your favorite nintendo 64 game

Started by frosty101, February 16, 2010, 03:57:34 PM

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I got to say Super smash bros   :D


Quote from: Ioshyro-man on February 17, 2010, 05:18:25 AM
Legend of Zelda: Majora's mask
Mistical ninja starring Goemon
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Megaman 64
Paper Mario
Harvest moon 64
changed in time


did I remind you of that? :P its a great game, im just stuck. its a glitch in the rom on the giant robot gundam looking things. the screen turns all purple red and green and nothing is distinguishable in the least. i have to try it on my new computer. i wonder how good it is after that? GO GOEMON!!!! WOOOT! majora is still the best game ever in my opinion. i love all the side quests and the three day scheedule. i 100% that game, so any questions can go to me ;D
This my face! Don't go around stealin' it man! ROCK ON! \m/ (>_<)\m/


could you please not spam? all it does is shoot down the hopes of people who want conversation. if you are trying to say something, please elaborate. ;)
This my face! Don't go around stealin' it man! ROCK ON! \m/ (>_<)\m/


OH! sorry about the misunderstanding! :-[
This my face! Don't go around stealin' it man! ROCK ON! \m/ (>_<)\m/


Banjo games, Smash Bros 64, and the Zelda games on the 64 were simply awesome.


my favorite n64 games are in order from favorite to good

smash bros!!!!

mario 64

mario kart 64

zelda majora's mask

ocarina of time

army guys sarges heros

and sarges heros 2
I luv mecha sonic because he looks awesome hes a prototype of ,etal sonic and hes an awesome boss in sonic & knuckles


Quote from: Tyno on March 11, 2010, 02:58:10 PM
army guys sarges heros

and sarges heros 2
oh yeah, those were some of my favs too!
and some additions... the mario parties... & Wave Race
I don't want a signature yet. I gotta think of a new one first xD


Quote from: Xyno76 on March 11, 2010, 03:01:47 PM
oh yeah, those were some of my favs too!
and some additions... the mario parties... & Wave Race

Oh yeah, the Mario parties on the 64 were great! I especially liked 2 for one reason or another.


Quote from: chuchu182 on March 11, 2010, 11:36:33 AM
did I remind you of that?
not really, I found about the goemon series just a little time ago

Quote from: chuchu182 on March 11, 2010, 11:36:33 AM
its a great game, im just stuck. its a glitch in the rom on the giant robot gundam looking things. the screen turns all purple red and green and nothing is distinguishable in the least. i have to try it on my new computer. i wonder how good it is after that? GO GOEMON!!!! WOOOT! majora is still the best game ever in my opinion. i love all the side quests and the three day scheedule. i 100% that game, so any questions can go to me ;D

I have a problem wich makes the game unplayable, it moves so slow and randomly stops


oh and i forgot about bomberman hero, as well as The New Tetris, and Wetrix, those are odd games :|
I don't want a signature yet. I gotta think of a new one first xD


Oh yeah, I also gotta add the Bomberman 64 games and the Pokemon Stadium games. Pure awesome.


Goldeneye.  Nothing else, just Goldeneye.  Maybe Super Smash Bros., but Goldeneye is still a great game, to this day.  I still play it, on my old ass N64.


Quote from: saif6533 on March 12, 2010, 12:36:49 PM
no spaming is allowed.
Stop spamming. You're spamming by saying not to spam so that it doesn't look like you're spamming, BUT YOU ARE!!

Soul Blade

Super Mario 64 was the shit. I deleted my save file on purpose so that I could play it all over again. Too bad my dad threw it away :<