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Code Lyoko

Started by Light the Hedgehog, December 11, 2008, 11:32:16 AM

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Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on July 15, 2009, 09:17:28 AM
Gemini Tiger W: only the CG hunters exploded. looks like your stuck with the b*tch of an Electro Magnetic being.

Gemini Tiger B: can we kill those viruses now?

Gemini Tiger W: fine. *they both kill the viruses*
Elana: you mean im stuck with lyra?

Light the Hedgehog

Tiger: *goes back to normal* BINGO!

Shadow: mine turned into Laplace.

Laplace: SHUT UP!

me: i still have Mashia.

Princessofthechaosemerald doomed ._.

Light the Hedgehog

Mashia: actually, the explosion made her less of a b*tch.

Lyra: HI! ^.^


Light the Hedgehog

Lyra: what should we do now, Elana?

Mashia:....*is staring at Lyra.. with his left eye twitching*


Elana:..i should be running off and screaming but i guess we could ask light what we should do

Light the Hedgehog

me:.....i have NO idea what to do.


Light the Hedgehog

Tiger: i have an idea! lets go find out where XANA is and finish him off for good!


Elana:..meh i dunno about that though *falls off tree* ow...

Light the Hedgehog one ever listens to a chao....*warps into cyber space and merges with gemini*


Elana:..nuuu i listen to a chao!

Light the Hedgehog

me: OH CRAP! *grabs mashia* CYBERMERGE! *merges with mashia and goes into cyber space*


Elana: yep now i gatta go *grabs lyra* CYBERMERGE *merges with lyra and follows light*