HELP WANTED - professional YouTube Channel about Games (Reviews,Gameplay)

Started by shadowDOESrock, April 25, 2010, 12:25:06 PM

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Super Sonic Boom

Quote from: TheGameNinja on May 01, 2010, 04:47:53 PM
Okay, so, good news: a place nearby sells HD Dazzles. The bad news: they're $80. It's not like I can't get the cash, but I do have other expenses. I will almost certainly end up getting one, but I don't know how soon I'll have it. I'll be able to get it by the end of the year, at the latest. I might be able to get it by the end of May, but there are some personal things that will have to line up juuuust right in order for that to happen. Like I said, end of the year at the absolute latest, but I'm certain I'll be able to get it sooner.

Anyway, that won't effect my ability to record GB/GBC/GBA games. I can still get DVD footage as well. I've got a... decent video camera, too. I don't know if I posted that yet. :3

Also, that Fraps download doesn't work anymore. :U

It's so weird, HD and "Plus" Dazzles go for $90 down here (the same price)...I got a Dazzle DVC 100 for about $90.00 and wished they carried the "Platinum ones" (aka HD). The only thing weird was that online, the DVC 100's got better reviews than the DVC 107's, which is odd because the DVC 100's < DVC 107's when it comes to quality and options in settings.

*cough* My test with SA2B (and DVC 100)...I used Sonic Vegas 9 to crop the aspect ratio to 16:9 instead of 4:3.
(I do commentaries..but I did this one w/o commentary)


Quote from: TheGameNinja on April 28, 2010, 02:51:13 AM
I had an idea. I've seen where a group of people get together over Skype and all do a Let's Play of one game. One person plays it while everyone else watches, talks about the game, and discuss how to progress in the game. It ususally works best for adventure games like Sam & Max or something. Think we could do anything like that?

Also, it would be okay for us to upload this stuff to our own channels, too, right?

a) I dont have a screen recorder....and i doubt it still would be HD or HDReady.
b) It kinda kills the point if the same content is aviable on another channel. VGR is an 'public' account for all the ones working on it. I still use my old channel for private stuff. Get what i mean?

Quote from: Super Sonic Boom on May 01, 2010, 05:07:25 PM
It's so weird, HD and "Plus" Dazzles go for $90 down here (the same price)...I got a Dazzle DVC 100 for about $90.00 and wished they carried the "Platinum ones" (aka HD). The only thing weird was that online, the DVC 100's got better reviews than the DVC 107's, which is odd because the DVC 100's < DVC 107's when it comes to quality and options in settings.

*cough* My test with SA2B (and DVC 100)...I used Sonic Vegas 9 to crop the aspect ratio to 16:9 instead of 4:3.
(I do commentaries..but I did this one w/o commentary)

Clear Enough for everything Last Gen.


Fraps 3.2.2 is in the SVIP Downloads Section, Software & Operating Systems.

Also, who wants to make the first Video Commentary this Weekend?

Game: Turok (2008)