The Legend of Zelda: The Chronicle Blade (JOINS LOCKED)

Started by Kirby, April 19, 2010, 01:22:21 PM

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"For all we know it could be some poor hylian stuck in an octaroks body?" Liviyone tried, asmall smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.


Octarok: -hearing what the girl with the sycthe said, he jumped with joy, she knew that there were curses like that, but then he saw someone in the bushes, and shot a rock at him-


Liviyone noticed the Octaroks reaction, but quickly swung her scythe around in front of herself as she narrowed her eyes at the bushes and called out in an authoritive tone "Who's there?"


Rianna lifted the octarok "well then we'll keep you." she said, Rianna looked into the bushes "it was probably a Deku Baba."


"your probably right...but you noticed it earlier too, right? We're being watched, you can never be too sure."


Octarok: -escapes her grip and pushes out the boy he just thumped in the head with a rock- (and im one of those things from zelda 1 the blue and red things... i believe they are octaroks)


Liviyone arched an eyebrow in question and roughly picked the unconcious boy up by the back of his tunic and stared at him. "No clue who he is."

(the things that pop out of the water, yeah? )


(Those were uncivilized zoras) Octarok: -stared at him-


(no in OoC they popped out of water, and in majoras mask)


(   apperently there is the water veriety, and the land veriety,  but the water veriety wasnt until OoT)




Liviyone just dropped the boy in a heap on the ground and asked "What do you suppose we do with him?"


Rianna looked at the boy "He looks kinda familiar..." she tried to remember who the boy was "But I would keep him if I were you..."


"Sounds fine and dandy to me." Liviyone responded, but carefully bonded the boy with magic threads that were in turn attacthed to her fingers. Puppeteering, a form of forbidden magic if used in the wrong way.