Your fancharacter's theme song?

Started by ChaosDazer, September 06, 2009, 07:38:50 AM

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NOTE 1: I know a topic like this has been posted, but it's a month old or such
NOTE 2: If this should be in spam please move it

Most of you don't know my characters because I don't roleplay here

But meh
Fireyo the Hedgehog-

-May be offensive to some-

Knucklater-(Who absolutely none of you will know XD)
witty sig caption


Hayuro the Dragon

Lirion the Bat

Hiperion the Hedgehog

Infernion the Demonic Hedgehog


HMS7 the hedgehog

ninja the hedgehog

and last demon the hedgehog

my sig says i love zebrahead and i do


Arrow the Hedgehog's:

Really dramatic for him... considering he's 11 XD

Story behind this: Arrow didn't always have his dark form, and Dark Arrow is REALLY REALLY powerful, so it harms everyone, even him. And he yells out, "SET ME FREE!".

Yup. I could get really deep, but I wont XD I heard this song when I was driving home from my cousin's house. My mom had it playing, and I was like, "Wow this is perfect" in my head, so I asked her what song it was, and she told me, then I looked it up on youtube XD.

My other character, Dave... he doesn't have a theme yet. I can't find a good one >.<

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> pikagir, or girchu? you decide, LOL WUT!            and DON"T SPAM!! >:(

dark rouge


Blades theme song! look at ma sig to see her! (yes its a girl!)

I am now...    ThE kNiGhT oF tHe SuRpRiSe BuTtSeCkS!

If you need any kind of help whit sprites, send me a message!


Quote from: Gleech on September 08, 2009, 01:17:58 PM
Arrow the Hedgehog's:

Really dramatic for him... considering he's 11 XD

Story behind this: Arrow didn't always have his dark form, and Dark Arrow is REALLY REALLY powerful, so it harms everyone, even him. And he yells out, "SET ME FREE!".

Yup. I could get really deep, but I wont XD I heard this song when I was driving home from my cousin's house. My mom had it playing, and I was like, "Wow this is perfect" in my head, so I asked her what song it was, and she told me, then I looked it up on youtube XD.

My other character, Dave... he doesn't have a theme yet. I can't find a good one >.<
wow i have not heard that song in 4 years