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Started by Gleech, November 24, 2009, 06:45:51 AM

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I wanna start working here. The power of God called and said that I need to help ppl. This is a way to start. I can help with all the codes, even new ones.


Quote from: SuperSonic12 on March 11, 2010, 10:04:28 AM
I wanna start working here. The power of God called and said that I need to help ppl. This is a way to start. I can help with all the codes, even new ones.
Added ;D
Quote from: Leviathan on March 11, 2010, 09:35:31 AM
I wish I had some.
Hey, what am I, a piece of meat? XD
Quote from: EchidnaPower on March 11, 2010, 06:23:21 AM
Total awesomeness and truth. +1

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Quote from: Gleech on March 11, 2010, 05:42:31 PM
Hey, what am I, a piece of meat? XD
Yesh! >:3
Nah, Jk.


RIP Justin Keith.
A few days ago, a senior at Swansboro High died in a car accident.
It wasn't until today that I really paid attention.
They showed pictures of him on the school news.
And I ended up crying for the rest of the day.  I'm still sniffling, but the worst of the tears are out.
I didn't know him by last name, just by first, which is why I didn't know who they were talking about exactly until I saw his picture.

I met him at youth group, and the last time I saw him, we were all (the Youth Group.  It was a youth group gathering/ lock-in) hanging out, playing Halo, playing guitar (he tried to teach me how to play a few things on the bass guitar, and it was fail, but we were all laughing about it), having fun.
I believe he was a Christian by the way he acted, so I'll say this for his sake...
Now he's with God.

It's funny.  You see and hear about all these people dying.
And you kinda shrug it off, like "eh, it doesn't relate to me."  I mean, yeah, you're sad for the loss of a person, but it doesn't hit you PERSONALLY.
Until it happens to you.
Until a friend of yours dies.
Then the reality hits you.
In the face.


Quote from: Dracoslythe on March 12, 2010, 10:23:29 AM
RIP Justin Keith.
A few days ago, a senior at Swansboro High died in a car accident.
It wasn't until today that I really paid attention.
They showed pictures of him on the school news.
And I ended up crying for the rest of the day.  I'm still sniffling, but the worst of the tears are out.
I didn't know him by last name, just by first, which is why I didn't know who they were talking about exactly until I saw his picture.

I met him at youth group, and the last time I saw him, we were all (the Youth Group.  It was a youth group gathering/ lock-in) hanging out, playing Halo, playing guitar (he tried to teach me how to play a few things on the bass guitar, and it was fail, but we were all laughing about it), having fun.
I believe he was a Christian by the way he acted, so I'll say this for his sake...
Now he's with God.

It's funny.  You see and hear about all these people dying.
And you kinda shrug it off, like "eh, it doesn't relate to me."  I mean, yeah, you're sad for the loss of a person, but it doesn't hit you PERSONALLY.
Until it happens to you.
Until a friend of yours dies.
Then the reality hits you.
In the face.
I know the feeling....
All wounds heal in time Draco. Just remember him how he was in life. ;)

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Well Draco. You said he's with god. He's in a better place. Just pray for his family. Don't stop believing that god is always with you.


Who the hell is spamming?


Quote from: Dracoslythe on March 12, 2010, 10:23:29 AM
RIP Justin Keith.
A few days ago, a senior at Swansboro High died in a car accident.
It wasn't until today that I really paid attention.
They showed pictures of him on the school news.
And I ended up crying for the rest of the day.  I'm still sniffling, but the worst of the tears are out.
I didn't know him by last name, just by first, which is why I didn't know who they were talking about exactly until I saw his picture.

I met him at youth group, and the last time I saw him, we were all (the Youth Group.  It was a youth group gathering/ lock-in) hanging out, playing Halo, playing guitar (he tried to teach me how to play a few things on the bass guitar, and it was fail, but we were all laughing about it), having fun.
I believe he was a Christian by the way he acted, so I'll say this for his sake...
Now he's with God.

It's funny.  You see and hear about all these people dying.
And you kinda shrug it off, like "eh, it doesn't relate to me."  I mean, yeah, you're sad for the loss of a person, but it doesn't hit you PERSONALLY.
Until it happens to you.
Until a friend of yours dies.
Then the reality hits you.
In the face.

Oh man...Draco...I feel sorry that you're suffering for a loss. But when I say this, don't think I'm being un-sympathetic. If he really was a Christian, then he's happier now then he ever could have been here. The tears you are shedding are there because you'll miss him. Not because he's lost. It's important to remember that when a Christian dies, it's not mourning the loss of a soul, it's the celebration of his soul going to God. It's ok to cry, just let it out, because holding it in hurts way too much. I'll pray that God comforts you, like being hugged by everyone you know at once.

I love Jesus! Do you?


Quote from: Dracoslythe on March 12, 2010, 10:23:29 AM
RIP Justin Keith.
A few days ago, a senior at Swansboro High died in a car accident.
It wasn't until today that I really paid attention.
They showed pictures of him on the school news.
And I ended up crying for the rest of the day.  I'm still sniffling, but the worst of the tears are out.
I didn't know him by last name, just by first, which is why I didn't know who they were talking about exactly until I saw his picture.

I met him at youth group, and the last time I saw him, we were all (the Youth Group.  It was a youth group gathering/ lock-in) hanging out, playing Halo, playing guitar (he tried to teach me how to play a few things on the bass guitar, and it was fail, but we were all laughing about it), having fun.
I believe he was a Christian by the way he acted, so I'll say this for his sake...
Now he's with God.

It's funny.  You see and hear about all these people dying.
And you kinda shrug it off, like "eh, it doesn't relate to me."  I mean, yeah, you're sad for the loss of a person, but it doesn't hit you PERSONALLY.
Until it happens to you.
Until a friend of yours dies.
Then the reality hits you.
In the face.
Now,you know how life is.Life isn't a game.It's just a battle to survive.And i BET you and Justin had some great times together.Sometimes,you just have to let go..........

But don't think it's over.What about all your other friends?What about over here?We'll be by your side,no matter what :)

And i know one thing.Justin is looking at you,from heaven. :)


Quote from: Dracoslythe on March 12, 2010, 10:23:29 AM
RIP Justin Keith.
A few days ago, a senior at Swansboro High died in a car accident.
It wasn't until today that I really paid attention.
They showed pictures of him on the school news.
And I ended up crying for the rest of the day.  I'm still sniffling, but the worst of the tears are out.
I didn't know him by last name, just by first, which is why I didn't know who they were talking about exactly until I saw his picture.

I met him at youth group, and the last time I saw him, we were all (the Youth Group.  It was a youth group gathering/ lock-in) hanging out, playing Halo, playing guitar (he tried to teach me how to play a few things on the bass guitar, and it was fail, but we were all laughing about it), having fun.
I believe he was a Christian by the way he acted, so I'll say this for his sake...
Now he's with God.

It's funny.  You see and hear about all these people dying.
And you kinda shrug it off, like "eh, it doesn't relate to me."  I mean, yeah, you're sad for the loss of a person, but it doesn't hit you PERSONALLY.
Until it happens to you.
Until a friend of yours dies.
Then the reality hits you.
In the face.

Draco, I actually know how you feel. My 16 year old friend died last summer from having a asthma attack while he was sleeping. I cried all day that day. The only thing that reminds me of him is the Yu-Gi-Oh! cards he gave me. Nao when I duel with his cards, it feels liek he's there dueling with me. The point is that, ppl come and go. That's life for ya. You'll be crying for a few days then move on. You'll always remember Justin, and you'll remember him liek how I remember Kevin, my friend. This is just a phase in life. Only you can go through this. Remember this.


Quote from: Dracoslythe on March 12, 2010, 10:23:29 AM
RIP Justin Keith.
A few days ago, a senior at Swansboro High died in a car accident.
It wasn't until today that I really paid attention.
They showed pictures of him on the school news.
And I ended up crying for the rest of the day.  I'm still sniffling, but the worst of the tears are out.
I didn't know him by last name, just by first, which is why I didn't know who they were talking about exactly until I saw his picture.

I met him at youth group, and the last time I saw him, we were all (the Youth Group.  It was a youth group gathering/ lock-in) hanging out, playing Halo, playing guitar (he tried to teach me how to play a few things on the bass guitar, and it was fail, but we were all laughing about it), having fun.
I believe he was a Christian by the way he acted, so I'll say this for his sake...
Now he's with God.

It's funny.  You see and hear about all these people dying.
And you kinda shrug it off, like "eh, it doesn't relate to me."  I mean, yeah, you're sad for the loss of a person, but it doesn't hit you PERSONALLY.
Until it happens to you.
Until a friend of yours dies.
Then the reality hits you.
In the face.
I kinda know how you feel, I won't share some personal things here but...I kinda feel the slightest bit of pain right now, I mean my church has told me that one person dies for the other one to live, just think you were in a coma, that you might not have woken up from, then about 1-2 weeks later one of your friends die...I'm probably not right in saying this but could it have been God's will for it to happen like this?  In any case I'm there for you if you need someone to talk to.

Post Merge: March 14, 2010, 07:19:25 PM

Well I just got news about 30 min ago, one of my friend's Chase (Ironically my nickname is Chase) drowned Friday at 3:02, and I just feel kinda sad now.


Quote from: Sonic360 on March 14, 2010, 09:38:30 AM
Well I just got news about 30 min ago, one of my friend's Chase (Ironically my nickname is Chase) drowned Friday at 3:02, and I just feel kinda sad now.

Remember, 360...

Quote from: SuperSonic12 on March 13, 2010, 03:08:48 PM
360, I actually know how you feel. My 16 year old friend died last summer from having a asthma attack while he was sleeping. I cried all day that day. The only thing that reminds me of him is the Yu-Gi-Oh! cards he gave me. Nao when I duel with his cards, it feels liek he's there dueling with me. The point is that, ppl come and go. That's life for ya. You'll be crying for a few days then move on. You'll always remember Chase, and you'll remember him liek how I remember Kevin, my friend. This is just a phase in life. Only you can go through this. Remember this.

This quote is the post I said to Draco, but re-edited for you.


So today on the bus ride home, my and my friend, Devin start talking. He gets a text from his Ex-GF (They still talk to each other). Somewhere in their relationship, when she got home, she would cut herself. She had thoughts  of committing suicide. So Devin told the guidance counselor, and The Guidance Counselor told him he would "Help" her. Then, days later, Devin tells me that His Ex was forced to get help. Then she Texts him saying that she was not allowed at school. She was known as a threat to the School Society. Devin gets another text saying her arrival is Indefinite (Meaning that her time of arrival is undecided).
So now he's asking me what choice he should make.
He really needs advice.



Quote from: FighterKirby11 on March 18, 2010, 08:35:57 AM
So today on the bus ride home, my and my friend, Devin start talking. He gets a text from his Ex-GF (They still talk to each other). Somewhere in their relationship, when she got home, she would cut herself. She had thoughts  of committing suicide. So Devin told the guidance counselor, and The Guidance Counselor told him he would "Help" her. Then, days later, Devin tells me that His Ex was forced to get help. Then she Texts him saying that she was not allowed at school. She was known as a threat to the School Society. Devin gets another text saying her arrival is Indefinite (Meaning that her time of arrival is undecided).
So now he's asking me what choice he should make.
He really needs advice.


Lord help me please.

Kirby, this is a really delicate situation. The way you described it, it looks as if he didn't even bother to try and help himself. I don't think going straight to the guidance counselor was the smartest move. There aren't any details...does he know WHY she was doing what she was doing? I honestly don't know what to say until I know the full situation. I don't want to be giving advice for the wrong situation, because it could very well be a BIG mistake. Get some details from your pal first.

I love Jesus! Do you?


Draco, I know How you feel, And I know, it's not that much of an easy thing to deal with, So..If you need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you, I have alot of experience with death, Like how last year, one of my friends died in a car accident as well.
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~