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Started by Conker534, August 14, 2010, 07:33:11 AM

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    QuoteTechtropolis is an Online Role Playing Game. Every week, I add a 10 level add-on. Although i do try to do more. The game is pixeled very simple, using a electronic style. Once you download it, you shouldn't have to ever again because of the patcher! The game has wonderful music, and great pixel art.  Every expansion in the game is 100% free. I will never charge for expansions.  There is one Cash Shop located in the Inn, It has items you may buy with Minxo Cash, That you can purchase at the main website.  This game is on nearly 24/7, When there is a server check or an issue, I will check it out. The main currency in the game is Gold. 
      Game Intro[/list]
      QuoteWelcome to a world, with unlimited possibilities, You live in a world where monsters and bad people roam the pathways freely. It is a dangerous world where killing is a hobby. You get to choose how you will live your life, whether that is owning a guild and participating in wars, or just being a lone wolf. Join in a group and do dungeons or just help out the city folk by questing. 
        QuoteFighter- This is the "tank". Fighters go and take there enemies lives, face to face.  All a fighter wants is his sword and he's going to kill!
        Difficulty: 1/3 - Not very expensive.
        Hunter - This is the speedy class that takes there enemies down from far away. they use arrows and bows.
        Difficulty: 2/3 - They cost gold to buy bows.
        Mage - This class is quite complex, From healing to burning there enemies down before they even have a chance, Mages are quite slow and powerful. But if something could get to it and hit it.. There going to have a hard time.
        Difficulty: 3/3 - They cost a lot of gold.  Shouldn't be used by beginner players.
        QuoteMichael, Pixel Artist, Head Mapper, Head Scripter, Owner - [email protected]
        Julien, Music Designer - [email protected]
        QuoteJulien! Thanks so much for the music man!
        R3 Patcher! Great program!
        Minxo Community! Love ya guys!
        Xtremeworlds Program - Awesome program bradyok :)