Sonic Chronicles...Chapter 11: a new begining

Started by Light the Hedgehog, November 13, 2008, 03:12:02 PM

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Elana:s-shadow telaport me to geareld ...please...

Light the Hedgehog

Shadow: chaos....control!!! *teleports elana and himself to Gerald*

Gerald: SHADOW! what's wrong?!

Shadow: light went beserk and nearly destroyed Mazuri. then he sent him self to the un-demention.


me: i was hurting everyone in Mazuri... what have i done....

*solo appears*

me: SOLO!

Solo: i'm not here for a rematch light. CHAOS CONTROL! *teleports me to gerald*

me: *backs toward a wall* n-no! S-s-stop! STAY AWAY! *goes beserk again and leaves the lab*


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> pikagir, or girchu? you decide, LOL WUT!            and DON"T SPAM!! >:(


Elana:this is all my fault i know why all thase enimys are here ...
eggman has always wanted my powers so insted of coming here himself he  sends robots to capture me

Light the Hedgehog

me *still beserk*: *goes into space and unleashes my true power* Chaos....PLANET BUSTER!!!!! *splits the world into 7 peices*


*ground rumbels*
Elana:i knew this would happen...*breaks down crying*

Light the Hedgehog

me: *my eyes turn grey again and i see what i've done*...what have i done....

Light Gaia (not Chip): light...the...hedgehog....


Light Gaia: Light weren't created from Black Doom's blood, you were created from mine...i only disguised my self as Black Doom....

me: *a crystal road appears infront of me*... *walks forward*...

Light Gaia: you...are a part of me... a part of me that takes care of the planet when i'm not around....

me: so a peice of you?

Light Gaia:...yes....

me *childish*: DADDY I LOVE YOU! *hugs light gaia and my tail is shaking* (lol, Doomed Shadow show rip off)

Light Gaia:...*picks me up* Light the hedgehog, my son. since you split the planet apart the Chaos Emeralds lost their power. you must restore them...NOW GO! *throws me down at Apotos*



Elana:what the bloody hell was that...oh it was light

Light the Hedgehog

me: *crash lands in Apotos* head.....


*teleaports to Apotos*...hehe
(my char has an apotos outfit) shadow your brother is ova here

Light the Hedgehog

me:...Elana? *looks at the Chaos Emeralds* THE CHAOS EMERALDS! they really did lose their power....and it's my fault.....

Shadow: don't worry, together we'll restore the Chaos Emeralds and the planet.

me: ALRIGHT! LOOKS LIKE THERE'S A NEW ADVENTURE AHEAD OF US! let's get to the Apotos Planet Gate!


Light the Hedgehog

me: *brings out a Chaos Emerald, the energy around it restores it* wow.....


Elana:so we just restore power to the chaos emeralds...easy...
*mumbels* good thin my mom isint here if she saw thos chaos emeralds she would freak...

Light the Hedgehog

me: everyone, i'll give you two of the 6 remaining Chaos Emeralds left to restore. Tiger, you will go to Holoska and Spagonia, Shadow, you will go to *shudders* Eggman Land and Adabat, Elana you will go to Empire City and Mazuri. when you restore the Chaos Emeralds, meet me at Professor Pickle's Lab.