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Pikmin RP

Started by Light the Hedgehog, September 25, 2009, 03:17:39 PM

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Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: *walks outside* what the crap are you talking abou-HOLY CRAP IT'S A GIANT RED BULBORB!


-looks to the ground in fear-

iec: awww were gonna die

-as i see a plant-

iec: awww i dosnt matter any more

-pulls out th plant its a red pikmin-

Light the Hedgehog

Red: JESUS! i've been waiting a long time to get out of there!


Light the Hedgehog

Red: i am a red pikmin. but, i am the one of 6 pikmin named after the color. my name is red


iec: hmm hi im iec iec the hedgehog and can you do something about this bug!!!

Light the Hedgehog

Red: OF COURSE! *jumps on the bug and sets it on fire, then the bug dies* could you help me with this?

Light, Stpehen and Tiger: *helps red bring the bug to the red onion, and the bug is turned into pikmin seeds*



Light the Hedgehog

Red: we're tiny, yet mighty!


Elana:...Eh *picks up purple pikmin* And what is

Light the Hedgehog

Purple: uh.....

Red: that's Purple.


Light the Hedgehog

Red: no. he's just a fat retard.

Purple: duh....whut?


iec: he seems a bit chuby to me

Light the Hedgehog

Purple *in cartman-like voice, yelling at red*: I'M NOT FAT! I'M BIG BONED! *jumps down and kicks red in the shin*

Red: OW! WHY YOU!!! *jumps on purple and they start fighting*