Tikal is Back?!In Tikhaos?!

Started by Shadow26, March 07, 2010, 05:55:53 AM

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And here's Perfect Tikhaos

Tikal comes back into play in the Sonic Universe #7. She shows up in the form of Tikhaos, Tikal and Chaos fused together.




It reminds me of a bad fanfic  @-@
But now it's official.


Quote from: Dracoslythe on March 07, 2010, 06:02:57 AM

It reminds me of a bad fanfic  @-@
But now it's official.
Here's some more information:

Tikhaos is a fusion entity of the spirit of Tikal bound to the mutated Chao-turned water elemental, Chaos, from the Mobius: X Years Later dimension. Though physically composed of Chaos' water-body when normal, it retains the shape of Tikal as well as some semblance of her personality. Tikhaos exhibits a "hunger" for Chaos energy, possibly to sustain her/its/their form, but when overloaded with it will lose control and transform into the savage water god, Perfect Tikhaos, an almost perfect version of Perfect Chaos.

Tikal and Chaos were both released at some point during the Elemental War. Due to this, Tikal had to bind herself to Chaos in order to control him, thus creating Tikhaos. However, with too much chaos energy she would lose control. In order to contain her, Tikhaos was quarantined in the catacombs deep within Castle Mobius during the rule of King Shadow, along with E-107 Theta, and the Anarchy Beryl Bomb. (SU: #7, #8)
[edit]Released from the Catacombs

Perfect Tikhaos
Shortly after the Five Years of Peace celebration, the former King Shadow was restored from suspended animation by Lien-Da, and proceeded to liberate Tikhaos from her imprisonment. Desperately "hungry" for some chaos energy, Shadow supplied her with an excessive amount of Chaos powers, resulting in the Tikal entity losing control and transforming into Perfect Tikhaos. The monster laid waste to Castle Mobius, and then prepared to confront the Future Freedom Fighters. (SU: #7)
Perfect Tikhaos went on a rampage and began attacking Portal. Lara-Su instructed Jacques and Belle D'Coolette to keep it from going forward with a frontal assault while Melody and Skye Prower distracted it. In the meantime, Lara-su planned to perform the "Tikal's Prayer" ritual to calm down Tikhaos, while King Sonic went to rescue his family and Silver from the castle's ruins. Eventually, Tikhaos was subdued by the combined might of the Future Freedom Fighters, with the final blow being from Sonia and Manik Acorn, and reverted back to her Tikal-based form. (SU: #8)


before i saw this i want that i can buy dutch (or english doesn't realy matter for me but the small fans can't english ;D)sonic comics after i saw this i'm happy that they aren't in the netherlands this sucks on so many ways that i can't tell them all before you bring my karma down listen to what i say: tikal and chaos sonic as king shadow as king i mean where is te old nice sonic
i'm working on a sig


Quote from: Milow on March 08, 2010, 09:33:13 AM
before i saw this i want that i can buy dutch (or english doesn't realy matter for me but the small fans can't english ;D)sonic comics after i saw this i'm happy that they aren't in the netherlands this sucks on so many ways that i can't tell them all before you bring my karma down listen to what i say: tikal and chaos sonic as king shadow as king i mean where is te old nice sonic
But this means........maybe they'll bring back Tikal in the games


Quote from: Shadow26 on March 09, 2010, 12:09:23 AM
But this means........maybe they'll bring back Tikal in the games
As cool as that would be, I doubt it.
The comic/games has such diverse storylines that it'd be almost impossible to incorporate something from one into the other.  ;~;


Quote from: Dracoslythe on March 09, 2010, 12:31:59 AM
As cool as that would be, I doubt it.
The comic/games has such diverse storylines that it'd be almost impossible to incorporate something from one into the other.  ;~;
I say,it's a 45% chance.Or maybe even 30%.


Quote from: Shadow26 on March 09, 2010, 12:09:23 AM
But this means........maybe they'll bring back Tikal in the games
as tikhaos? no way i gonna like that games!
and then the words king sonic and shadow c'mon they don't have to bee kings how did they came on this stupit idea
i'm working on a sig


Quote from: Milow on March 09, 2010, 08:57:47 AM
as tikhaos? no way i gonna like that games!
and then the words king sonic and shadow c'mon they don't have to bee kings how did they came on this stupit idea
Well if this was the Underground world, then Sonic would already become king (Possibly, unless Manic became king instead, or Sonia became Queen)

However in the comics, Sonic marries Sally, and thus becomes king (I think... I was never into the comics).

Anyway, on topic:
...I don't even wanna know.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


That is a gross reality. I will not be happy if that is the way Tikal returns, as someone who must suffer more than she already has. If she returns, I want her to be able to enjoy life as a regular girl.

I love Jesus! Do you?


Quote from: EchidnaPower on March 09, 2010, 09:22:44 AM
That is a gross reality. I will not be happy if that is the way Tikal returns, as someone who must suffer more than she already has. If she returns, I want her to be able to enjoy life as a regular girl.
...You REALLY dont like suspense, do you? o.o

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Quote from: Gleech on March 09, 2010, 09:23:27 AM
...You REALLY dont like suspense, do you? o.o

Not like that, no. Suspense is fine, but I like a happy ending to the story for everyone. Especially one of my favorite characters. Life may not be like that, but fiction can be.

I love Jesus! Do you?


Who cares about Tikal?
Chaos is the sexy one in that comic. :3
witty sig caption


Sounds interesting, but SEGA might screw up again, since most fans dont want to see comeback's.

First try at making a sig, It's decent.


Quote from: Fiamonder10 on March 09, 2010, 09:37:15 AM
Sounds interesting, but SEGA might screw up again, since most fans dont want to see comeback's.
They do if Chaos is in it
witty sig caption