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Cya guys. Peace out. And other cheesy crap like that xD

Started by ChaosDazer, April 08, 2010, 07:08:46 AM

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I've been pondering leaving for a week now. So yeah, I will. This is it for now.
Goodbye y'all.
Basically, I want to work on my real life some more. I want to get outside, get more friends, and get involved.
And that means this place has to go. I'm not going to ask you to ban/delete my account. I don't know, maybe in a few months I'll come back. Probably not, depends how I feel.
I know that 90% of you wont care. To be honest, whenever a well known member has left I miss them, but it's not a big deal to me. I don't like members who make a big deal out of leaving, who play the blame game, who try to go out with a bang but end up looking like dramatic idiots.

I might be on MSN, Deviant Art, Smackjeeves, and places like that. I also don't find the fact I'm on an illegal rom hosting website very appealing. I'm out of the Illegal business now. If this forum was still called Sonic Zone I wouldn't mind. It wouldn't seem as bad, I would feel this was more a community rather than a place people can get free games illegally. I know many people do it, but it's not a good idea with the fact your Internet Provider can track what pages you visit. It could be me bring overcautious, but that's just how I am.
To be honest, a lot of my reasoning is that I could have my internet cut off for illegal activity. My friend had that happen to him.
I suppose I should say some goodbyes now. if I come back this will mean nothing. But in my current mood and state I don't feel like coming back any time soon. If I missed you out, sorry. I just thought of those off the top of my head.

Draco- I'll miss you and your art skills, and overall friendliness. I also think you should set a better example. As many people state, you are passed around every two minutes (No offense intended)
Jkid- I'll miss you as well.
Fiamonder- Bye. Hope the SADX hacking goes well.
EchidnaPower- Nicest member here. Good luck with the fangame.
Gleech- If only we could finish that MMO together. If I go on MSN we can try, I guess.
Mikey- I'll still be able to keep in contact with you through Smackjeeves. so yeah. xD
Sonic360- Your an awesome guy. Good luck in whatever you do
Jeexx- Bye. your a cool enough person.
Elija2-Don't stop the joking. Your an absolute legend.
Kirbysoul- I like you. Cya
MikeyLevi-Don't die. I'm sure you wont.
Rendel- Cya, your also pretty cool
Shiner- Your over dramatic. But you've done nothing wrong, your alright
RainbowBeautyRocks-Read above
SS12- Cya
DarkKyoushu-Cya friend
SonicMadDave- Cya awesome friend.
Skyle-I'm still reading your comics. Keep it up.
Shadow26- Your a good guy to hang out with. Keep up the awesomeness :]

I can't think of any more. Thanks for hosting this place John.
If anyone wants to continue the SPAMBUSTAHZ they can. I don't care who takes over, I only ask if I come back that I can resume my place in it.

If I do come back It'll be after about a month. I don't know.
Farewell all. Have good lives =)
(After writing this, I'm gonna be pissed if I decide to come back xD)

For personal reasons I have deleted everyone off of my Msn contact list. You can still talk to me, no one is blocked, but I'm not gonna be able to start conversations anymore. Also if you add me as a friend again I'll reject. I'm still happy to talk to you though :3
Buhbai now~

witty sig caption



Awww..Well I'll miss ya buddy, And its perfectly understandable. I hope things go good for you, and i'll always remember you. Till the next time..Bye. C=

~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


Quote from: ChaosDazer on April 08, 2010, 07:08:46 AM
I can't think of any more. Thanks for hosting this place John.
If anyone wants to continue the SPAMBUSTAHZ they can. I don't care who takes over, I only ask if I come back that I can resume my place in it.

Pick meh!
Good luck in real life.
I heard you can die in that D8
But seriously, Lateeeer.



-epic sadfacce-

I'm gonna miss ya, Dazer<3
And yes, I should.  But I am the town whore<3

Haha, have fun with life.  I'm sure you'll be quite successful; if you set your mind to it, you can do anything.  :3


Well Dazer, I can understand your reasons perfectly. You'll be missed by more people than you can probably imagine, and that includes me by the way. I hope you'll check back every now and then, and good luck my friend.

I love Jesus! Do you?


Quote from: ChaosDazer on April 08, 2010, 07:08:46 AM
I've been pondering leaving for a week now. So yeah, I will. This is it for now.
Goodbye y'all.
Basically, I want to work on my real life some more. I want to get outside, get more friends, and get involved.
And that means this place has to go. I'm not going to ask you to ban/delete my account. I don't know, maybe in a few months I'll come back. Probably not, depends how I feel.
I know that 90% of you wont care. To be honest, whenever a well known member has left I miss them, but it's not a big deal to me. I don't like members who make a big deal out of leaving, who play the blame game, who try to go out with a bang but end up looking like dramatic idiots.

I might be on MSN, Deviant Art, Smackjeeves, and places like that. I also don't find the fact I'm on an illegal rom hosting website very appealing. I'm out of the Illegal business now. If this forum was still called Sonic Zone I wouldn't mind. It wouldn't seem as bad, I would feel this was more a community rather than a place people can get free games illegally. I know many people do it, but it's not a good idea with the fact your Internet Provider can track what pages you visit. It could be me bring overcautious, but that's just how I am.
To be honest, a lot of my reasoning is that I could have my internet cut off for illegal activity. My friend had that happen to him.
I suppose I should say some goodbyes now. if I come back this will mean nothing. But in my current mood and state I don't feel like coming back any time soon. If I missed you out, sorry. I just thought of those off the top of my head.

Draco- I'll miss you and your art skills, and overall friendliness. I also think you should set a better example. As many people state, you are passed around every two minutes (No offense intended)
Jkid- I'll miss you as well.
Fiamonder- Bye. Hope the SADX hacking goes well.
EchidnaPower- Nicest member here. Good luck with the fangame.
Gleech- If only we could finish that MMO together. If I go on MSN we can try, I guess.
Mikey- I'll still be able to keep in contact with you through Smackjeeves. so yeah. xD
Sonic360- Your an awesome guy. Good luck in whatever you do
Jeexx- Bye. your a cool enough person.
Elija2-Don't stop the joking. Your an absolute legend.
Kirbysoul- I like you. Cya
MikeyLevi-Don't die. I'm sure you wont.
Rendel- Cya, your also pretty cool
Shiner- Your over dramatic. But you've done nothing wrong, your alright
RainbowBeautyRocks-Read above
SS12- Cya
DarkKyoushu-Cya friend
SonicMadDave- Cya awesome friend.
Skyle-I'm still reading your comics. Keep it up.
Shadow26- Your a good guy to hang out with. Keep up the awesomeness :]

I can't think of any more. Thanks for hosting this place John.
If anyone wants to continue the SPAMBUSTAHZ they can. I don't care who takes over, I only ask if I come back that I can resume my place in it.

If I do come back It'll be after about a month. I don't know.
Farewell all. Have good lives =)
(After writing this, I'm gonna be pissed if I decide to come back xD)

Oh shit son D:
welll i spose we cant stop you from leavinggg (maybe i could get a fery across thurr.... nvm)
Well then I demand you send me a piece of sexilicious fudge at some point so i know your still in the buisness >:U

Oh well have fun out thurrr :3


u shoulda put... Rockout - you're a bit impatient...xD  try to visit the forum  sometime ok?


Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Well I guess we can't change your mind but you will be greatly missed dude.  Cya laterz *cries*


read above. -_- read above......thats nice to no-_- well BYE!!!! jk jk lol. i will miss u. u were a very funny and free willed person

darkness shadow

D= awwwwww see ya dude

good luck irl, and lemme know how it turns out, cause i have no idea what it's like to have a life
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D

Hyper Shadow 00

Quote from: ChaosDazer on April 09, 2010, 06:55:37 AM
Also guys, I popped in to say

For personal reasons I have deleted everyone off of my Msn contact list. You can still talk to me, no one is blocked, but I'm not gonna be able to start conversations anymore. Also if you add me as a friend again I'll reject. I'm still happy to talk to you though :3
Buhbai now~

Thats sad... but I'm happy you told us this
Mew is awesome


You've told me this on my chatbox before you left, and you are offline at the moment, so that means that your gone.. :/

I'll miss you dude, even if you won't see this message.

First try at making a sig, It's decent.