The Legend of Zelda: The Chronicle Blade (JOINS LOCKED)

Started by Kirby, April 19, 2010, 01:22:21 PM

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Quote from: darkyellowz on August 14, 2010, 11:39:11 PM
ben stoped link's hand and sighed "you idiot you almost hurt the fairy!" he yelled at link before pushing him away and dealing to the fairy's wounds again

"Oh... Poor Fairy, here, want me to make it better?" Link said as he tackled Ben to the ground and grabbed the fairy. Link's Green tunic Tinted to a Pitch Black.


Quote from: KirbySoul11 on August 14, 2010, 11:57:48 PM
"Oh... Poor Fairy, here, want me to make it better?" Link said as he tackled Ben to the ground and grabbed the fairy. Link's Green tunic Tinted to a Pitch Black.
ben yelled "NO ITS MINE!!!" at him takeing the fairy and stabed the pitch black link in the guts with his dagger


Quote from: darkyellowz on August 15, 2010, 12:01:50 AM
ben yelled "NO ITS MINE!!!" at him takeing the fairy and stabed the pitch black link in the guts with his dagger

"Nice try, Ben."
Shadow Link used his Phantom Hourglass to Slow Down time, then He Uppercutted Ben, Sending him Skyrocketing into the air, Shadow Link then Used a Pile Driver to slam Ben into the Ground.


Quote from: KirbySoul11 on August 15, 2010, 12:04:33 AM
"Nice try, Ben."
Shadow Link used his Phantom Hourglass to Slow Down time, then He Uppercutted Ben, Sending him Skyrocketing into the air, Shadow Link then Used a Pile Driver to slam Ben into the Ground.
ben spat out blood as he is slamed into the ground and a tear come from his eye and seid "who are you... your not normal link... if i could i would kill you here and now!" before pulling out a triangle from his pocket and shoved it into his eye


Quote from: darkyellowz on August 15, 2010, 12:09:30 AM
ben spat out blood as he is slamed into the ground and a tear come from his eye and seid "who are you... your not normal link... if i could i would kill you here and now!" before pulling out a triangle from his pocket and shoved it into his eye

"Then show me what you got. I'll be sure to go easy on you. And after I'm done with you guys, I'm heading for the Princess."


Rianna gasped "BEN DON'T!" she shouted. She pondered around for a few moments looking for something that might hurt him. "Oh forget it..." Rianna said, she unsheathed her sword and pounced on the impostor.


Quote from: Maddie8D on August 15, 2010, 05:55:48 AM
Rianna gasped "BEN DON'T!" she shouted. She pondered around for a few moments looking for something that might hurt him. "Oh forget it..." Rianna said, she unsheathed her sword and pounced on the impostor.

"Persistent Little group of pests, Are we?" Shadow Link said as Threw Rianna off him.

"I should spare you guys, But, No. You'll just get in the way. You guys aren't even worthy of fending ME off, What makes you think You can defeat Ganon?"


Rianna stood, her ankle was sprained as she hit the ground in a wrong position when she was thrown "Talking won't help you win a fight hun..." She said, wincing at the pain from her ankle. Rianna slowly limped twords Shadow link.


"a smell of death comes from elf-boy there, either his personality changed, or he's totally something else" said Rikar with a demon-like concentration, wich dissapered in a sec and started to say"WAIT, YA' CAN TALK in full sentences?"


Quote from: KirbySoul11 on August 15, 2010, 07:44:20 AM
"Persistent Little group of pests, Are we?" Shadow Link said as Threw Rianna off him.

"I should spare you guys, But, No. You'll just get in the way. You guys aren't even worthy of fending ME off, What makes you think You can defeat Ganon?"
ben got out his sword "then what makes you think you can defeat us huh?, i may look weak but when hurt my friends you will get the punnishment gannon will get!" ben seid before chargeing his sword up with some kind of special power


"You foolish mortals make me laugh. You're no match for me." Shadow Link said as he took out his Sword.
"Say hello to the Sword of Souls. A Sword of endless power."
" Go on, Come at me."


Quote from: KirbySoul11 on August 15, 2010, 10:28:35 AM
"You foolish mortals make me laugh. You're no match for me." Shadow Link said as he took out his Sword.
"Say hello to the Sword of Souls. A Sword of endless power."
" Go on, Come at me."
ben paused as is he was stoped in time "tell me shadow link why do you attack us of all people? we are just travelers! we mean no harm we are just trying to find ganon and give him this.... basket of fruit we found... but we know we will need all the powerfull things to get past his fort..." ben seid looking like he was saying the truth but inside he is not


Quote from: darkyellowz on August 15, 2010, 10:34:46 AM
ben paused as is he was stoped in time "tell me shadow link why do you attack us of all people? we are just travelers! we mean no harm we are just trying to find ganon and give him this.... basket of fruit we found... but we know we will need all the powerfull things to get past his fort..." ben seid looking like he was saying the truth but inside he is not

"Who travels on OUTSET? This Old dump will fall apart before you can get off the Island! As for that old hag of a lady over there, I'm surprised that IDIOT Link even considers her FAMILY."

"I can read you like a book, you are lying. And I HATE liars."


Quote from: KirbySoul11 on August 15, 2010, 10:40:36 AM
"Who travels on OUTSET? This Old dump will fall apart before you can get off the Island! As for that old hag of a lady over there, I'm surprised that IDIOT Link even considers her FAMILY."

"I can read you like a book, you are lying. And I HATE liars."
ben walked over to shadow link puting his head on shadow link's head holding his sword down "now, now... if you hate us so much why are you indercateing you love us?"


Quote from: darkyellowz on August 15, 2010, 10:45:06 AM
ben walked over to shadow link puting his head on shadow link's head holding his sword down "now, now... if you hate us so much why are you indercateing you love us?"

"Heh." Shadow Link snickered as he elbowed Ben into a nearby house.

"Playing smart with me, Are you?"