Pokemon Black and White

Started by TheGameNinja, April 08, 2010, 08:58:14 PM

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Quote from: TheGameNinja on July 12, 2010, 06:52:48 AM
The games have a new feature that only works on the DSi and the 3DS. This feature is called Live caster and is essentially live video chat. It works with 4 players through a local wireless connection and 2 players over Wi-Fi.
It took them 5 generations to come up with that?Really?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on July 12, 2010, 04:55:43 PM
It took them 5 generations to come up with that?Really?
But it's taken them this long to come up with a handheld system that can do that.


Quote from: TheGameNinja on April 10, 2010, 05:21:08 AM
New screenshots leaked from CoroCoro. One thing I see is that the Pokemart and the Pokemon Center are now combined. That makes me happy. :3

Jesus beeheevees! At first they had it like 2-D scrolled action, now it's in 3-D? Jeez, I can bet you it's going to be for Nintendo 3DS though...Yay for pokemon in 3-D!


http://i31.tinypic.com/24y5kk0.jpg Thanks to Firetota for making it! :3


Quote from: DrewK. on July 13, 2010, 01:54:21 AM
Jesus beeheevees! At first they had it like 2-D scrolled action, now it's in 3-D? Jeez, I can bet you it's going to be for Nintendo 3DS though...Yay for pokemon in 3-D!

Well, it has features that only work on the DSi and 3DS, but it's just a DS game. You can play it on any DS.

Post Merge: July 13, 2010, 04:35:58 PM

Lots of new information and pictures. So much that I'm not gonna post it all here, since a lot of it is just some little details about the Pokemon revealed so far, like their weight and abilities and stuff like that. Just go to Serebii.net if you want all that little stuff.

So, let's get into this.

The new attack Magic Room's effect lasts for 5 turns. In addition to Musharna, Munna also gives off Dream Smoke. In a triple battle, Pokemon on the left or right can only attack the defending Pokemon opposite them and the one in the middle (unless the attack hits multiple targets). The Pokemon in the middle can attack any of the three defending Pokemon. You can switch your Pokemon's positions during battle. If a Pokemon in the middle uses an attack that hits all Pokemon, the attack will be very powerful. A new ability called Telepathy prevents Pokemon from being damaged by teammate's attacks. Rankurusu has the ability Dust-Proof which prevents the Pokemon from taking damage due to weather effects. There is a new attack called Double Chop that attacks twice. Another new attack is called Heart Stamp and causes the opponent to flinch. Yet another is called You First which causes the opponent to attack first. There is another new attack, that's name has not been revealed, that prevents your Pokemon from taking damage from an attack that would effect the entire team.

Global Link has two modes. One has you Pokemon play in a dream (likely connected to Dream Smoke) and an online battling system. It appears you can capture Pokemon not in the Isshu Dex in the dream mode and have them transferred to your game. Access to the Global Link requires the Pokemon Musharna. Game Sync, which allows you to send one Pokemon to the computer and the "dream world," is accessed through the C Gear. In the dream world, Pokemon have rooms they can play in. They can play minigames with other Pokemon. Pokemon that become friends in the dream world can be taken back to the real world. If you are registered to the Global Link you can play the Rating Mode of Random Match at the global terminal in the Pokemon center. This sends your battle results to a server and adds them to some sort of ranking system. An event will be held (in Japan) from August 7, 2010 to August 31, 2010 on the Pokemon Daisuke Club website where you encounter an evolution of Eevee in a dream. You may be able to send this Pokemon to Black or White once they are released (but this is just speculation).

As with Gochiruzeru and Rankurusu, along with the locations Black City and White Forest, being version exclusives, there are other locations that vary in appearance depending on the game played. It is not yet known which versions these are exclusive to.

There is a feature called InfraRed that allows you to have quick battles with 2 or 4 players. You can also trade on the spot directly from your box in this way (which is a feature I am very grateful for). You can also exchange friend codes through this feature. You can call your friends through the Live Caster video chat feature. Characters on the game will also call you in this way occasionally. There is a man that will switch the game from the usual Hiragana/Katakana text to Kanji (I have no clue how this will be handled when localized, it may simply be removed). There is something called Feeling Check that checks players' compatibility. One thing this is shown to effect is a game where two people have to keep the same rhythm. The High Link will involve players meeting over Wi-Fi in the Isshu overworld and doing missions (it appears to be very MMORPG like). C Gear can be used through wireless and Wi-Fi.

When Professor Araragi gives you a Pokemon, she gives the remaining two to Beru (most likely Belle, so I'm going to call her that now) and Cheren, leaving none behind as the three of you set out on your adventures. Belle is very spontaneous and is setting out on her journey against her father's wishes. She is also rather unreliable. Cheren is intelligent and will give you tips over the course of the game. He intends to become the champion of Isshu. To further indicate that Isshu is far away from previous regions, the routes have been reset, starting with a new Route 1. N is one of the antagonists. N will challenge you several times to confirm his ideas of justice. He calls Pokemon friends, but he has been shown saying that he wishes to split Pokemon and humans and divide them like black and white. He has the idea to free Pokemon from people. He is seeking the power to fulfill his ideas. Mokomo will give you the C Gear.

Here's the new pictures (warning - they're big):


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Jazz Nova

You posted three time while I was out.
That made for a huge update post on SaP!
At least I got that out of the way
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


A smallish update, but something surprising.

Luvdisc has an evolution now. I guess they really are going to get to a point where all Pokemon are involved in evolution in some way.

Anyway, the Luvdisc evolution is called Mamanboo (right). Also, we have a name for one of the previously shown Pokemon, Gigaiasu (middle). Also pictured is Gochiruzeru (left). It looks like Wooguru (back right) is in the background. On the left in the background, though, might be Rankurusu, but it doesn't really look like it to me. I think it might be a new Pokemon. A larger shot of this image also features Musharna to the right of Wooguru.


Quote from: TheGameNinja on July 22, 2010, 05:06:52 AM
A smallish update, but something surprising.

Luvdisc has an evolution now. I guess they really are going to get to a point where all Pokemon are involved in evolution in some way.

Anyway, the Luvdisc evolution is called Mamanboo (right). Also, we have a name for one of the previously shown Pokemon, Gigaiasu (middle). Also pictured is Gochiruzeru (left). It looks like Wooguru (back right) is in the background. On the left in the background, though, might be Rankurusu, but it doesn't really look like it to me. I think it might be a new Pokemon. A larger shot of this image also features Musharna to the right of Wooguru.

I guess they'll even makew Pachirisu evolve >=C
And the 3 on 3 battles look messy
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!

Jazz Nova

TGN even joined the forum. How sweet.

Anyhow, I hope they don't make Keckleon evolve... that would spell tragedy
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


Quote from: Jazz Nova on July 22, 2010, 10:11:54 AM
TGN even joined the forum. How sweet.

Anyhow[/], I hope they don't make Keckleon evolve... that would spell tragedy
Hmm? Joined the forum you're posting this to? No, I didn't. Is someone pretending to be me? O.o

Jazz Nova

Quote from: TheGameNinja on July 22, 2010, 10:18:34 AM
Hmm? Joined the forum you're posting this to? No, I didn't. Is someone pretending to be me? O.o

Quote from:  dracoslytheO RLY NAO?
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


Remember this guy?

It's name is Bikutini and it's our new Mew/Celebi/etc. And it's listed as #000 in the Isshu Dex.

It will be given away through a Wi-Fi event from September 18, 2010 to October 18, 2010 by giving players the Liberty Ticket, which will presumably allow it to be captured in-game.

...the Liberty Ticket?

Others have said this, but now I'm convinced: Isshu is meant to be America.


Quote from: TheGameNinja on July 24, 2010, 01:01:05 PM
...the Liberty Ticket?

Others have said this, but now I'm convinced: Isshu is meant to be America.

That's more awesome than the Pokemon. xD

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Just a little note: Bikutini is actually Victini.

As in Victory.