The Legend of Zelda: The Chronicle Blade (JOINS LOCKED)

Started by Kirby, April 19, 2010, 01:22:21 PM

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Quote from: KirbySoul11 on July 17, 2010, 01:27:19 AM
Link has had enough of this. He used his Wolf's Paw and Turned into Wolf Link. He ran off into the woods.
"well i hope he dosent get diarea like it says on the bottle..." ben seid walking after link

RhaozTheHedgehog head...everything Link okay...? Is he helping his he Rianna happy now that he is...? Why is everything black...why is it so cold... Those were the thoughts that swirled through Liviyone's head as she struggled to reawaken, straining her already weak body.

"My chosen, my lovely Your body merely needs not trouble your self with such thoughts..." Shikyo murmured sweetly in her mind, gently eveloping the girl in a light grey aura as the goddess tended to her chosen. My Goddess, my lady, I thank you for your help while I was healing the old woman. She distantly heard Shikyo chuckle in her mind.

Liviyone slipped further away into th comforting abyss of black, deep enough to where nothing hurt...where not even the blinding painof her energy coils being near empty could reach.

Outside of her unconcious state, her breathing was becomming ragged and a fever began to prominate. The silver glow of the upside down triforce symbol on her stomache faded away as her Goddess withdrew her help and decided to watch her chosen suffer.


Rianna watched everyone "Just leave him alone, we're just making things worse by crowding him around like that." she looked at her shadow, hoping Midna would show up, but nothing. "Damn this mark, Damn Ganon...." she dropped to her knees and began to Violently cry. Her hands covered her face,  but the tears dripped from her chin, and soaked the ground.


Liviyone struggled to open her eyes, and when she did the were clouded slightly and fever glazed. Shakingly, she forced herself up onto her knees. Her chest was heaving slightly in effort to breathe as she glanced about. The pain in her head increased tenfold, and a fire like burn raced around her body. She grimaced, and began to nubly fiddle around in a small bag she kept tied loosely around her waist. Fumbling with a small vial, the green haired girl took a slight sip of the silvery grey potion. A cool numb spread throughout her body, not curing it, just numbing the pain for the time being.

With a slightly laboured sigh, she noticed they had yet to give the old woman proper treatment. Liviyone gently picked the old woman up and, stumbling slightly, moved her to a safer area. "Your okay now..." Liviyone soothed, and pulled out some bread from her bag and gave it to the old woman. Deeming that Link's grandmother was safe for the time being, Liviyone struggled over to Rianna and limply went down beside her and wrapped a soothing arm around her. "Shh...shh..." Liviyone quietly soothed, ignoring the fact the pain was slowly creeping back, the numbing potion wearing off.


Rianna continued to cry, her friends were either depressed or hurt. Nothing mattered to her, even though everything did. "We can't just sit here, but the only way we can get is with Link." she drew in a shakey breath and sighed. She stood and slowly walked to the area Link ran off to. He was a wolf so she knew he would be hard to find. "Link,we gotta go, Liviyone is already started healing your grandmother!" She called out. Her face was still moist from the tears, some were still making their way out from her eyes.


Wincing in severe pain once Rianna wasn't looking, Liviyone forced out "She is already healed..."


Rianna perked up "See, your grandmother is alright!" she called out, but it was useless. More tears ran down her face "Goddesses please, help us!" She called out to the sky, hoping that something good would happen...for once.


Liviyone struggled up to her feet, swaying from side to side slightly. "W-want me to go look for him? Liviyone offered, stabalizing her stance.


"No, you need to rest, I'll look for him..." Rianna said quickly, trying to make sure she wouldn't fall.


"Pff..who needs rest?" Liviyone tried to joke, the corners of her mouth twitching up into a slight smile.


Quote from: KirbySoul11 on July 17, 2010, 01:27:19 AM
Link has had enough of this. He used his Wolf's Paw and Turned into Wolf Link. He ran off into the woods.

Patarel looked at Wolf Link. "My god, Ben!!!" he claimed. Patarel sat down, got up, and started praticing with the Master Sword.


Liviyone quickly finished off the rest of her numbing potion. "I should be good for an hour..." she murmured quietly, and took off into the woods.

Rianna needed to see Link.

Liviyone would be damned if her friend didn't get what she needed.

Her breath was still comming in laboured gasps as her fever continued to rise. However, the girl felt no pain as she elegantly raced through the trees, searching for anything or anyone that was remotely like Link. Her boots didn't make as sound on the ground as she loped through, leaves on the ground barely rustling. Her well trained eyes were slightly blurred as she looked around. "Link!!!" Liviyone called out hoarsely, from a clearing somewhere deeper into the foliage. "Please come back! Rianna needs you!" she pleaded, swaying slightly as the potion began wearing off. It's been an hour already...?

Her breath slowly became more and more ragged as her fever became more noticable as the potion wore off.

"Please...just go comfort her, you mean more to her then you'll ever know..!"

With that, Liviyone limply went down on her knees. She gingerly brought a hand up and pressedit against her forehead. The greenhaired hylian was mildly shocked to feel the heat radiating from her skin. The potion completely wore off and Liviyone fell sideways, now completely lieing on the ground. Twigs and other things of the like were pressing uncomfortably against her as she tried to remain concious. "Please..!" she rasped out. "Go back to Rianna..!"


Quote from: SuperSonic12 on July 17, 2010, 05:09:08 PM
Patarel looked at Wolf Link. "My god, Ben!!!" he claimed. Patarel sat down, got up, and started praticing with the Master Sword.
"i guess this is a good time to get it out..." ben seid pulling out a sword made by the spirts of the forest


Wolf Link whimpered. His paw was cut by a nearby tree that fell over. He turned back into Link and made his way back to the others.


Liviyone blinked a bit in effort to clear her vision, but sighed raggedly. Hoping her energy coils would fix themselves and her fever lower on it's own, her eyes slowly shut as she drifted off again.