The Legend of Zelda: The Chronicle Blade (JOINS LOCKED)

Started by Kirby, April 19, 2010, 01:22:21 PM

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Rianna watched in amazement "Too bad I'm only good for light weight fighting, or I could do all the things you and link could do, which are amazing." she examined the boy, who still looked familiar. "From Ordon maybe...or one of the the forest...or that town with the big clock?" Rianna mumbled to herself, trying to figure out where she's seen the boy before.


Octarok: -just starts walking like he's pacing-


Quote from: Maddie8D on July 03, 2010, 09:57:01 AM
Rianna watched in amazement "Too bad I'm only good for light weight fighting, or I could do all the things you and link could do, which are amazing." she examined the boy, who still looked familiar. "From Ordon maybe...or one of the the forest...or that town with the big clock?" Rianna mumbled to herself, trying to figure out where she's seen the boy before.

Still concentrating on what she was doing, Liviyone in turn said "I'm nothing amazing, you on the other hand, are phenomanal. I saw you earlier, you fealessly defended Link from that Ben idiot. I? I lost everything I have to protect, I'm worthless if I couldn't even defend them. So don't diss yourself, Rianna." Once she was done strengthening the strings, Liviyone carefully twitched a few fingers and the boy was help up in the air as she tried to determine where he was from. "You there, Octarok thing that's not an Octarok...try writing out what your curse is with a stick or something so we can start on breaking it." Liviyone ordered in a clipped tone as she narrowed her eyes at the boy.


Octarok: -writes out some curse explaination in Hylian-


Liviyone's eyebrows went up as she read along with the Octarok's writing. "Damn...that one will take time to break...but right now I can give you the ability to speak." Liviyone said in a kind tone, but rather roughly broke the puppet strings and used them to tie the boy upright on a tree. Turning, Liviyone kneeled down and gently placed one hand on the Octarok and concentrated, murmuring a mixture of ancient hylian and gerudo with expert speed under her breath. Opening her eyes around thirty minutes later, the tall girl stood up and chuckled out tiredly "There..." With that, Liviyone fell over onto her side unconcious.

(uh oh, magic depletion from using too much magic in a short period oftime. Bad Liviyone, you should know better >:U )


Octarok: Is she okay? wait... am i talking? Thank the goddesses... and thank her!


"Yeah, thank the goddesses..." Rianna brought out a Green potion from a bottle she found a while back, she held it to Liviyone's mouth and lightly poured it into her mouth.

(pffff, cmon me, i hash better grammar <.<)


Liviyone winced somewhat and sat up and rubbed coughed a little. "Oo...headache." she complained and just laid back down. Blinking to clear her vision, she peered at Rianna. "Oh, hi there!" Liviyone greeted lightly with a smile.


"Uhh, are you alright, Liviyone?" Rianna asked in a worried tone, putting her bottle away


"Yeah, yeah, I just haven't been keeping an eye on my magic levels lately like I should have, been trying to find Zelda and all then running into you guys and stuff and events and yeah. Thanks though." Liviyone explained in a soft tone, rubbing her temples as she tried to slowly sit up.


ben being the stupid person he is picked up the octarok from behind "Oooo... it feels so mushy!" ben seid cuddleing the octarok with great strength


Liviyone growled lowly and said "Put the Octarok down."


Quote from: RhaozTheHedgehog on July 03, 2010, 06:24:27 PM
Liviyone growled lowly and said "Put the Octarok down."
"naw..." ben seid lighting a bush up "mmm i wont go hungry after this"


Octarok: -flips around and shoots him with a rock in the head- Now let go of me...


Liviyone stuggled up with her headache and grabbed the Octarok away from Ben. "No, he's good. I should roast your ass little boy." Liviyone growled darkly.