Guess Who's Going To Be On The Road Soon? :3

Started by Dracoslythe, December 16, 2009, 03:16:17 PM

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Yepp.  Last day of Driver's Ed.
Passed.  :3
Got my certificate, going to get my permit on Monday.
And I'm getting a car after the first of the year (late Christmas present, nobody had the money right now.  My uncle's trying to buy it, but mom's trying to buy it instead, it's a fight over who's buying it.  I even offered to pay for half of it, and they both turned around like "NO!"  xD  I guess it doesn't matter, cause I gotta pay most of  the insurance on it anyway, so I'll be spending almost as much on that than they do on the car, so it'll all make up for it in the end, seeing as I'm supplying gas money too.   roflcakes).  I may be getting the one I had my eyes on;
Yellow VW Bug.  It's relatively old, but it gets pretty good gas mileage, and it's only like 1500 USD (mom was looking to spend about 1000-2000), so I have a good chance of getting it.  ^ - ^

haha, I kinda feel lucky.  Most people don't even get a car until they get their lisence.  Mom just doesn't want me driving her FULLY INSURED car, so she told me that she'd get me a pretty nice but cheap one that I can learn in (that only needs liability, which is the only required insurance) but it will still last me the rest of high school/part of college.


Omg!!!  I am so happy for you, I don't get my permit until next year.

dark rouge

congrats im taking drivers ed now and it ends on january, its an easy class and i hate Volks Wagons for some reason im more into nissans toyotas and mazdas but like i said congrats on getting your permit


Japanese cars are great. ;D (I drive an Isuzu Rodeo LX)


haha good on ye girl : P

i gotsted to wait liek 2or 3 years to get my test and stuff .-. lol


Quote from: NiGHTS on December 16, 2009, 09:04:27 PM
haha good on ye girl : P

i gotsted to wait liek 2or 3 years to get my test and stuff .-. lol
Over here in Australia you could start learning and take your test at the age of 16 XD


Quote from: sonicmaddave on December 17, 2009, 10:04:00 AM
Over here in Australia you could start learning and take your test at the age of 16 XD

yea when im 16 i could get liek a provisional and get a moped... i mean motorized hair dryer on wheels >.>

but im not really interested in that xD


Well congratulations on getting your Drivers Licence! ^^ (I think that's right...)

Just don't crash, whatever you do. :S
Mario: Wario...what was death like?
Wario: You sorta jump up in the air and the music goes do do do-do do do do do do-do.
Mario: Ah.


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Mario: Wario...what was death like?
Wario: You sorta jump up in the air and the music goes do do do-do do do do do do-do.
Mario: Ah.


Haha, I don't have that yet.
I'm getting my permit on monday.   I have to keep that a year before I get my license. 


Mario: Wario...what was death like?
Wario: You sorta jump up in the air and the music goes do do do-do do do do do do-do.
Mario: Ah.


Quote from: JoeBro387 on December 17, 2009, 11:11:11 AM
O...kay? What's the difference?
Permit is provisional.
I have to have a driver who's been licensed for 5 years with me for a year.

Then I can get my provisional license, which means I can drive without anyone between like 6 AM and 9 PM.  Then if my record's clean for 6 months after that, I can get my "non-provisional minor's" license, which is just a plain license for those under 18.


Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing that up for me. ^^
Mario: Wario...what was death like?
Wario: You sorta jump up in the air and the music goes do do do-do do do do do do-do.
Mario: Ah.


Wow, thats nice. I have to wait a year before i can start in my country. And guess what?

It sucks.

First try at making a sig, It's decent.