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Started by Gleech, November 24, 2009, 06:45:51 AM

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Quote from: HMS7 on February 06, 2010, 06:49:05 AM
i wasnt tryin to take it out on others
i just wanted them to stop spamming the topic with that fight V_V

and im tryin to its just i have been friends with them for 13 years and its one of the reason i love helping ppl

and my unlce was the one who helped keep me from oding before i met kels
and my cousin is in a comma and imma lose him soon
becuz the doctors said he maybe in the comma for the rest of his life TTTTT_TTTTT
Dude, it will be alright as long as you have God, trust me I know how you feel because, I have been run over by a car, acedentaly killed my aunt, trying to live out the rest of my days before my kidneys fail and I die (I have a kidney infection) and I just got over a concussion from a car crash a few days ago.  Trust me if I made it through all the s*** I went through in my life it has been because of God.  Btw not to be rude or nosey but how did 5 of your know.


Quote from: Sonic360 on February 06, 2010, 07:02:46 AM
Dude, it will be alright as long as you have God, trust me I know how you feel because, I have been run over by a car, acedentaly killed my aunt, trying to live out the rest of my days before my kidneys fail and I die (I have a kidney infection) and I just got over a concussion from a car crash a few days ago.  Trust me if I made it through all the s*** I went through in my life it has been because of God.  Btw not to be rude or nosey but how did 5 of your know.
You have been through a lot and you are still strong. That's what I love seeing in a person. Someone who will not give up no matter what happens.


Quote from: Sonic360 on February 06, 2010, 07:02:46 AM
Dude, it will be alright as long as you have God, trust me I know how you feel because, I have been run over by a car, acedentaly killed my aunt, trying to live out the rest of my days before my kidneys fail and I die (I have a kidney infection) and I just got over a concussion from a car crash a few days ago.  Trust me if I made it through all the s*** I went through in my life it has been because of God.  Btw not to be rude or nosey but how did 5 of your know.
ok 2 of my friends(andy and deisy) got killed by a murderer becuz of me(he killed them just to show me what he would do if i goit in his way agen)
my friend allie got killed in a car crash 3 days ago
and my friends
cody and jakey got in a death fight and they kinda killed each other (they are two boys) and the fight was about them odin and they were both high and they grabed knives and stabed each other TTTTT_TTTTT

and my uncle oded and now i cant ever see him agen

Quote from: sonicmaddave on February 06, 2010, 07:05:59 AM
You have been through a lot and you are still strong. That's what I love seeing in a person. Someone who will not give up no matter what happens.
i have to be now becuz kelsie needs someone like that and i dont know if after yesterday if i can be him any more V.V


Oh dude sorry I didn't know, well anyway you have to pray to God to help you get over this, look past it and move on with life, sorry but in reality you only have one chance to live your life and if you spend your life in remorse and sorrow you will have a sad life.  I will be praying for you


Quote from: Sonic360 on February 06, 2010, 09:11:25 AM
Oh dude sorry I didn't know, well anyway you have to pray to God to help you get over this, look past it and move on with life, sorry but in reality you only have one chance to live your life and if you spend your life in remorse and sorrow you will have a sad life.  I will be praying for you
ok thanks 360



Code purple - I'm really depressed tonight.  :-\


Quote from: sonicmaddave on February 10, 2010, 06:13:45 AM
Code purple - I'm really depressed tonight.  :-\
You told me everything.You can defeat her SMD.I bet you can.I bet you can make her look stupid :D


Quote from: Shadow26 on February 10, 2010, 06:14:47 AM
You told me everything.You can defeat her SMD.I bet you can.I bet you can make her look stupid :D
Yeah I know i think we are winning slowly. ;D but massive fights like this do take the toll on us. :o


Quote from: sonicmaddave on February 10, 2010, 06:16:13 AM
Yeah I know i think we are winning slowly. ;D but massive fights like this do take the toll on us. :o

I can understand that. The hentai brawls usually left me fatigued in all aspects. But the Bible says that when you do what God wants you to do, he'll always give you enough strength to continue on. Right when you think you just can't go on anymore, God will give you enough strength to keep going on, and keep going, and going.

I love Jesus! Do you?


Don't worry.
I'm gonna drive that cow off the internet and show her how small she is, if it's any consolation.
witty sig caption


Quote from: EchidnaPower on February 10, 2010, 06:18:58 AM
I can understand that. The hentai brawls usually left me fatigued in all aspects. But the Bible says that when you do what God wants you to do, he'll always give you enough strength to continue on. Right when you think you just can't go on anymore, God will give you enough strength to keep going on, and keep going, and going.

Yeah I know she keeps dragging it on when I try and end it she randomly picks fights over my comments and stuff on other people's pages despite she has me blocked and I have her blocked also. She's lost a lot of friends recently, and sickeningly her latest boyfriend was a 10 year old. :o

Quote from: ChaosDazer on February 10, 2010, 06:20:35 AM
Don't worry.
I'm gonna drive that cow off the internet and show her how small she is, if it's any consolation.
I hope she can disappear. :o


guys i  think im the first one to feel 2 codes at once X_X
im codes purple and grey
i need someone to talk to me
and i feel like i let kelsie down becuz i cant get her anything for v-da


Quote from: sonicmaddave on February 10, 2010, 06:23:13 AM
Yeah I know she keeps dragging it on when I try and end it she randomly picks fights over my comments and stuff on other people's pages despite she has me blocked and I have her blocked also. She's lost a lot of friends recently, and sickeningly her latest boyfriend was a 10 year old. :o
I hope she can disappear. :o
Uggh, a 10 year old what is she, a pedo.


Quote from: Sonic360 on February 10, 2010, 12:48:40 PM
Uggh, a 10 year old what is she, a pedo.
Yeah I know, totally disgusting. :o

Quote from: HMS7 on February 10, 2010, 10:51:32 AM
guys i  think im the first one to feel 2 codes at once X_X
im codes purple and grey
i need someone to talk to me
and i feel like i let kelsie down becuz i cant get her anything for v-da
*hugs* sorry to hear that im here for you bro