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Started by Jordan teh Echidna, October 30, 2009, 06:42:53 AM

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Jordan teh Echidna

I got this storyline from Half-Life, don't steal it >:C lol /fail

In an underground facility, vaguely known by the outside world, you are on your way to doing your usual job, you're being carried to the entrance of the compound by a metal monorail-like object around a long track, while you listen to the lady on the speakers telling you a lot of things about the compound which you already know. It is 8 years ino the future, when things are beginning to darken a little, but the sky is as bright as you were in high school.  "Welcome to the Blue Mesa compound, please show your ID to exit the monorail".

*computer beeping noises*

Nickname/scientific name:

"Enter the required information to proceed into the facility"

Name: Mikey
Nickname/scientific name: Mickey, Dr. M, Mr. hedgechidna.
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Education: Ph.D, MIT, Theoretical Physics.
Species: Unknown (OOC: can not identify cross-breeds :o)
Personality: Mikey is a Happy-go-lucky Echidna, always tries to keep positive and upbeat. He has been doing the job for four years and knows a lot of the scientists ^^
Family: None
History: Mikey was once half robotic, and raged and attacked all his friends. One of his friends sort of helped him once by pushing him into a lake and malfunctioned him, stopping his rage. He disappeared once while having a surgery by his friends, and landed in the middle of nowhere! His armour fell of somehow eventually due to the extreme conditions of freezing snow, boiling hot steam and drenching rain. He was found unconscious by a volcano by a so called "long lost relative" who lived in a sacred land named the fieracanoes. He got a fire stone which he has always been keeping with him and he trekked on, not really sure of where his goal was. About halfway through tis trek he found one sign of civilization, an area which seemed very vaguely familiar when he saw it. It was a freedom fighter base lead by a hedgehog named Arrow. Mikey had realized that this hedgehog was his best friend after a while and that to find him was his life-long goal. They set up again in a force to destroy Robotnik but nobody, not even Mikey could remember what happened to end that story. All he knew was that the last thing he could remember was Arrow's thumbs up, putting on a science coat and getting this job. He is still not sure, even after 4 years, where Arrow is. He thinks that he may be working in the deeper parts of the Blue Mesa compound that he hasn't even seen yet due to his lack of experience in quite a lot of science subjects.

1. No godmoddyness, meaning no destroying big bosses hits.
2. No doing this style of roleplaying "Bob: i am doing the somethings =P"
3. Use proper vocabulary, meaning no type of computer language while you are talking. Act like a real person. "Bob: U iz teh lolz of meh 1337 club"
4. No rushing the storyline or going straight to where all the bad guys come in, let the storyline go slowly.
5. When we get weapons i will make something saying: "---GOT WEAPON CROWBAR---" then that's when you get to use them, you can't use them before that, you wouldn't really bring a rocket launcher to work would you? Becuase you don't know about what will happen in the future =P
6. You can't be one of those people who can "go super without the chaos emeralds". I will say when you can go super, most likely near when we're defeating Eggilanth.
7. No teleporting...

Enjoy ^^

Places open:
5 physics scientists who work with me and go along with me.
Anyone can sign up to be the army, but they try to kill anyone involved in the incident, meaning that you are technically a bad guy...
Anyone can be aliens too

After he showed his ID to the camera, Mikey observed the passing scenery, from a huge missile "Safety? Pfff yeah, right!" to a helicopter taking off. On the way he spotted a peculiar looking blue business hedgehog with a briefcase. He had never seen him before "Maybe he's signing up to the job!" Mikey said. He then sat down and watched as the other scientists showed their ID to the camera.

Pesterchum = sirJayden


can i join?

Nickname/scientific name:Shad Shade
Education:All sorts of martial arts and a class for how to use CHaos controll and all that(Got a A in that ;))
Personality:Shade is a cool,funny and adventurous Hedgehog who will risk his life for any living being...
Family:doesn't have one
History:does not have a very long history.but the first person he ever trusted was HMS7...

Jordan teh Echidna

Mikey saw Prof. Shade present his ID, so he called to him "Hey Shad! what you doin' at Blue Mesa today eh? I got this job which includes pushing a cart with a chaos emerald into a portal...dunno what'll happen but i hope the results are very satisfactory" He put on his trademark face and sat next to Shade while the others were getting their ID cards indentified.
Pesterchum = sirJayden


"Yeah,i'm going in today into the project to power it up.And the boss said you would also with me"

Jordan teh Echidna

Quote from: Shadow26 on October 30, 2009, 07:43:33 AM
"Yeah,i'm going in today into the project to power it up.And the boss said you would also with me"

"Ahhh, good, i wonder what you look like in an H.E.V suit too, i hardly ever see you, i bet you'll look epic" Mikey said to Shade.
Pesterchum = sirJayden


"Hehe,you too"Shade said to Mikey


ooc can i join
name HMS7 the hedgehog
nickname/siencename:HMS7 dr.H
AGE 19
eduction:phd in science and a masters in guitar (when boerd)
specis:(my last name is hedgehog stupid)
personialty:smart but will say random things
history:is the last of his kind so he wants to clone him self and make his history being anew

Jordan teh Echidna

Mikey saw HMS7 sit in front of them and he poked his shoulder "Heyy Dr.H, wut you doin' today at your part of the compound?"
Pesterchum = sirJayden


dr.H saw mickey and said "not much got to stableize the mega freeion in my lab and make it so when u open the canistor it dont kill u when u drink it u "


Jordan teh Echidna

"oooo, interesting"...he slowed turn back and said to Shade " well the job description said that i'll have 5 people helping me with this, most likely you two, i need three more...hmmm"
Pesterchum = sirJayden



Jordan teh Echidna

The monorail had come to a complete stop now "Well, looks like we're gonna have to meet the rest while we're here!" he said, waiting for the security guard to open the door. He got up and saw that the guard was indeed taking his time..."HURRY UP OLD MAN!! I WANNA DO MY JOB >:C" he shouted sarcastically
Pesterchum = sirJayden


dr.H:hey calm down we should not work when we are mad lol

Jordan teh Echidna

Finally the guard opened the monorail door and Mikey walked out along with HMS7 and Shade "paha, you failed, i shouted out sarcastically, hahaha" Mikey laughed. They walked down the catwalk to the entrance and  the guard took his time opening a huge door opened leading to the hallway to the reception.
Pesterchum = sirJayden