow


Fireyo gathered his supplies, and set of into the jungle. Through vines and trees he
ran, desperately looking everywhere for the one who has kidnapped his dad. The sky could barely be seen through the thick treetops. Then, a sound caught his ears. He could hear something hovering up in the sky. He lit a fire by snapping his fingers, and set a tree on fire, burning it to ashes in seconds. He noticed it wasn't what he expected.

A black Echidna was holding on too a helicopter, it then jumped down and glided to where Fireyo was. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!" shouted the echidna. "Incase you didn't notice, I was standing on that tree! I'm lucky a helicopter was flying by!" The echidna's fists started glowing, electricity was burning them. "Know your gonna get it hedgehog, your dead!"

With a smash that could be heard miles away, the hedgehog fainted, but came around quickly. "So you think your smart?" Said Fireyo. He then walked away into the deep jungle, with the black echidna behind him. When Fireyo was out of his site he bellowed "and for the record, my name is Knucklater!". The Echidna stormed of, leaving a trail of black smoke behind him.

Chapter 1
Part two: The doctor revealed!

"If I see that Echidna again......." murmered Fireyo. It was miday, birds where calling eachother up in the air, and the sun was managing to shine through, giving fireyo a sense of hope. While he was walking, he stumbled upon something. A one man aircraft, a rusty one. A note was there. "To my son, Eggman jr. go seek out Sonic the hedgehog, and his newly born son. Take Amy rose if you must." No signature was on it, just a small blot of ink.

He saw a small aircraft resembling the one next to him through the treetrunks. He started climbing up them hoping for a better view. A boy, a 16 to 17 year old one was up in the sky. Fireyo realised what he must do at once. "Hey, you! I don't normally say this....but...sorry......." the echidna shouted. Then, Fireyo was swept of his feet by a bag that quickly closed him inside itself. "Hey you, my friend is in that bag, let him go!" said the Echidna angrily.

"He's mine now, knucklater. I know your dad, knuckles. Now come any closer and he will be dead as well!" Yelled Eggman jr. Fireyo was being taken away, his dad close by him inside Eggman's craft. "Don't worry, i'm coming for ya!" Said Knucklater, running so fast he could barely speak.

Chapter 1
Part 3: Rapped in vines!

Knucklater was running, and fast. He was running so fast he knew he coudn't keep it up for much longer. Then- luck hit them. As Eggman was flying through the treetops, he crashed into a large rock. Fireyo fell out of the bag, and landed tangled in a hoard of vines. As he struggled out of them, he saw something unbelieveable.

A skellington, a small one. The bones were shaped strangely. It seemed the when the animal was alive, it had two tails. The head was strangely big, it had two large eyesockets. A strange liquid started falling from the sky, attaching to the vines, melting through them, and absorbing into the skellington. The vines started falling rapidly, covering the skellington. They shaped round it's structure, and started covering Fireyo. He needed too do something fast. He lit a flame in his hand, then his whole body was on fire. Then skellingtom started melting, the vine wrapped around it did not.

The vines moved on towards Fireyo, they covered him, head to toe. He was still on fire and the vines still swarmed around him. They absorbed the energy Fireyo produced from the fire, and began moving towards the grass, making the shape of the fox. Then, something that would change fireyo's life for ever happened.......


Chapter 2: Green is the new black


"Hey dad, why are do you look so puzzeled?" The shape of the fox was talking. "WHAT THE-" but Fireyo was interupted. "Gonna swear infront of the baby? Not a good dad, eh?" Knucklater had appeared . "Baby, BABY! IT'S A FLIPPIN BUCH OF VINES!" "Don't be so rude" Knucklater replied. "Owch!" The vine monster had whipped Fireyo. "Looks like he is a vinewhip, gedit?" Knucklater piped out.

"Is my name Vinewhip? cool!" The monster shouted. He seemed to be smart, but didn't know how to express himself. "We are just friends, 'k?" Fireyo said. Vinewhip started to turn darker and darker.......

A strange mist was flowing out of the trees. The sky turned black. A large Shadow overcame the clouds. And Vinewhip was causing it.
The skies were black, the trees were dead, and Vinewhip was growing bigger. "Get out of here. Now." Said Fireyo. Knucklater didn't wait, he ran out of the way. "Fireyo, I don't know whats happening, something is controlling me!" Shout Vinewhip. A blue liquid was now oozing out of him. "Long time no see, Fireyo."

The liquid had formed a human like shape, with large, black eyes. "I'm sure you remember you brother, Solar? He lost his life saving you from me, but know no-one can protect you." Fireyo had a tear in his eye. He had frgotten his long lost brother, who saved him 5 years ago. "Pretty sad isn't it? You have no family."

"Don't-you-dare-say-that." Fireyo was fuming. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Fireyo was running towards the creature, but it vanished. It then somehow talking to him. "Come to your orphanege, i'l be waiting." Fireyo rushed of, leaving Vinewhip still out of control. "This can't be good." he thought.

Fireyo had arrived at the orphanage. "Heh, so you came? So sad, your home will be your death." Said the creature "Your wondering who I am, no surprise. My name is Dark Chaos, the final boy from thye Chaos race. Every day my life energy depletes, and I need the Chaos Emeralds. Without them, I will die, and my species, extinct."

"THEN WHY THE **** DO YOU NEED ME!" Shouted Fireyo. "Simple" replied Dark Chaos. "Eggman knows the whereabouts of theese mytic gems, he only has one favour for me untill I have them. To kill you."

Fireyo was fuming. "So you took advantage of my past just to lure me here?" Fireyo asked. "Yes" said Dark Chaos. "Heh, heh............i'm......sorry*laugh*'s....*laugh*..s..o..*laugh*...laugh*......FUNNY!" Fireyo was cracking up.

"Your...laughing?" said Dark Chaos. "This is no joke......." but Fireyo couldn't contain himself. He was laughing so much he was choking.

Chapter two: Laughing, better than Metal!

"STOP IT!" shouted Dark Chaos. "Heh, heh, theres something about you....." Fireyo said. He had stopped laughing. "Your kinda sad actually. 'Cause ya think you can kill me? N.O." Dark Chaos was fuming with anger. "If ya don't mind, i'm gonna pratice airboarding." Said Fireyo, feeling relaxed. He walked out of the room, with Dark Chaos in shock. "The Hedgehog better be ready." He thought to himself.

Dark Chaos went back to report his failure. "You let him walk away?" aked Eggman. "" He went on. But then. "HA, HA, HA HA HA HA, HA HA HA, HA HA, HA, HA!" He shouted. "STOP LAUGHING!" Dark Chaos shouted, but it was no use. Chaos took his chance. He snatched the Emerald hidden in Eggman's machine, and absorbed it's power. He was growing, but eggman did nothing. He had fallen on the floor, and was struggling to get up. While that was happening Dark Chaos was growing bigger, and stronger. Eggman eventually pulled himself together, but when he looked up, a shiver went down his spine.

"Hey, Egghead. Prepare to die."



1. Terrible spelling. I was 10, and didn't have Firefox. So no spellchecker.
2. It's old. The story is so un-original, being related to Sonic and all...

Started: Feb 8 2008, 09:27 AM
The Re-Birth of Fire.; Restarting my FF.


Fireyo is a normal boy. At least, he was. Untill he gained a strange power. It was his 4th birthday. Wandering the streets, he saw a large hole filled with green liquid. This liquid was toxic. What does he do? He jumps in. Now, any normal hedgehog wouldn't survive. But it was a VERY hot day. The liquid with the heat made a devasting impact of pain, but it was liveable. Fireyo managed to get out, and realized, he could control fire. Many think this was a accident. A sad accident to a orphan. But if you go into the roots of it, a horrible truth involving a unimaginable force is at the center of it all, a force that will tilt the balance of good and evil forever. As Fireyo goes along his journey, he meets friends, enimies. Though the toxic he has is killing him. What he does with his life is his choice. Though he could determine the fate of Mobius.

Chapter 1: Playing with Fire!

"Come, Fireyo, join us.


"Join us."

"Who-who's there!"

"Your fading away, Fireyo....."

"Ah!" Fireyo woke up. "Wha.....It's my 14th birthday! Yeah! Time to party! That was just...a bad dream." Fireyo walked down from his bedroom, but what he saw shocked him. The orpahage was in flames. "Wha.....all my friends....." Fireyo was speechless. He ran outside quickly. It was a bright, sunny day. Not a cloud was in the sky. Suddenly, a strange figure appeared behind him.

"I've been waiting, Fireyo."

He was dreading it, but Fireyo looked over his shoulders. After he saw the creature, he immeaditely jumped back. It was a liquid form, a purple thing. It resembled Chaos. "Did....did you do this?"

The creature nodded.

Fireyo ran towards it. He started pounding it. "WHY ARE YOU RUNING WHAT LITTLE LIFE I HAVE!" but the punches just went through his body. Fireyo jumped back.

"Time to do what Ke'sha couldn't achieve."

"Ke'sha?" Fireyo was confused.

The liquid creature vanished. Fireyo started to walk away from the last place he had seen the creature. Then, suddenly, the creature appeared behind him. It was now red, and had a crab like shell on it's head. It's feet were big, and he had a claw like weapon on each arm. He was shining with a green glow, and was much taller than he previously was. Fireyo was transfixed on the strange creature standing behind his, even though his eyes could only see a small portion of him. Fireyo turned around to get a better look.

"You can die the easy way, or the hard way. Which one?"

"Your me-me-messing with the wroong guy."

A flame appeared in Fireyo's hand. It was the size of a football. Jumping into the air, he launched it at the creature. Anger was in his eyes. Though without warning, the creature vanished again, leaving Fireyo shocked and confused when he landed back on the ground. Though he could then hear screams coming from the city, and a strange voice seemed to whisper in his ear.

"Target sighted. Strengh viewed. Battle ready."
Chapter 2: Robot Rumble!

Fireyo heard a cry from deep in the city. He saw Freedon Fighters up in the distance, and decided to find out what was going on.

A metal robot was in the middle of the town center, with a robot and a doll behind him. He glistened in the sunlight, and had a large shoulder cannon mounted on his shoulder. The robot was black, if you had poor eyesight, you would think it was a dark hedgehog due to the spikes on it's head. It was roughly the size of Fireyo.

"Time to turn you into scrap!"

The voice came from the air. Suddenly, a large crash could be heard, and within the crater it produced, a black echidna could be seen. Fireyo was standing on a nearby building.

"Name's Knucklater. I'm the one who's gonna blast you out of the atomosphere."

"Preparing shoulder cannon. Defense active."

The robot and the doll behind him jumped in front of him.

"Oh, a robot that looks like me, and a orange doll. This is gonna be fun."

The hedgehog robot luanched a troop of missiles in the air. They were heading towards Knucklater. Before he could run, the other two robots gripped him. He had no way out. Then, a piercing bang that could be heard from miles away, ran across the city at lightning speed. Though it was not the missiles that made this sound, they were gone. Then they appeared to drop down from the sky, with a figure standing on them. The figure jumped off, and landed next to Knucklater.

"Yo, i'm Fireyo. Nice to meet ya!"
Chapter 2: A whisper in the shadows!
"This isn't the best time to talk, eh?"

"Do me A favour, go away."

"Heck, I just saved your life! Though you might be a little more grateful...."

Fireyo jumped behind him. The Metal Hedgehog seemed angry, it seemed he could show his emotions. Suddenly, a black hole appeared behind Fireyo.

"Come boy, your future awaits."

Fireyo looked back. Could this be the voice in his dreams? Is this even real? What would happen if he entered the hole? All theese questions were flooding through his mind. He started to grow tired, and everything around him seemed to drift away. He felt a Black hamd crush his body. And with that, he fainted.

Next time: Chapter 3: Into the vines!


Worse than my old one. And not as completed, although both were left un-finished....

That's all. I'll post my current one in a new topic later, due to the fact this post will get longer than it already is...
witty sig caption


i readed the whole history, ispretty good but can be better keep working on it