Sonic Future Force

Started by Gleech, November 29, 2009, 09:39:48 AM

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Alex got tired of waiting for help to come so he decides to find help himself. Alex opens a door leading outside, but when he opens it, he sees a group of robots standing right in front of him.
"Oh great!" Alex runs past the robots and trys to get away, but there hot on his trail.
"Someone, HELP!!!"

Quote from: Dracoslythe
                               All the cool shit happens thur.
jkid loves you, GD. :3

Jordan teh Echidna

In a lab, hidden, quite a while away.

"Oh man, someone's destroyed my buzzsaw robot! That was last year's xmas present from robotnik  :'(" moaned Blaushike, staring at Mikey wobble around the road with the chip on his back "hmmm, i'll send maybe a few SWAT bots v.2 against that guy to stop anymore trouble" he said to himself, pressing the S key on his computer panel 10 times. Blaushike then watched as all the flying SWAT bots with two guns flew out of the lab and out into the streets.

Where Mikey is

"Man, i hope tails finds the info on that thing...wait...wasn't he injured? meh, maybe he recovered or something" Mikey said to himself, pacing the streets. After like 2 minutes of standing still, he rushed off to tails's house at light speed and whacked on the door "TAILS! YOU IN THERE?!" he shouted, pounding the door til' he made it's first dent (awww the door's first dent <:0). It finally opened to reveal a fox, not tails though, he could see Tails gagged and roped up behind the green fox who he had banged the door open for and quickly had a speedspection of him.
Nerdy glasses
Sonic-Like shoes
Khaki-camouflage trousers/pants.
whte gloves.

"Hmmm, looks evil to me" mikey thought in his head. The fox then replied somehow with "Oh, i look nerdy and evil do i? Well perhaps you could say that to mah little friends" he pointed behind Mikey and it showed 10 flying SWAT bots with guns on both hands. Mikey went pale white, slammed the door in Blaushike's face, then dodged all of the SWAT bots bullets for a while. He then noticed after a while that the bullets had some kind of firey projectile inside them, so he grabbed one that was heading for him, merged it with others that were being fired, and blasted it at the SWAT bots, knocking out 7 of them! 3 were left, he spindashed one by heading against a fallen SWAT bot and flying up to him. He then spinballed on another fallen one and into the air then triple kicked another, then he just homing missiled the last one. They fell to the ground and crashed, the sound of the form of old, scrap metals. Mikey opened the door to Tails's house and saw that Blaushike had escaped and tails had disappeared, ut the chip was still in the computer, not even 1/2 of the wy finished yet. He decided to stay here in case anyone tried to steal the chip. Suddenly, while Mikey hadn't noticed, a SWAT bot just raised itself up from the ground, flew in, and shot Mikey right in the stomach with one of his fireballs. The force felt to Mikey like someone had just punched him a trillion times in the stomach and he fell to the floor, not dead nor unconcsious. The SWAT bot sfell to the ground by power failure and everything in Tails's house fell silent...

Peculiarly silent...deadly...silent
Pesterchum = sirJayden

darkness shadow

tension is HIGH!

aurum  said "i think i'm gonna go of, you'll never know where or when the darkness will hit" blade turned his head and asked "darkness?"

aurum did not give a straight answer, just "watch out for when it hits, it'll take no prisoners..." then aurum disappeared, with chaos control, where to though remains unknown

blade just stood there, confused by what aurum said "no prisoners?... who won't take prisoners? i certainly know robotnick does, so who or what is he talking about?"

uuhhh does heartless and other things like them count as NPCs?
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Shade looked around,and saw everyone except Mikey.But at that point,he heard gun shots and said "Mikey...." and ran as fast as he could.Then ran through an opened door and saw Mikey on the ground with robots surrounding him.Then then kicked a few robots and got in front of Mikey.Then he saw a green fox and said "who are you..........".

Jordan teh Echidna

Quote from: Shadow26 on December 08, 2009, 11:13:00 PM
Shade looked around,and saw everyone except Mikey.But at that point,he heard gun shots and said "Mikey...." and ran as fast as he could.Then ran through an opened door and saw Mikey on the ground with robots surrounding him.Then then kicked a few robots and got in front of Mikey.Then he saw a green fox and said "who are you..........".
OOC: You can't hear gunshots from like 20 miles away, Blaushike had already escaped with tails, and in the middle of you beating robots why in the world would you suddenly think that Mikey's not there o-0
You need to improve on rping mate, lol

Blaushike kicked open the front door of his lab with Tails held over his back, and he flew up the spiral staircase filled with laz0rs and KO gases and guns and stuff and entered his control room. "Hmmm...well, since that orange guy's gone poof i can just concentrate on where the other imbeciles are and flood them out of their hiding place with a bunch of V2 SWAT bots like foxes-- rabbits in a burrow" Blaushike said to himself, rubbing his hands and removing the gag off of Tails' mouth. Tails said "What do you want with me..." and glared at Dr. Blosh with a mean look and baring teeth (hmm, he must've got courage through these 10 years without living with Sonic).
Blaushike replied with "Well, let's just say that i'm the assistant helper of metal do-gooder's doppelgangers"
Bluashike laughed his evil laughed, which echoed through his whole lab.
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Fuzzzzz, how have I missed this? I soooo wanna join. :3 'Cept I don't know the current events.
Nickname*: Fireyo
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Side: Good
Appearance description/picture:
Power: Controls Fire (Not conjures, CONTROLS)
Other Abilities*: Has amazing jumping capabilities
Personality: Fireyo is a cocky, headstrong Porcupine. Boastful, Big-headed. He doesn't care what he does as long as it suits him, but saying that he will never do anything to majorly harm anyone.
History*:Fireyo came from a rich family. he had the latest technology but was bullied at school. His only comfort was his older brother, Lunar. One day he was being chased by bullies. Due to the fact he did not look where he was going, he ran straight into a Toxic Waste Pool that was about to be frozen over and forgotten about. He ran straight through the walls due to the fact they where weak and makeshift, and stopped just as he reached the edge and realized. A black ooze (Later to become Fireyo's worst enemy, a demon of destruction called Kesh'a) pulled Fireyo down and off the cliff. Lunar saw Fireyo falling as he was walking, and ran to catch him. He was to late, but somehow, he got a sudden burst of power previously hidden to create a forcefield around Fireyo. One tiny drop escaped into the forcefield and touched Fireyo putting him unconscious but still breathing. Just then the waste froze over, leaving Fireyo in a bubble around Toxic waste. Lunar could do nothing more, and with great anger overpowering him, he killed the bullies by trapping them of air in a forcefield and somehow because of the burst of energy ripped through time into the future. 50 years later the waste was cleared and Fireyo now with special powers, and somehow still 15, was conscious and ready to explore the world. (Although I guess this out of consideration due to the story of this roleplay XD)

Roleplaying Style: Advanced
Sample of Roleplaying:
Fireyo ran through the crowds lining the street. I t was as if he was a gust of wind, searing through the people without them realizing the fact he was urgently trying to get to his desired location. He checked his watch.....
He was late.
"For the love of God!"
witty sig caption


Quote from: Gleech on December 08, 2009, 04:46:52 PM
Arrow turned around, curious of who the voice came from, "Er... yeah, sure..." he scratched the back of his head, scanning the person up and down, "I don't wanna' be rude," he said, still scanning, but he put his hand down, "...but who are you?"

My Name is Flash the Cheetah. I was wondering if you could help me find my dad. He vanished, and the clues i've put together indicate that he was here. Can you help? Please?!


Shade walked to Arrow and Flash and said "Sure! ;) I'm Shade,Shade the Hedgehog..."


Alex continues to run for his life from the robots. He turns around a few times and trys to shoot them, but his gun wasn't strong enough to get through there armor. "This is not going good. I can't keep going like this for long," Akex said to himself as he tryed to keep running. He was starting to get tired and saw that the robots where getting closer. Then he looked ahead in the distance and saw some people ahead. Alex screamed at them, "Hey!!! Help!!!"

Quote from: Dracoslythe
                               All the cool shit happens thur.
jkid loves you, GD. :3


Quote from: ChaosDazer on December 09, 2009, 06:04:57 AM
Fuzzzzz, how have I missed this? I soooo wanna join. :3 'Cept I don't know the current events.
Nickname*: Fireyo
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Side: Good
Appearance description/picture:
Power: Controls Fire (Not conjures, CONTROLS)
Other Abilities*: Has amazing jumping capabilities
Personality: Fireyo is a cocky, headstrong Porcupine. Boastful, Big-headed. He doesn't care what he does as long as it suits him, but saying that he will never do anything to majorly harm anyone.
History*:Fireyo came from a rich family. he had the latest technology but was bullied at school. His only comfort was his older brother, Lunar. One day he was being chased by bullies. Due to the fact he did not look where he was going, he ran straight into a Toxic Waste Pool that was about to be frozen over and forgotten about. He ran straight through the walls due to the fact they where weak and makeshift, and stopped just as he reached the edge and realized. A black ooze (Later to become Fireyo's worst enemy, a demon of destruction called Kesh'a) pulled Fireyo down and off the cliff. Lunar saw Fireyo falling as he was walking, and ran to catch him. He was to late, but somehow, he got a sudden burst of power previously hidden to create a forcefield around Fireyo. One tiny drop escaped into the forcefield and touched Fireyo putting him unconscious but still breathing. Just then the waste froze over, leaving Fireyo in a bubble around Toxic waste. Lunar could do nothing more, and with great anger overpowering him, he killed the bullies by trapping them of air in a forcefield and somehow because of the burst of energy ripped through time into the future. 50 years later the waste was cleared and Fireyo now with special powers, and somehow still 15, was conscious and ready to explore the world. (Although I guess this out of consideration due to the story of this roleplay XD)

Roleplaying Style: Advanced
Sample of Roleplaying:
Fireyo ran through the crowds lining the street. I t was as if he was a gust of wind, searing through the people without them realizing the fact he was urgently trying to get to his desired location. He checked his watch.....
He was late.
"For the love of God!"
OOC: Accepted! :D
Quote from: KirbySoul11 on December 09, 2009, 09:28:18 AM

My Name is Flash the Cheetah. I was wondering if you could help me find my dad. He vanished, and the clues i've put together indicate that he was here. Can you help? Please?!
Please either use quotes or text:chat when roleplaying, otherwise it makes no difference if you say it like "sure! he jumped and landed. Lets do this!" makes me thing he's saying what he should be doing...

Arrow heard the cry for help, "What was that?!" he said, spinning around to the sound of the person. Arrow paused and thought for a minute. He then switched to his bullet ammo, reloaded, and ran yelling, "I'll be right back!"

Arrow stopped to find a few robots chasing a person, he shot, putting dents in the armor of the robots. He quickly shot a few more times, putting more dents. He paused and once more shot, finally breaking through the heavy armor. "You alright?" Arrow asked the man as he continued to shoot at the robots.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


"Time for some exercise!" Flash said

"RED REAVER!" Flash exclaimed as he blasted through the robots.

"Jeez, these guys are putting up a fight!" Flash said to arrow.


OOC:Back, Gleech, Esfer after his long break is with you :P (he was a ghost following you.)

Esfer turned back to normal "Hey guys. What are your names?" Before esfer could say his name, robot's charged after him. He attacked, but he was pushed down. Esfer got up and fought like he ment it. "My name is Esfer. Esfer the Hedgehog."

Thx gleech

Thx Mikey


Alex was trying to catch his breath. "Well I'm doing a lot better than where I was a few days ago." Alex turns around and shoots at the robots again, but did no damage. "Dame it, this gun wasn't made to for shooting robots."

Quote from: Dracoslythe
                               All the cool shit happens thur.
jkid loves you, GD. :3


Quote from: Gamerdude on December 09, 2009, 12:04:10 PM
Alex was trying to catch his breath. "Well I'm doing a lot better than where I was a few days ago." Alex turns around and shoots at the robots again, but did no damage. "Dame it, this gun wasn't made to for shooting robots."

"HYAH!!" Flash shouted, and ripped a deep mark through the robots armor.

*pant " You okay?"

Flash's vision went black. He fell back. Unconscious.


Esfer yelled. "HEY!" Esfer threw a vision of the days when he healed. His eyes turned full blue. The blue went into Flash, making him awake. "You ok?"

OOC:He remembered how to heal :P

Thx gleech

Thx Mikey