Operation: Deadly Double. (Serious Role Play)

Started by HereAndThere, January 12, 2010, 02:21:50 AM

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Jeexx picked up Shiner and started walking to the jet.
"Hey, Alex, if you want you can come with us." Jeexx said to Alex.


Shade got Alex into the jet.
"There we go.Are we all set?"


Jeexx put Shiner on one of the benches and tied him up then went to the pilot seat.
"Ready for blast off." Jeexx flew up to the air.


They were in the air.After an hour of flying,Shade saw it.
"Hey,there it is!"


"Ready to land." Jeexx headed for the ground.


They landed.
"Good work Jeexx.Lets leave them here for now"
Shade looked at Alex and Shiner,then went outside


"..." Jeexx went outside as well.
"So this is the building?" Jeexx asked from Shade.


"Yep.I remember it from when i was a kid....i think"
Shade walked to the door of the building and went inside


Jeexx followed Shade, but the doors got locked just before he was able to go inside.
"WHAT THE F*CK!?!?!?" Jeexx saw the windows getting locked and shielded by steel and same happened to the door.
"A trap...I should have known..." Jeexx said.


Shade was ready to fight or shoot.His hands were nearly getting his pistols


"I wouldn't do that if i was you..." Deathly was behind Shade pointing a M4 at his head.

The black slime came from the ground and formed the being from before.

"Take him with you Black Heart." Deathly said to the slime guy.

"Fine..." Black Heart made his arm a chain and tied Shade up and started to walk toeards the stairs.


Shade tugged and pulled,but couldn't get free.Then kicked Black in the ribs.


"You should know one thing..." Black recoverd his ribs and then kept on walking.
"I can't be hurt." Black Heart continued.


"You wish......"
Shade had to follow black heart


Black Heart got Shade to the highest floor and threw him into a room with Char.
"Here he is....Just like you asked...Now could just explain why did you want him here?!" Black Heart said to Char.

"No reason...Go, i want to talk to him, ALONE." Char said and Black Heart left.