adventures of the inhabitants of mobius

Started by darkness shadow, November 05, 2008, 12:14:41 PM

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He came jumping out behind Aurum, "Niiiiice!!!" he yelled as he landed behind Aurum, "That was AWESOME!" He said as he made another one, "Come on guys! Lets go!" he said as he went half in and looked back at them and motioned for them to follow.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


"This world will be mine!" Raiden yelled from the portal.
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^


"Come on hurry! I have another portal open to Earth!! Lets go! Also if you're wondering, this is a different earth from mine, because its pretty much the same dimension as this planet..."

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

aurum: ok! goes to the portal waitin so he can go through
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Alex went back into the portal. The area was all purple and dark looking, "This must be one of the things i was feeling inside," he said, then pointed to another portal that poped up when he pointed, "That way!"

OOC: speaking on Orginazation XIII powers, i may not be on today because im gonna be finishing my old speed run of KH and starting KH II so i might not be on much... or at all :/ idk

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

aurum: *gos in, but gets shocked as he enters* ugh!!! wha? i can't enter...
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"Must be because of the dark energy..." He said, "What should we do..?"

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

aurum: i'll go my way, tell me what around you on the other side of the portal, so i can chaos control there
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"So you need me to tell you what i see so you can teleport there because you just need to know what the area looks like?"

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

aurum: yeah, otherwise i might end up else where
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"Got it!" Alex said as he put his hood up and went through the portal to this dimension's earth. "I see tall buildings, exlposions, a park, a lake, and people running..." yelled.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"I think i might see Raiden!"

OOC: LOL  the music im listening to is perfect for right now.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

aurum: ok, i'll just go, i'll find you later *warps of*
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"OK!" Alex said as he stepped out of the portal and it closed behind him.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!