Since There Is No Literature Section...

Started by Dracoslythe, July 05, 2010, 08:48:19 PM

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And this is anything but a fanfiction, I shall post this story here.
You are now venturing into the mind of a very disturbed 13 year old.
Yes, I wrote this story for a school assignment when I was 13.  I was told to redo the assignment because it wasn't school appropriate.  xD
What brought this us was jkid and I talking about stories and shit, and I was looking through some of my older things (yes, I keep my writings and art from previous school years to reflect on and use as milestones in my improvement.  Anything else, I throw away) and found this story from an assignment where we had to write a horror short story.  Yay for studying Edgar Allan Poe.  8D

My Little Doll

   Gray walls, stained with blood.  They were all she ever saw.  They were all she ever knew.  They were all she'll ever be...

   Marionette was a rather tiny young lady of 20, with long blonde curls, bright emerald eyes, and a pretty face to match.  She was very pale, however, from the lack of sunlight.  Her room, stained in gray and red, had no windows, no vents, and no access to the outside world.  It did have one door, which locked from the outside and stayed locked, only to be open when her master ordered it to be, which was when she received her daily meal.  This meal was rather scanty, composing of a small piece of bread, an apple slice a glass of water, and a slice of meat.

   As much as Marionette wanted to live normally, she knew that was never going to happen.  This is how she had been raised for eighteen years, and felt that this is her life until the day that she dies.  The last thing she remembered of her mother was when they were separated in a dingy basement.  She was forced to be on one side, and her mother on the other.  Interaction between the two was forbidden.  One day, their capturer brutally slaughtered her mother, right before her eyes.  This left an everlasting impression in Marionette's mind.  She couldn't believe that people could be so inhuman, to not just kill, but to then do what this man had done.  She shudders every time she thinks about that image; her mother's bloody body.

It wasn't until she was six that she figured out what he had done with her mother.  Before she was captured and forced to live in that hellhole, there was another boy, in her same position.  He had been killed because he had told her the truth about their meals...that the meat they were receiving...was from humans that this man killed, such as her mother.  For a long while, she refused to eat the meat, until her master had threatened her with no food or water.  After all these years, she's learned to pretend, and it doesn't bother her any longer.

Sighing, she looked up as she heard the lock on the door being released.  "Your meal, Miss Marionette."  This was all that her master said as he left the room, locking the door behind him.  She glanced at the meal, and then began eating it.  It was probably about 8 at night.  This was around the time that she got her daily meal.  After finishing it, and setting the plate by the door to be picked up tomorrow when her meal is brought, she laid on the small, yet elegant bed, next to the matching dresser; the only two pieces of furniture in her room.

'My birthday is in a few days...' she thought to herself, and the feeling of despair hit her stomach as she recalled what was written on the gray walls that loomed.  Everywhere, there were messages of pain and despair, obviously written in the blood of the prisoners before her who had gone mad.  "Twenty one..."  "Death is imminent..."  "Kill him..."  "That monster..."  Marionette wept.  This was her fate.  Like the prisoners before her– the ones that didn't die from mistreatment or for stepping out of line– she was to die on the evening of her twenty-first birthday.

Day after day, with the fateful evening drawing closer, her master brought her meal to her.  He eventually starting bringing in a beautiful lacy dress that was a work in progress, and asking her how it looked.  "It's for my soon-to-be wife," he kept telling her.  She nodded at the intricate designs on the floor-length dress, commenting on how beautiful they were, and how amazing the crème-colored trimming looked against the ocean-blue dress.

The fated day finally arrived.  Marionette was waked by the sound of the door's lock being disengaged, and the creak of it opening.  'It's time, Miss Marionette."  Her master, looming over her held up the beautiful dress, finished.  "Put this on."  He politely turned around as the young woman stripped from her ragged clothing and put the gown on.  The deep blue of the gown brought out the pureness of her bright green eyes.  Her master turned around when she was finished.  "Beautiful..." he looked over her as his face twisted into an inhumane smile.  "My little doll, sweet Marionette."  He began walking out of the room and signaled for her to follow him.

Marionette followed her order without complaint, or much of any emotion, despite the fact that she was scared out of her wits.  "My little doll, sweet Marionette," he repeated again as they stopped in a room that was totally dark.  With a clap of his hands, the lights came on, to reveal one man standing at the end of the room.  "Happy twenty-first birthday, dear."  He took her hand and walked up to the man. 

"...are we being wed?"  Marionette's voice was mousy.  His face twisted into a sick smile again.  This answered her question.  He nodded at the minister, and the minister began to read from a small handbook, the traditional wedding introduction.

"I do."  Master's face was still in the twisted smile as he said the words that came after what the minister had said.

"...I do..."  Marionette said in the same mousy tone as earlier, afraid of what might happen if she refused.

"You may now kiss the bride."  With the minister's words, Master brought Marionette into a passionate kiss.  As much as she wanted to pull away, she couldn't, so giving into him was the only option.

After the minister was dismissed, he led Marionette back into her chamber and set her down.  From his belt, he pulled out various sewing objects.  With an even more twisted smile than before, he threaded a needle.  "I love to sew."  With this, he began to sew Marionette's lips together.  She never once cried; pain meant nothing to her after all these years.  The blood flowing down her face was a nice surrogate for tears.

He then took the arm closest to him and snapped it backwards.  Marionette jumped; she couldn't ignore the pain.  With a satisfied grin on his face, the proceeded to do the same with her other arm, and both of her legs, and each time, he received a pained jump from his victim.  Finally, he got up and walked to the elegant dresser.  Opening the bottom drawer, he pulled out two nice-sized pieces of rectangular-cut wood that had two rusty nails sticking out of one side.

"My little doll, sweet Marionette..."  He repeated that line once again, this time, in a more creepy voice than before.  She then realized what was being done to her.  Her thoughts were interrupted as the sewing needle pieced the skin on her wrists.  He sewed around her wrists and tied the string to the nails on the boards.  Finally, with the bloodied needle used to sew on her body, he quickly and forcefully stabbed her eyes.  The blood flowing from them looked like tears.  "Stop crying."  That was all he was as he sewed her eyes shut.  He then carefully picked her up, and took her into the same room as before, hanging the pieces of wood on the far end of the hall.

"My little doll, sweet Marionette."  With the last reiteration of this phrase, he took a seat in a chair placed right below the living doll's body, and never again moved.  Eventually the newlywed couple died.  Together, as a married couple should be.


My god, you are THE best writer ever. This was really well done! I absolutely Love this.

.....Reminds me of a dream I had..dream/Nightmare...Dunno which anymore.
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


Quote from: Rendel The Wolf on July 06, 2010, 01:53:24 AM
My god, you are THE best writer ever. This was really well done! I absolutely Love this.

.....Reminds me of a dream I had..dream/Nightmare...Dunno which anymore.
I don't think I am.
I honestly think I fail at writing.  XD
But now you've gotten a taste of my writing that isn't fanfiction  o3o

lol this story actually came from a dream of mine -w-
And I think it'd be called a nightmare.  xD


Quote from: Dracoslythe on July 06, 2010, 12:50:20 PM
I don't think I am.
I honestly think I fail at writing.  XD
But now you've gotten a taste of my writing that isn't fanfiction  o3o

lol this story actually came from a dream of mine -w-
And I think it'd be called a nightmare.  xD
Well I still like this <: You've written something I actually would READ. if you ever made a book, It would be the only book i'd ever read. Lol you're awesome, i'm the one who fails at writing xD.
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


Fine enogh, but kinda creepy, i suppose it would get, i dunno 3.7 stars as a movie.