The Legend of Zelda: The Chronicle Blade (JOINS LOCKED)

Started by Kirby, April 19, 2010, 01:22:21 PM

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OOC: Just so you guys know, Link will be coming back, He'll be back later.


The octarok blasted a bright rock into shadow links face, "Shadows disappear in light... be gone!"


"That doesn't work on me anymore. I'm not some cheesy vampire or something."

Shadow Link caught the rock and threw it at the Watch Tower. The Tower fell into the ocean.

"Heh. I didn't even break a sweat."


Rianna looked at the ocean "LINK!" She shrieked as the watch tower fell into the ocean.


Quote from: KirbySoul11 on August 19, 2010, 12:35:18 PM
"That doesn't work on me anymore. I'm not some cheesy vampire or something."

Shadow Link caught the rock and threw it at the Watch Tower. The Tower fell into the ocean.

"Heh. I didn't even break a sweat."
"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US!" ben screamed crunching his fists "your not worth it now" ben seid before runing to the tower that fell into the ocean then ben dives into the water looking for link


(late reply -shot-)

Liviyone had long since slipped into a defensive, her own magic sparking angrily around her. Narrowing her now cold, dark green eyes. Muttering quickly under her breath, snakelike chains, instead of the thin magic string yshe normally used for puppeteering, attatched themselves to Dark Link. Securely them as tightly as possible without taking away from her energy stream.
(I'm not gonna be all liek RARARa and control your char XD you can break free, or you could have difficulties seeing as she did get that form of magic from Ganny-san)


"Heh heh heh heh heh...." Shadow Link said as he broke the chains.

"If that's all you've got, This will be a breeze."


"You wish, surely one as skilled as yourself knows to never make assumptions." Liviyone said in a calculated tone, still observing him closely.


"Well, A Toughgirl, Aren't you?" Shadow Link Said.

"Come and get it."


"Oh with pleasure, however, do I seem idiotic to you?" Liviyone spat coldly, crossing her arms over her corsetted chest with a huff (seeing as her scythe is still on it's strap behind her.). "Here you had me thinking you were at least somewhat intelligent." Liviyone scolded in a mokcing tone of voice, cocking a green eyebrow at him.


"Intellect is one of the things you seem to be lacking." Shadow Link said.


"Same could be said for you, ugly." Liviyone said light heartedly, a fake smile covering her face. "Now, are you all talk or are you going to throw a hit?" Liviyone asked coldly, unstrapping her scythe and getting into the proper stance.


Quote from: TobiTheGoodGirl on August 26, 2010, 09:44:05 AM
"Same could be said for you, ugly." Liviyone said light heartedly, a fake smile covering her face. "Now, are you all talk or are you going to throw a hit?" Liviyone asked coldly, unstrapping her scythe and getting into the proper stance.

"weren't you the one acting all badass saying you were gonna kill me?"


"What dolt have you mistaken me for?" She asked incredulously, arching an eyebrow again. "Surely I would be able to give you a mild workout, but kill you? Hardly." Suddenly turning seriously she said darkly "We both know there is only one person capable of killing you, however, nothing wrong with helping him out is there?"


Rianna sat, holding her legs agenst her chest, she was basically hopeless.

OOC: lol filler post, i just wanted to get this rp moving again, sorry if this was agenst the rules D: