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Started by shadowDOESrock, August 08, 2010, 07:37:46 AM

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Why cant kids just do that what you tell them to do.
They always do bullshit afterwards and make things worse.

For god fucking sake.

Also, Kids in movies are even MORE annoying. (Shanghai Knights for example, Everyone hates chris for example)

     ...Do you plan on having kids someday?

I actually do.  I want 3 kids.


Didn't we already discuss this? x3

In any case, I only want one, if any...and it's gotta be a girl. The world needs more insane gamer girls. >:U

Also, I can't name a dude Crystal. That kid in South Park was a douche. :I

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: DarkKyoushu on August 08, 2010, 07:37:46 AM
Why cant kids just do that what you tell them to do.
They always do bullshit afterwards and make things worse.

For god fucking sake.

Also, Kids in movies are even MORE annoying. (Shanghai Knights for example, Everyone hates chris for example)

     ...Do you plan on having kids someday?

I actually do.  I want 3 kids.

Yes, I do want children so I can order them around all day like little minions or slaves while I sit on my arse all day and watch TV. But I will buy them some stuff at christmas and their birthdays which will make it all okay. Cause pretty shiny stuff is the way to any kids heart o3o



I blame the schools!

Also I  only plan to have 2 children
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


I don't want any children, my younger siblings ruined me ever wanting children for me.
They are horrible creatures, children, thankfully we grew out of childrenhood and are teenagers now...well most of us anyways X3


Quote from: TobiTheGoodGirl on August 09, 2010, 05:22:03 AM
I don't want any children, my younger siblings ruined me ever wanting children for me.
They are horrible creatures, children, thankfully we grew out of childrenhood and are teenagers now...well most of us anyways X3

your 13..., right?

Your opinion will probably be diffrent.


Plus, withthe career I'll be going into and a lot of other things aswell I won't have the time for kids. I'f I want a child I'll adopt one.


Ugh. Don't fucking get me started on KIDS.

Bratty kids, and parents who don't do anything about THEIR bratty kids, get on my nerves.

You can't even go into a restaurant without hearing a kid screaming his head off cause he wants fucking ice cream.


Quote from: KirbySoul11 on August 09, 2010, 06:57:59 AM
Ugh. Don't fucking get me started on KIDS.

Bratty kids, and parents who don't do anything about THEIR bratty kids, get on my nerves.

You can't even go into a restaurant without hearing a kid screaming his head off cause he wants fucking ice cream.


someones been taking advice from a squirrel. I hope you havn't been stuffing the kids in the freezer for an hour or so.


I plan on having kids. At least 2. A boy and a girl. They'll be the two most awesome, nerdiest little otakus the world has ever known.


Sounds a tiny bit familiar

Post Merge: August 09, 2010, 08:13:44 PM

Quote from: TobiTheGoodGirl on August 09, 2010, 05:22:03 AM
I don't want any children, my younger siblings ruined me ever wanting children for me.
They are horrible creatures, children, thankfully we grew out of childrenhood and are teenagers now...well most of us anyways X3

Well my sis is the DEVIL, but i still want a little boy, ima name him John, or Scaris... joking bout Scaris.


If I have kids, I'mma let them live their lives. But if they turn ghetto, they get a slap upside the head.


Quote from: KirbySoul11 on August 10, 2010, 12:19:11 AM
If I have kids, I'mma let them live their lives. But if they turn ghetto, they get a slap upside the head.
Hell yeah XD

@TGN sadly enough if I do have kids that's what'd they be, little Otakus in the making

@Rocklobstah OH SHNAP!!! Pffft. You so went there XD
