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Code Lyoko

Started by Light the Hedgehog, December 11, 2008, 11:32:16 AM

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Light the Hedgehog

X.A.N.A.: i don't know what came over me....there was this old scientist....named Franz  Hopper or something.....he sent me here and something went tottaly wrong... you were turned into what we know as X.A.N.A. by accident.....

me:...i think omega-xis is right....


Elana:....-.-..*thinks of how many times X.A.N.A tricked us*



Elana:*un dos everything and everything gose back to normal*

Light the Hedgehog

Omega-Xis:....(I knew Light was the right one to be with....)....hey Light...

me: what is it mega?

OOC: Mega is omega-xis' nick-name

Mega:....i want you to at that statue over there....

me: *looks at the em waves around the statue*....there's some kind of sword....


Elana;....*mumbels:X.A.N.A is gonna chew our sqeeze*

Light the Hedgehog's been a while since i've been in the real world.....

me: everything will come back to you, X.A.N.A.....i promise....

Mega: pick up that sword.

me: *picks up the EM-Sword and my star carrier absorbs it*

Mega: that sword was called an EM-Weopon, or a "Mega Weoon" in our case.

me: cool...


Elana:c'mon lets go..-.-

Light the Hedgehog

me: *is walking*....tell me more about EM-weopons....

Mega: every FM-ian or AM-ian (in this case, Gemini, Lyra and Cyngus) has up to 5 EM-weopons.


Light the Hedgehog

Mega: i see one of Lyra's EM-weopons over there....*points to fountain*


OOC:forgot im lyra..XD

lyra:..fine...*gets sowrd*..there..-.-

Light the Hedgehog

me: let's test these out....EM-WAVE CHANGE! *merges with Mega*


Light the Hedgehog

MegaMan:.....*slashes a Lyoko mountain in half*