Has anyone ever been nearly struck by lightning?

Started by sonicmaddave, December 10, 2009, 09:58:00 AM

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Quote from: Voorhees21 on December 12, 2009, 03:28:28 AM
I was on my bus driving home from 2nd grade and lightning hit this old man and i was all like "WHAT THE jigglywoodenicecream CRAP?" And he was flying through the air when he got hit.

That's terrible!
What happened to the old man? ._.

I think lightning is scary ;__;


Quote from: mieselle on December 13, 2009, 06:26:03 AM
That's terrible!
What happened to the old man? ._.

I think lightning is scary ;__;

nice to know im not the only one xD

last time there was lightning i hid in the wardrobe rofl

well i thought i heard thunder but apparantly it was something else....

damn noisy people >:U


I love lightning I remember when I was like 6 I would shut off the lights and stand at the window. Over here in Australia I just sit on the patio with a beer watching the lightning. In fact a line from a famous Australian song in the 80s goes like "On the patio we sit, and the humidity we breathe, we watch the lightning crack over the cane fields" XD

I like how mysterious it is and I am sure I saw ball lightning once. :O


Quote from: NiGHTS on December 13, 2009, 08:05:43 AM
nice to know im not the only one xD

last time there was lightning i hid in the wardrobe rofl

well i thought i heard thunder but apparantly it was something else....

damn noisy people >:U


I always stay away from windows and hide in a corner with my bedspread around me.
Same with firework, I just hate the noise. 


That must make me the only one here who likes lightning despite being almost struck I take it? XD


Quote from: sonicmaddave on December 14, 2009, 03:33:08 AM
That must make me the only one here who likes lightning despite being almost struck I take it? XD

It's beautiful I agree but also very loud and dangerous. ._.
I prefer watch it in a movie or something. XD [size]


Quote from: mieselle on December 14, 2009, 05:27:59 AM
It's beautiful I agree but also very loud and dangerous. ._.
I prefer watch it in a movie or something. XD [size]

Here in Australia we have intense thunderstorms, the other week we had a massive one when I was outside (luckily in my car). XD


Quote from: sonicmaddave on December 14, 2009, 05:58:40 AM
Here in Australia we have intense thunderstorms, the other week we had a massive one when I was outside (luckily in my car). XD

And you weren't scared? o_O
I would sh*t my pants. XD



Well there was this one time about 6 years ago, I was helping get some groceries out of my mom's car(did I mention it was night)and some lightning struck beside me, I ran in in my house but unfortunatly the screen door slammed my thumb pretty hard and my thumb nail broke off, yes the entire nail it hurt like hell, and as a guy I can litteraly say I broke a nail.  Don't worry my new nail grew in a month later.


Quote from: Sonic360 on December 14, 2009, 05:05:07 PM
Well there was this one time about 6 years ago, I was helping get some groceries out of my mom's car(did I mention it was night)and some lightning struck beside me, I ran in in my house but unfortunatly the screen door slammed my thumb pretty hard and my thumb nail broke off, yes the entire nail it hurt like hell, and as a guy I can litteraly say I broke a nail.  Don't worry my new nail grew in a month later.
Ouch I bet that hurt. D: