Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

Started by ChaosDazer, October 01, 2009, 04:59:19 AM

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I think it's better alone, but I feel the need of having a girlfriend


Pretty casual relationship with this Asian girl.
She's not hot, but she's certainly not ugly, and she's just so charming. -drool-

Jazz Nova

Apparently, I'm "cool." Some of my friends are considered "nerds" (although that's not really an insult)
I'm kinda shy, so...
Like ya...
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


Quote from: x$álásháwty|xCátpirè|Ellèxi on November 08, 2010, 07:30:07 PM
That would make him pedophile'd because he's 19 and you can prolly remember my age

Anyways, no more guessing
Well you said in a few years. It'll be legal in about 8. :P

OK. :3

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o



I'm not really sure anymore. There's been so much drama involved in my personal life, that I'm not even sure which way is up. I don't know if she likes me for real or not, the other girl I'm attracted to sends me mixed signals. I really don't know what to do.

I love Jesus! Do you?

Prower 007

Single and content. But I sure could use a boyfriend. Maybe I should look for one, you know, go out of the typical way and ask the guy instead of the guy asking me like it usually goes.


i have to say getting a girlfriend is hard... but my friend (who happen to be a pervert not calling out name) really knows how to get a girl, he have like four girlfriend and he told me the only way to make a girl like you is to talk to her you know like  "hello how are you?" and some more question (girls like to talk about herself) and make sure you don't say somethink stupet like "um... hellllo , like you do you like me?" or somethink stupet so try and know her better like what she likes, what she do or somethink oh and be open with her in other words, don't be afraid of making a question, you never know what will happen but it may work out well.
p.s. i don't have a girlfriend but i think she like me...

Prower 007

Quote from: supersonic200 on November 12, 2010, 11:06:52 AM
i have to say getting a girlfriend is hard... but my friend (who happen to be a pervert not calling out name) really knows how to get a girl, he have like four girlfriend and he told me the only way to make a girl like you is to talk to her you know like  "hello how are you?" and some more question (girls like to talk about herself) and make sure you don't say somethink stupet like "um... hellllo , like you do you like me?" or somethink stupet so try and know her better like what she likes, what she do or somethink oh and be open with her in other words, don't be afraid of making a question, you never know what will happen but it may work out well.
p.s. i don't have a girlfriend but i think she like me...

That's some pretty good advice...But it's kind of wrong for him to cheat on four different girls at once.

Spirit Dragon

I've never had a girlfriend although now there are these 2 girls that like me but I don't really think that a 15 year old should date a 10 year old but the other is 12. Hmm, looks like I've got something to think about.


I have a girlfriend as well, she's just plain awesome. A bit shy, though. But I think that's what I love the most about her~<3


Similiar to what Chaos Dazer said,I'm not going crazy over it and I really dont care if I have one or not.Again,Like Chaos Dazer said,it won't last a week anyway.
Expert spriter at ur service :p
I also write fanfiction :p
And draw fan art :p
And hack SSBB brawl -shot-


Yes, and she's a year older than me also, she's 14.


Older girls always love me and i also do a have a gf


I have a boyfriend I am very content with, he makes me happy beyond happy. <3