Bored And Have Nothing Better to Do?

Started by jkid101094, August 27, 2010, 06:23:24 PM

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Then read this poorly written story by yours truly. It COULD be considered a fanfic, but I prefer not to write those. :I
Oh...and did I mention I'm a terrible writer? Also, the sleep deprivation doesn't help. >:U
Just a small note. The story changes perspective so pay attention to the name of the narrator.
Warning: What you are about to read MAY or MAY NOT be cannon in this series' actual storyline.

Jordan, the mother:
He was conceived by accident. I let my emotions get the best of my and "took advantage of" his father. When he was born, the first things I heard out of the mouths of my friends were threats. Threats to have my baby boy slaughtered. His father never cared much for him. He shunned him off and hated him from the moment he found out. His father was psychotic. There's no telling what he'd do if I let my poor Sethy live in that house...That's why I had to give him up.

Three years later, the decision was made. I would call myself in on fake claims of child abuse. I would have my baby taken so far away that no one he knew would ever find him. The day they came to take him away it was impossible to hold back my tears. I thought I'd never see him again. My sweet, pure, Sethy...His father didn't even give him a glance as he was taken away. Just as expected...

My earliest memories come from about the age of six. I was living with my foster parents. Thinking back, they were terrible parents...They never payed me any attention. Didn't bother enrolling me in school. And, let's face it. They weren't the brightest.

It was a cloudy summer day, just like every other day around here. No patches of sunlight shone through the think gray clouds. Mother, had left the door open, and, being the curious six-year old I was. I scurried out the door. That was the last I saw of them.

I spent the next few years of my life as a wanderer. I had gone to far to find my way home, and I knew they didn't care. I traveled from town, to town. Asking for handouts and riding buses and trucks. I, eventually, found an area I was comfortable in. I stayed there, under the protection of an opened dumpster lid. This, although not as luxurious as I hoped, provided me a sufficient home. I slept there at night and gathered handouts in the morning. Until, one day, the other stopped being charitable. Calling me a bum and shooing me off with house hold items. One man even brought out a pistol on me. With no where left to turn, I resorted to picking leftovers out of trashcans. Life wasn't easy for a sixteen year-old like myself. No friends, no family, no education, no job. The world had outstretched, to me, it's middle finger and left me to rot in my own little cesspool. One night, I caught people unloading boxes from a truck. Curious I managed to sneak aboard. Maybe I'd find someone to be my parent in one of the next few towns over...I did.

His name, was Albert. But I disliked that name, so I just called him Gramps. He thought it to be disrespectful at first but, it grew on him, I suppose. Our deal was, he'd support me, if I returned the favor. He supplied my food, a first real first real father...Several weeks later, I had just arrived home from attending to an errand of his. I found him sleeping on the couch and my first impression was to cover him up, but...something was wrong...I checked his pulse.

I buried him in the dirt outside our house. I fell into dept without his aid, and was evicted...still sixteen, I was all alone again. I took refuge in an alley way and returned to my rat-like ways. Scurrying through alleyways for the slightest bit of food. It was there I met her. The reploid that saved my life...

It was raining, showing no signs of stopping soon. I was under yet another dumpster lid, shielding myself as much as possible. My small, blank, red T-shirt could not bare much more harsh weather. And neither could I. She came walking through the alley with an umbrella in her hands, slung over her shoulder so that the rain water trickled down the back like and fell to the ground in steams as she walked. Up until the point, I had never seen a reploid before. I was fascinated. Her pink a white armor shone bright, even in the darkness of the alley, and her long, brown hair, which fell down to about her waist, swayed back and forth as she strode. I quietly followed her, trying not to expose myself...I failed...within seconds I had stepped in a large puddle. She quickly responded to the noise and turned towards me with shocked expression on her face. I never bothered to ask if she was more surprised that I wasn't the cleanest looking thing she'd ever seen, or if it was because some random guy was trying to follow her home...To my surprise, the tone of voice in her response was actually really calm, instead of the outburst I had expected.
"Why, you poor little guy...look at you! Here, come with me, we need to get you out of this rain."
Easier than I expected...MUCH easier.

When we arrived at our destination, I was surprised at how clean and white the inside was. The ruined, broken buildings in the area made me think the nicest place I'd find would be a warehouse. We walked up to the front desk. No one seemed to mind the trail of water and mud I left behind as I walked. A blond reploid sat and the desk with a concerned expression.
"Well, who's your friend, Cynth?" that was her was strange...I was sure it was probably an acronym or something...a nickname, perhaps? She spoke up.
"I'm not sure, I found him in an alley way...he was trying to follow me. Alia, do you suppose we might have some suiting attire for him?"
Alia pointed to a room down the hall.
"Check there. I believe that's where we keep the stuff for humans."
We walked over to the room and Cynth flicked on a light. Piles of clothes and other items were staked neatly on shelves.
"Take your pick and get dressed. The faster you get out of those wet clothes the better."
"Um...aren't you going to leave?"
"Nope, it's against policy. I have to make sure you don't steal anything. Don't worry, I won't watch. I'm not perverted or anything."
I quickly picked out some clothes. Another red T-shirt. Luck they had one. A worn out vest. You know, with a tail like on the ones maestros have. Except it was plain, dark yellowish-green. And no buttons. I also grabbed some sweatpants and sneakers. Both black. When I had finished changing, I poked Cynth's shoulder, so she knew she could turn around.
"Alright, I take your old ones and throw them in the washer at home."
She then directed me to my room. I'd be staying in this place for awhile...

The next morning I woke up to an alarm to find some similar clothes laid out next to my bed. I slipped them on and headed out my door. Cynth was standing there with two other reps.
"This is Commander Signas.", she nodded to the biggest reploid.
"Thank you, Cynth, but I can introduce myself.", he glanced at me. "And you are?"
I stuttered a bit, then managed to tell him my name.
"Well, Se-se-seth. It's nice to meet you."
And, with that, he turned around and walked back down the hall.
"We would like for you to sign up to be a Mavrick Hunter, Seth. It's the only cost of living here." Cynth sounded much more serious than she did the previous night, so I accepted. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into...

The first session of training began later that day. I was bottom tier in my group. I failed every single mission and simulation. I'm surprised the instructor didn't just give up on me. But evening I was doing better. The drills became much more familiar. Over the course of the next few weeks we finished the rest of our training. The reploids were presented with their badges, but the humans recived something else. The instructor pushed a button on the wall a two mechanical doors slid open, revealing a closet full of strange looking belts that sported large plates in the shapes of letters.
"These are your Replaarmors. They're designed to boost the performance of humans to be those of reploids. Take your pick."
I was the last to grab one. I got stuck with the letter "O". Armor O, they called it. It wasn't long before I was assigned to my first mission.

They had sent out a group of us to investigate Maverick activity in the area. And by a group, I mean, Cynth, myself, and a orange, smart-alick reploid named Chris. We arrived at a warehouse and, just as expected, mavericks were loading crates of weapons onto trucks. Cynth and I snuck around the building, surveying from every corner...god only knows what Chris did, but it set off an alarm and guns were flying in seconds. Cynth face palmed.
"Does he do this often?", I asked.
"Every single mission." She looked up at the scene to find Chris.
"Well, well. Looks like we have a few stowaways..." A maverick approached us both.
"Let's crush em into little piles of bolts and scraps!" Another large maverick appeared at his side. There was no way out. We would have to fight.

End of Chapter 1.:P

Chapter 2:
I put my hand on the gun in my pocket. I was waiting to see what they would do. A shot was fired, a bullet whizzed through the air, and one of the Mavericks fell, another shot, another down. I looked behind me to see my savior.
"Don't just sit there kid. If you don't move you're going to get shot, no doubt."
Chris just shook his head.
"Now, come on, before more of these guys show up." The sirens then ceased to our surprise. We all turned to look the other way. A giant approached us.
"My first mission and I'm already fighting giant robots. They didn't train me for this..."
"They didn't train me at all." Chris pushed a button on his buster.
"It's true, he just walked it and demanded a job." Cynth spoke more with a tone of disappointment than anything else.
The mechaloid had the appearance of a large turtle. Four metal legs stuck out from it's large, golden plated shell. It's head was actually a turret. My face went white. This thing was going to be my death. No doubt.
Chris, to my surprise, rushed at it and stated firing, Cynth covered him, firing shots at the legs. I just sat there hoping I didn't get hit...
"Seth, use your armor!"
" do I do that, again?" Cynth stared at me blankly like I was an idiot.
"Wait, I think I remember now...", I lied. I raised the belt in front of me. No use. I tried pushing buttons. Still nothing. I tried reciting the alphabet up to O. I tried everything...
"Just say it's name..." I could tell Cynth was getting aggravated.
"Oh, right. I knew that." I attempted to make it cooler that it actually was. I held it out in front of me. "Armor O, showtime!" My body became cloaked in bright green lines, like a grid. Each square within the intersecting lines became as black as a sky less night. The grid adjusted itself to my form, the begun to shift itself into a new one upon which it's shinning orange armor formed. The bulky armor was lighter than it appeared. I stared at my left arm. Now a giant barrel with a large fist at the front end. My other arm and legs only change enough to become more bulky. A shinx-shaped helmet sat on my head.
" what?"
"Fight!" Cynth gently shoved me into the battlefield. I was scared. My palms began to sweat and my legs tensed up. I longed to run off, but how could I now? Then, something happened that I never would have expected...the armor began to move on it's own...Jets powered up on the sols of it's feet and lifted it into the air. The fist retracted itself and took the form of a turret gun. I got the hint. It wanted me to blast the front turret. I sat there in the air, aiming as best as I could. To my dismay, the mechaloid turned towards me. With one kick of it's hind legs I fell to the ground. Unable to get up I laid there. But, the armor acted again, this time, two rods in it's back ejected them selves, pushing me back to my feet. I looked at the mechaloid. It began to smoke. We were actually doing some damage? This gave me an extra confidence boost. I rushed to the Mechaloids underbelly while it was distracted with Chris and punched it as hard as I could...this gave no effect so I unloaded on it with my turret. Still nothing, but I had to keep trying. I saw that one of it's legs were weak. Bingo. With a might swing I finished off the leg and the machine collapsed. I barely managed to jump out of the way...Chris finished off the turret and it exploded with amazing force. I was blown across the floor. When it was all over and I looked up and saw in astonishment that Chris had managed to remain stationary throughout the entire thing. It was all over...or so I thought...

Smoke rose up from one of the boxes in the warehouse and soon the entire room was a blaze in a harsh red glow. Chris and Cynth headed for the exit, yelling for me to come on, but I was too tired to get up. I forced myself to my feet...that was the first time I saw him...

The mysterious figure walked towards me. Ignoring the fire, ignoring the flames, ignoring the fear of death itself. He walked as if he had no cares in the world.
"Wh-who are you?"
The man that stood before me bore a striking resemblance to me. But his eyes and hair were off. His brown hair was spiked up, as opposed to mine which I always has combed down. And his eyes were smaller, his red irises fit perfectly with the inferno as opposed to my light blue ones which had begun to tear up from the smoke. He did not answer my question. He only stared at me, I couldn't see his facial expression but the vibe he gave off...he seemed disgusted with what he saw. With me.
"This is not the late time we'll meet, Seth..." He turned and walked away...
"Wait! Come back!" I was curious now. A man with whom I shared striking similarities...maybe he knew my parents? How did he know me name? I needed to know, but the heat was getting to me. I began to feel warm, and sick. I felt as if I could collapse any moment. The last thing I could remember before I blacked out, was Cynth's hands grabbing me by the wrists as she and Chris carried me out of the smoke...
End of Chapter 2

Chapter 3:
As the months past, I began to enjoy my missions. I rose in rank as a hunter. I became a well known hunter. Mavericks would address me before any of my partners during a mission, even those I had never met. I was eventually know by all the hunters. My bond with Cynth and Chris began to strengthen, and soon, we were going on every mission as a trio. My bond with Signas strengthened as well. I began running personal errands for him. My reputation had begun to soar, though, not always in the brightest light...
"But! There are people that need my help!" I struggled against the nurses who were trying to hold me down on my bed. Rest? How could I rest when there was a mission to be done? They, eventually managed to drug me. Putting me back to sleep. When I awoke, I was changed and at the front desk asking for a mission before they could even notice I had woken up.
"You're going to hurt yourself like this, Sethy." Cynth said to me one evening. I could honestly tell her concern was no lie.
"Relax. I take hard hits all the time. I'm used to it."
"Yes, but you're only going to get worse, then you won't be able to feel those hits..."
"Look at who you're talking too. I could take six, no. Ten, no, twelve mavericks at once!" She laughed.
"Yeah, I'd like to see that happen!"
"I could an you know it!"
"I think your reputation is going to your head...just don't end up like Chris." She pointed to Chris who was, once again, hitting on the female hunters. We pointed and laughed every time he got rejected.
"Hey, if I do this everyday one of them is bound to get fed up or confused and say yes." He sat down next to us.
"Like I said, Sethy. Don't end up like Chris. Please."
"I won't" I laughed as I uttered those words. "That's a promise. And I always keep my promises.", Just then, a siren began to blare. Everyone began to rush out of the building. Including Chris and Cynth, who tugged me by the shirt.
"Come on!"
I followed, not knowing where the heck I was going or why, but I figured I'd just follow them. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him again...glaring. His face as clear as day. He look almost exactly like me...I darted in his direction!
"Seth! Get back here!" Cynth chased me down the hall, but I ignored her and chased that man. He had to know something...

Cynth collapsed to the floor. Of course! This was a virus evacuation drill! I turned back to see her lying there. She was clearly being infected.
"You idiots!" Chris followed not to far behind. He hoisted Cynth over his shoulder and carried her out. "Get your ass out there!" I could tell by the look in his eyes, that he was suffering from infection as well. He darted for the exit and I went back after the man I had been seeking. He couldn't be that far. No luck. I searched every room. Every closet. Every nook and cranny I knew of before heading out. Being human, the virus had no effect on me. When I got outside Cynth was sitting on the ground panting. A nurse was already attending to her. Chris was explaining the situation referring to me as, "The King of All Dumbasses." I laughed at the mention and everyone turned to me. Including commander Signas...
"Seth! What were you thinking!? You might be human but you still put both, your friends and your armor at risk pulling a stunt like that!"
"But, commander...I-"
"Listen, if you ever act that stupid again I will personally strip you of your badge. Are we clear, Seth?"
"Yes, Commander." I put my hand to my head in a salute. He did the same.

Once the virus had cleared, every infected object was melted no matter what it was to avoid spread of the virus, excluding Cynth and Chris, of course. The virus was successfully removed from their systems and they hand even caught the Maverick responsible...but then, why was that man here? Why did he only show up in the darkest situations? Why did he only appear to me?
Cynth and Chris still suffered serious internal conditions. They're both lost almost all control over their emotions. Cynth was put on specialized tablets. Chris refused to take them. The once calm and sweet Cynth now became anxious and moody. Chris just became a bigger jerk and often times was heard talking to himself when alone. Regardless of that, Cynth was fine on her pills. She often said she needed them to deal with us...but that was only when she ran out. Otherwise she was her normal self. We were still a trio and we still hung out together...until one day, I was assigned a special mission...Someone had come in, claiming that a former reploid had gone maverick and had attacked him. The suspect? Chris' brother, Mavis. I knew Mavis was nice, but I've seen nice people break away from their naivety within seconds. It isn't pretty...I found him in an alley way...the same one Cynth found me in all those months prior...
"So, Mavis. Mind telling me what's going on?"
"Huh?" He turned around. "I have no idea what you're talking about..."
"Don't play dumb, Maverick."
"Maverick? Ha! Me, one of those scum? Never!"
"That isn't what I heard. And unless you can prove other wise your head is mine!"
"Listen, Seth. I don't know what's gotten into you." He pulled out his saber. "But if you want a fight, then I'll be the first to strike!"
He rushed at me. I jumped to the side, but his blade caught my left arm and burnt my vest. I quickly pulled out Armor O.
"Showtime, buddy!" The transformation had become much quicker. And I could now control it on my own. I switched to my gun and fired. He dodged all but a few shots, which struck him in the legs. He fell to the ground and dropped his saber. I walked up to him, aimed at him and unloaded. Oil seeped from his busted, broken body as he feel further to the ground. I took his saber a various body parts as proof that my job was complete...but...I couldn't help but to worry about what I had just done...Oh well, the reward was sure to be worth it.
End of Chapter 3

Chapter 4:
Within a few months, all was forgiven and forgot. Turns out he was innocent after all...oh well.

I was on a mission with about nine other humans. We were tracking the signals of a Mave who had stormed through here. Armor O was being repaired, but I was armed with a temporary buster. As we made our way through the thick, crowded jungle not even the sounds of animals could be heard. It was too quiet to be peaceful, but we marched on anyway. After awhile, we stopped for a break. We had back packs with everything we needed for 2 weeks of survival. This was only day II. Plenty of supplies left. The first troop that finished strode ahead to check for signs of the Maverick. As he made his way he began to hear a loud cracking noise...branches?...The floor beneath him gave way and he stumbled into a pit much taller than he himself. We rushed over. He had no way out. No reinforcements would be able to clear the canopy above so our only hope was to fish him out. Armed with nothing but a rope two of eight men descended the plan was simple, go down fetch him and yank all three up. The troop was hurt from the fall and couldn't stand. All seemed to be going well until another crackle was heard...
"Timber!", I heard the Mave shout. Startled, the first man tumbled into the pit, dragging the rest with him. I scanned my surroundings then checked the pit. All nine laid groaning and rubbing their wounds. Just then, the sound of foot steps. I turned around, but was too late. A large, black club obstructed my view painting my world all black. When I awoke, I too, was in the hell hole.

The first man died a few days later. We were hungry. Our packs had been left outside the hole. We survived on insect larva and what ever else we could find in the hole. The decaying body of our fallen friend made us sick...I would have thrown up from the smell had I had anything in me. Insect lava are not very filling. We sat, rubbing our stomachs and glancing at the was there I witnessed a site that changed me forever...traumatized me...I was only 16...

A soldier, desperately hungry, crawled over to the body and picked it's arm up in his hands. I watched him sink his teeth into the decayed flesh and meat. Others soon followed and soon the entire squad was feasting on the remnants of our fallen comrade. They called it, "his final favor". I, however, would not partake in such vile acts...I remained content with my insect larva and other things. I would never...EVER go that low...

Days later, another perished...his last words? "Dig in, boys". I though I was going to throw fact, I did...all over myself. I was offered a few bites but refused. I was sickened by their actions. One by one, they perished faster. I deduced from the rate of their deaths that the first troop must have been diseased. They had all been eating tainted meat. After awhile, it was all but I, who had moved on to the next life. I sat there with the final body. The bones of my friends. My stomach growled. The hunger was tearing at me as it had been. I couldn't. I wouldn't. I did all I could to ignore the body and hunger. I sung, I paced I even resorted to cutting my own wrists with some of the sharper bones to focus my attention on my self inflicted pain. In the end, I could stand it no longer...I dined like a king that night.

When the search team finally found me I could hardy move. They sent medical reps down into the pit. I envied them. They never had to experience the horrors I had the previous night. When the asked what had happened I refused to say. I would never tell anyone of the events down in that hole. I would take that secret to the grave. They say the mind bends and twists to deal with the harshness of reality...I think my mind bent so much that god awful night that it snapped in two.

End of Chapter 4

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o

Dark Tails



Quote from: Dark Tails on August 27, 2010, 06:33:26 PM
No. :P
And learn Japanese. You'll sound cooler. Japanese makes everyone awesome. 8D

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o

Dark Tails

Quote from: jkid101094 on August 27, 2010, 06:34:35 PM
No. :P
And learn Japanese. You'll sound cooler. Japanese makes everyone awesome. 8D
The funny part is, i downloaded the Rosetta Stone pack for Japanese 2 hours ago.  Just wanna hear other suggestions, because Japanese doesn't really have any use besides watching Anime, and talking like a motherfucker without others understanding.


-pokes MSN where she explained why it was a fan-fiction-


Quote from: Dark Tails on August 27, 2010, 06:37:24 PM
The funny part is, i downloaded the Rosetta Stone pack for Japanese 2 hours ago.  Just wanna hear other suggestions, because Japanese doesn't really have any use besides watching Anime, and talking like a  without others understanding.
*Moves this to the other topic.*

Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 27, 2010, 06:37:43 PM
-pokes MSN where she explained why it was a fan-fiction-

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Hey, I've read quite a few fanfics that were amazing and didn't have any sex shit in them.

Although the last few I did read that I like was either yaoi, or everyone wanted to screw the main character's brains out ._.

Dark Tails

The one Doom fanfic where he is the alien was groundbreaking.


No one likes my piece of shit story? >:U
Well, it looks like I gotta hold off the game then, too. x3

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


I liked it 8D, I just saw this while looking for something to do on this forum, and this was rather enjoyable. 8D good job.
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


Quote from: Rendel The Wolf on August 28, 2010, 05:42:37 PM
I liked it 8D, I just saw this while looking for something to do on this forum, and this was rather enjoyable. 8D good job.
Well, thank you, Rendel. At least someone enjoyed it besides Draci and GD. x3

If I posted ch 2, would you read it? Cause I already have a good majority of the entire story plotted out. x3

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on August 28, 2010, 05:48:58 PM
Well, thank you, Rendel. At least someone enjoyed it besides Draci and GD. x3

If I posted ch 2, would you read it? Cause I already have a good majority of the entire story plotted out. x3
Lol most likely X3 I like reading good stories 8D
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


Chapters two and three starts getting...uh..."interesting"...

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


The sad part is.
I already know that this shit happened.
But this is just details to the main ideas that I knew.  x3


Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 29, 2010, 11:51:38 AM
The sad part is.
I already know that this shit happened.
But this is just details to the main ideas that I knew.  x3
And then all the pieces begin to fall together. 8D

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o