one just for gleech, 4 being an awesome RPer sonic underground

Started by darkness shadow, December 14, 2008, 08:11:50 AM

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darkness shadow

supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

aurum: well, it would b best if sh was here... oh well, here gos nothing *turns normal, so he would be reconisable to his parents*
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Arrow worried about Aurum as he watched Aurum. He knew he could always escape, but he was just worried.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

aurum: *goes to the clearing* hello? anyone here?
???: who goes there!
aurum: the name's aurum, aurum the hedgehog
???: *jumps down from the roof* aurum? *this person looed a lot like aurum, just bigger, and no stripes
aurum's dad: you're really... our son... *quickly changs attitude* are you alone?
aurum: no, i have a couple of freinds with me *calls out* hy, arrow, elana, it's ok, you guys can come out!!!
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Arrow quickly ran right next to Aurum, "Yeah?" He asked Aurum.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

aurum's dad: well, aurum, you got a lot of training to do, if you are going to fight, you need to learn chaos control
aurum: it's ok, i already know how, and btw, this is arrow, a cousin of queen aleena's children
aurum's dad: O_O... well, you are certainly high up
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"My rank isnt that great in the Freedom Fighters..." He said, "Im just like everyone else with super speed!" He said, then he chuckled a little.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

OOC: i couldn't be bothered 2 put that again so...

arther [aurum's dad]: so, aurum, you know chaos control... well, i guess you'l stand a chance in a fight
aurum: what?!?!
arther: no holding back! *turns super*
aurum: ok! *turns ultra*
arther: hhhmmm, blue is an unusual colour for a super form
aurum: it's not a super form...
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

arther: you stay out of this, aurum has to do it
aurum: well, ready yourself
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"I know, im just gonna watch," Arrow said.

OOC: this is my last post before *swallows* death O.o (school :P)

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

arther: you can start this one of
aurum: and finish it! *zooms and grabs a chaos emerald from his dad, who turns normal*
arther: hmm... impressive, but, i can't put much of a fight, so lets here of some of your adventures, see what they tell me
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"We haven't done alot, but he did free Sonic, thats when we met. I was doing a task to locate a part of the building Sonic was trapped at, but i didnt get the job to free him, Aurum did. So we were sneaking around the building, and then, i think he teleported to the same room i had just gotten into... its been awhile so its a little fuzzy..."

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

aurum: you can't forgt th two factorys we took down in just seconds
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D