What's your fav animal(s)?

Started by HereAndThere, November 14, 2009, 08:26:21 PM

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I just got this idea popping up a few days ago when i came from school.

I have alot of fav animals, so i can't relly choose, but here are "The top 10" of my favs:

So whut are yours?
EDIT:Added 5 more of my fav animals.


Tigers and hedgehogs. I've owned two hedgehogs when I was a kid. Their names were Sonic and Amy of course. I want to get another one eventually. I'd like to get a white one since my other two were brown. I'll name him Silver. If I can only get a brown one, I guess I'll name him Shadow. lol

They make good pets. As for Tigers, I couldn't imagine having one of those. lol


Quote from: Joseppi on November 14, 2009, 09:38:34 PM
Tigers and hedgehogs. I've owned two hedgehogs when I was a kid. Their names were Sonic and Amy of course. I want to get another one eventually. I'd like to get a white one since my other two were brown. I'll name him Silver. If I can only get a brown one, I guess I'll name him Shadow. lol

They make good pets. As for Tigers, I couldn't imagine having one of those. lol
I've never had any other pets exepct cats and dogs plus a hamster.

I'd want a hedgehog now.
And i didn't know there was white hedgehogs in real life O.O


Yup there are white ones too.

I was at a pet swap meet once and saw a white one that had black tips on it's quills. It was byfar the coolest looking hedgehog I've ever seen.


Quote from: Joseppi on November 14, 2009, 09:45:49 PM
Yup there are white ones too.

I was at a pet swap meet once and saw a white one that had black tips on it's quills. It was byfar the coolest looking hedgehog I've ever seen.
Tha hedgehog looks cool and is cute.

I wish i would have a hedgehog of my own =(


*thinks* umm *thinks more*

1) wolves <3
2) tigers and other big cats 
3) border collies and huskies <3 i seen this wolf/husky mix i was just liek OMGOMGOMG <3333
4) domestic cats :3
5) rabbits i had a rabbit that grunted and attacked things and stole food and chased birds and cats <3 it was soo cute and it like threw tantrums and ran behind the chair and banged its feet and lay on the floor beside me looking attentionz <3

and many more X3

Chaos Swissroll

1.Hedgehogs lol
2.Human, always did me good
3.cats, they are warm and work as cushions in winter.
4.dogs, they can guard the gate and does not hurt as much as cats except for biting
5.birds, they sing well


Quote from: Chaos Swissroll on November 14, 2009, 11:42:23 PM

2.Human, always did me good

Okay...That sounds kinda wierd....I get a little bit of a other idea from this one...


3.Elephants ;D

those are my top 3


Quote from: Shadow26 on November 16, 2009, 04:33:47 AM
3.Elephants ;D

those are my top 3
At least someone got that you can list as much of your fav animals as you want.
Lions FTW (That's symbol of Finnish (:< )



1. Wolf
2. Hedgehog
3. Cheetah
4. Bats
Those are my favorite animals


Quote from: Shadow84786 on November 18, 2009, 01:03:41 AM
1. Wolf
2. Hedgehog
3. Cheetah
4. Bats
Those are my favorite animals
OFF-TOPIC: Shadow!!! I haven't seen you on for a while.

BOT (lol Back On Topic is BOT in short XD) :
Seems like almost everyone puts hedgehogs on their top 5.
And no one seems to like bats exepct you

Chaos Swissroll

Quote from: jeexx on November 16, 2009, 04:29:56 AM
Okay...That sounds kinda wierd....I get a little bit of a other idea from this one...
Nah, think about your parents and you wouldn't think of it weird.


Quote from: Chaos Swissroll on November 18, 2009, 03:29:57 AM
Nah, think about your parents and you wouldn't think of it weird.
That adivce made it worse D: