OoC::Okay Character Bio?

Started by Dracoslythe, November 17, 2009, 01:00:51 PM

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So I'm signing up for a RP on Gaia, and I wanna know, does this sound okay for a character bio?
The creator didn't want too much detail on the profiles, but he wanted them to be more than one sentence...
(the random generic insult thing was a "put this in your bio if your read the rules" thing)
I drew this picture for a different anthro Pokemon RP, but they were closed and starting before I could get my profile in.  >.<


Me? I'm Gardevoir, but you can call me Misery.
Of course I'm a Gjinka!
I'm also sort of different. Here, listen. Misery is a shy, quiet creature.  She goes down very easily, having low defenses and is physically weak.  Her mind is her strongest weapon, despite her physical inability.  She is very agile, and very kind once you befriend her.  Misery, despite her name, is the optimistic, always look to the bright side type.  She would do anything for her friends, and in return, would do anything to make her enemies suffer, as she can also be very merciless.  She loves music, especially music that one can dance to; a strong love of techno, if you will.
Do we have to bring that up? The girl was a quiet one.  She was always a smart one too.  She was the goody goody straight-A student who never got in trouble, but was everyone knew that there was more than meets the eye, a wild side.  One solemn, Saturday morning, Myeli (My-lei) decided that she wanted to take a walk.  Fate would have it, she saw some thug-like people creeping about before, always leading some of her neighbors, and even friends to a faraway place.  She had no idea where they were taking them.  Curiosity got the best of Myeli, and she decided to follow the thugs.  She thought she had got away with it, until a hard, cold hand grabbed her.  "What do you think you're doing, little girl?  Heh, you should come with me..."  She tried to break free, but couldn't.  She was slowly led, like the people she saw before, to an isolated, deserted-looking factory.
I guess I forgot... Misery really really really likes abstract art.  It seems to calm her down, like a visual lullaby.
My favorite color? Well, I'd say Light green
That name seems familiar... Synchronictiy
r a n d o m g e n e r i c i n s u l t <3


yeah,it's cool. 8) It's a new pokemon! :D

darkness shadow

well i can expect gleech 2 avoid here, it's a pokeman, he hates pokemanz... and pokemon
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Quote from: darkness shadow on November 18, 2009, 06:09:12 AM
well i can expect gleech 2 avoid here, it's a pokeman, he hates pokemanz... and pokemon
lol wow that was late.

I already told draco that I couldn't honestly say that this was good or not, due to my hatred towards Poking the Mon. Anyway she told me it was already accepted.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!