I'm making a Sonic sprite comic on SmackJeeves

Started by smbcomix, November 25, 2009, 04:45:31 PM

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I'm doing a fan reinterpretation of Sonic's adventures on SmackJeeves. I've got an "origin story" in the works as I type this, but I would like some ideas about what I should do with the series.


Should I include any characters from the TV series? If so, whom?

Should there be swearing (at a minimum, of course)?

What would you suggest I name the comic?

Should the "origin story" be another Ovi Kintobor thing or something just a shade different?

...And that's about it. Your input would be greatly appreciated. And, in case I posted this in the wrong forum, you have my apologies.


Coming from the creator of SSSC (Super Sonic Sprite Comic), I'd have to say...

MANIC! Idk, some people get mad if you include TV show characters, some don't.

No swearing, it ruins comics for me :/ I mean, other than  "Shadow the Hedgehog", what Sonic game had swearing in it?

Super-Sonic History...? I dunno.

I really wouldn't know... its up to you, really.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


No Swearing, No recolors, Use really good effects, don't use paint, include almost all Sonic characters, use your imagination well and everything will be alright!

Just look at my comic!


Wow. That's a pretty good comic there!

Also, I WAS thinking of including Sonia and Manic, seeing as how popular Sonic Underground is. Well Gleech, your post clinched it for me -- they're definitely in (though I may make Manic just a tad bit closer in personality to his name -- what do you think?).

I've also decided that Eggman's origin story in my comic is gonna be slightly reminiscent of the Kintobor origin, but without the ROCC (I'm replacing it with a Capsule -- I'll not say why right now); there'll be "containment rings," thin almost Gerald-like Robotnik, and it's gonna include Uncle Chuck as his assistant (during Egg-Head's good guy days). I may be spoiling too much, but I just want you guys to know. I'm still working on the script and it may take some time. I also want you all to know that I'm trying to remain as close to the games as possible.

As before, feel free to give me some ideas. This is by the fans, for the fans after all.



Photoshop for assembly, Paint for edits. I'm doing all this on an Intel MacBook BootCamping Windows XP.


YES, YES, YES!! Mac owner, you just got an epic... epicness, in my book.
Quote from: smbcomix on November 26, 2009, 01:11:15 AM
Wow. That's a pretty good comic there!

Also, I WAS thinking of including Sonia and Manic, seeing as how popular Sonic Underground is. Well Gleech, your post clinched it for me -- they're definitely in (though I may make Manic just a tad bit closer in personality to his name -- what do you think?).

I've also decided that Eggman's origin story in my comic is gonna be slightly reminiscent of the Kintobor origin, but without the ROCC (I'm replacing it with a Capsule -- I'll not say why right now); there'll be "containment rings," thin almost Gerald-like Robotnik, and it's gonna include Uncle Chuck as his assistant (during Egg-Head's good guy days). I may be spoiling too much, but I just want you guys to know. I'm still working on the script and it may take some time. I also want you all to know that I'm trying to remain as close to the games as possible.

As before, feel free to give me some ideas. This is by the fans, for the fans after all.
LOL, that sounds awesome.

I usually use Photoshop, and my good ol' trusty iMac Snow Leopard. If you need a tutorial on how to make a sprite comic in PS, I can give you a link to the tutorial that helped me. Eventually I progressed and made my own style to everything, e.g. semi-transparents bubbles, indented panels, etc...

Depends if you want it or not.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Ah, no thanks. I've already looked here, there, and everywhere for Photoshop tutorials, and I've come to the conclusion that the pictures and stuff would be assembled via Photoshop while layout and lettering would be done via Adobe InDesign.

But I'll always welcome ideas on what you might want IN the comic itself, like settings, characters, etc.