Got beaten up by a gang of four :'(

Started by Jordan teh Echidna, September 28, 2009, 05:05:33 AM

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Quote from: JetTheHawk on October 15, 2009, 12:47:23 PM
fail, they're not ganna care when someone is telling them off on the internet where they can't hurt him, that'll just piss them off more >_>
Have you learned this from experience?
Sig attempt #7!

I am the Knight of Bright Blue Test Tube Sentient Beings! In your Face!
a-lad wuz here :P


Quote from: SonicFan47 on October 15, 2009, 01:08:54 PM
Have you learned this from experience?
no, i just got jumped from behind, and after that rearranged the guys face with a crowbar, wanna see it? jk XD


To tell you the truth I get beat up every week by a guy a named Nathan Hale.  I hate getting beat up though, so I've decided to work out.


Quote from: NiGHTS on September 28, 2009, 05:52:03 AM
ooh lol

last time someone hit me in the street there was 5 of them they headbutted my ear i walked on then hit me in the eye and as soon as I went to flatten the guy they ran liek fuck >:C

i then found a shiney penny i mean it was so shiney =0

but anyway one trick that always works and requires the right kind of music

let them get in a circle round you then take of your shoes and do a "shoe rave" and just franticly beat the sense out of them all xD
again u neeed the right kind of music

Thats it.

Not the entire sonic zone gets there and kicks their faces.







Quote from: Mikey the Echidna on September 28, 2009, 05:05:33 AM
Well *ahem* today, i was walking to my bro's and sis's school, until i remembered that i had to walk home.
I started walking home, then i saw these 3 kids, around my age, behind the trees talking, so i ignored it, then i saw them chasing after me so i raaannnn.
I ran past cars, across a loonng roundabout, down this really steep hill, and i was frickin' TIRED. I then saw they stopped so i carried on walkin'.
Then they called over a friend bigger than me, i told them to go away, then started running again, i ran through an entire mall, and i was tired like s***.
One grabbed me and started kicking my privates, but i walked away, then he did it twice more, then a white boy pushed me, i almost fell over but i got up.
Then i walked away again, he shouted to not to walk off then grabbed my hair i said what they wanted from me and he said that i shouted suck your mum.
I said, i don't use that kind of language to people i don't know, then he shouted DONT LIE and smashed me into the ground, then i got angry and grabbed his hair and pushed him away in self defence.
Then the rest of the kids kicked me in the face, and my back, now i have a swollen lip and my face is bleeding.
This man came over and stopped it, and told them to say sorry. So they did, but obviously they didnt mean it.
This woman then came over and gave me money to go on the bus, i did and that's it >.< MAN it was SO painful...

Well the question on my mind is, what did you do to provoke these assholes? Because in all truth and honesty, no one is just going to randomly jump you for no reason.
Unless these are some kind of super-chavs with epic chav-powers or some shit.

Anyway here's a popsicle for your trouble:

Quote from: NiGHTS on September 28, 2009, 05:43:21 AM
get me a boat ticket and ill be right over >:C
*gives Nights a boat ticket*

Quote from: JetTheHawk on October 15, 2009, 01:17:32 PM
no, i just got jumped from behind, and after that rearranged the guys face with a crowbar, wanna see it? jk XD

Jordan teh Echidna

no seriously...they just jumped me, when the police questioned me i heard there had be a lot of unprovoked attacks recently, so ya =\
Pesterchum = sirJayden




Ouch, Must of hurt. :( I get bullyed, they suck :(

Chaos Swissroll

Too bad, but I never get a chance to fight because people aren't bullies.
I'd push crush their heads by throwing them on each other, POW.


Quote from: Chaos Swissroll on October 24, 2009, 01:48:51 AM
Too bad, but I never get a chance to fight because people aren't bullies.
I'd push crush their heads by throwing them on each other, POW.

Chaos Swissroll

Or even better, run to the nearest police station and get those idiots to leave you alone.