your favorite nintendo 64 game

Started by frosty101, February 16, 2010, 03:57:34 PM

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so whats you favorite 64 game mine is zelda majoras mask

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Super smash bros, OFT, Super mario 64, and mario kart 64 oh yeah!
I don't want a signature yet. I gotta think of a new one first xD



Wrong section. Try "Other Video Games"

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I have favorites.

Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie

Super Mario 64

Mario Party 1, 2, and 3

Yoshi's Story

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Donkey Kong 64

Mario Kart 64

Paper Mario

Super Smash Bros.

I think that is it.


Super Mario64


Mario Kart64

Gauntlet Legends

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask



Yoshi's Story

Mario Party 1,2 and 3

Super Smash Bros

Paper Mario



Pokemon Snap
Super Smash Bros.
Goldeneye 007
Paper Mario


Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time
Legend of Zelda: Majora's mask
Paper Mario
Megaman 64
Harvest moon 64


Definitely Smash Bros.
I also liked the Mario Party series.


In order,

Majoras mask
Majoras mask
Majoras mask
Majoras mask
Majoras mask
Majoras Mask
Majoras mask
ocarina of time
paper mario
donky kong 64
smash bros.
mario 64
pokemon snap
banjo kazooie
banjo tooie
mystical ninja starring goeman
rocket the robot on wheels
that side-scrolling mystical ninja game

I use an emulator and play alot of n64 games ;D
This my face! Don't go around stealin' it man! ROCK ON! \m/ (>_<)\m/



Paper Mario
Super Mario 64
Conkers Bad Fur Day
Body Harvest
Mortal Kombat Troigy
Legend of Zelda's
Mario Party's
Clay Fighter

Those are awesome games.
Rulep: do you ever fall in love with yourself
Captain Nook: for me, there could never be anyone else.
Captain Nook: I've spent hours looking in the mirror.

Zero Insanity

Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Super Smash Bros.
Diddy Kong Racing
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Mario Party 1-3
Yoshi's Story

Damn good games. :)
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- Blue Badge of Skill


Ocarina  Time,
Conker`s bad fur day
Kirby 64
007: the world is not enough
and that all


Favorite game is Megaman 62. (: Best N64 game. :P