I hate humans. I really do. So much. (The Rant Queen is BACK, BABY)

Started by Dracoslythe, September 27, 2010, 08:51:27 AM

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So I had 50 dollars stolen from me today at school.
Why did I have 50 dollars at school?
Because our yearbooks are over-fucking-priced.
Yeah.  A plain yearbook with nothing extra is 50.
Bullshit, I know.  But that's not what this rant is about.

Now I'm not one of those sympathy-seekers who just sits there and boohoos still someone 'fesses up, or crowds around me (and even besides the whole money thing), but I've had a really bad morning (turned into a really bad day...).  I broke down in planning period today.  It was probably comical to those around me; I was all like -cling- to my bf, crying.  @-@

And you'd think mom'd care a little bit.
lol, no.
I didn't even get a "too bad, so sad"
I got an empty "it's your fault."

Because I didn't put it in my wallet.

Because I don't take my wallet to school
For this very same reason.

Because it'd get stolen like it did last year.
And the year before that.
And I think the year be...no, that was my whole purse that got stolen in 8th grade...
yeah.  @-@

For the past...fuck, since I've moved here, I've had shit stolen from me (even my fucking medical supplies.  Yeah.  My test kits and glucose tablets for my diabetes.  People's gone in my shit and stolen them), sometimes more than once in one year.
My school is filled with thieving little bastards.  @-@

It's not the amount of money that was stolen (I mean yeah, 50 dollars, it's a lot, but that's not what had me pissed), but rather the fact that nobody could be fucking honest.  Why?
Cause honesty is a fucking joke in society today.  It gets you nowhere.
Lying is the way to go.  I mean look.  Some hopeless druggie is 50 dollars richer because of lying through his teeth.  8D

Kinda like what happened to my ipod.  I know exactly who it was but I couldn't prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, so the school couldn't do shit about it (oh god, cause someone would sue them if they even TOUCHED their precious little baby that they think is so innocent, but goes around stealing, drug dealing, abusing, and everything else @-@).  But these two little asshats were exchanging snickers and throwing me mocking looks when I was in the class telling the teacher about the missing money.  lmao.  Whatever.  They'll OD on their drugs, and I'll be lmfaoing all up and down the hallways.

And nobody can figure out why I live in my little fantasy world all the time.  Maybe if they stopped being fucking crack babies and tried living a normal life...?  (yep.  that's another big thing in my school.  Line up 10 people, and I bet you out of every set of 10 students you line up, at least 8 of them smoke pot or do some other kind of drug -_-')

And this is why I fucking hate humans.
With a passion.
This huge "end of the world" shit can't come fast enough.  Too bad it won't happen.  lmao


I'm possibly the last person you want to hear from about this
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


I feel sorry for you, why don't you go to other school?
and second, try hiding the money where no one will even check for anything
and I thought I have hard times in my school


Quote from: Ioshyriku on September 27, 2010, 09:44:04 AM
I feel sorry for you, why don't you go to other school?
and second, try hiding the money where no one will even check for anything
Something tells me she's tried that...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!



Same thing here, only it was my backpack and we found it (i am now missing TETRIS for the GBC... but not the GBC... wierd...) Sorry draci, try hiding your money in your bra? -shot-


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


The same thing happened to me several times in high school. I remember one time where someone broke into my brother's P.E. locker and stole two of our manga. It was obviously someone in that P.E. class, since no one else could have gotten in there. But what did the teacher say? "You shouldn't have brought it to school if you didn't want it stolen." The jerk didn't round up everyone in the class and search them like he SHOULD have. He just basically told him to kiss off. >:(

Also, it wasn't a manga anyone there would have wanted. In fact I think we're the only ones in town that read Dr. Slump, because the store we bought it from stopped selling it. They only stole it because they wanted to sell it, or maybe just out of spite.

Jazz Nova

Some will do anything for a bit of money.
Hell, if you want money, chose the right choices in life. Then you'll get a well-paying job and have a good life.
Don't forsake your future (where you can make a nice amount of money) for some bucks right now.
Apparently, I've been lucky as I've not been to a school that has bullying problems or a major theft problem.
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


Quote from: TheGameNinja on September 27, 2010, 01:14:52 PM
The same thing happened to me several times in high school. I remember one time where someone broke into my brother's P.E. locker and stole two of our manga. It was obviously someone in that P.E. class, since no one else could have gotten in there. But what did the teacher say? "You shouldn't have brought it to school if you didn't want it stolen." The jerk didn't round up everyone in the class and search them like he SHOULD have. He just basically told him to kiss off. >:(

Also, it wasn't a manga anyone there would have wanted. In fact I think we're the only ones in town that read Dr. Slump, because the store we bought it from stopped selling it. They only stole it because they wanted to sell it, or maybe just out of spite.
lmao that's practically what happened to my ipod.  I let someone listen to it while running, and I should have said that I wanted it back in my hand.  He put my  headphones back...but not the ipod.  And I KNEW it was him, but the teacher didn't do jack shit because I couldn't PROVE it.  I was like "what the..."

And yes.  I have tried putting valuable items in my bra before.  They end up getting lost because they fall out @-@


Fuck America.
Fuck humanity.
Fuck life.
I'm lucky not to live in a place where my peers are thieving little dicks.

But that's why I go as far as to carry important things with me at all times. If I have money they're going to have to kill me before they take it out of my pocket (deep ass pockets FTW.).

There's a lesson with every mistake, Draci. Keep your shit in your pockets. Don't have pockets? Go the bra route. It's weird but it works. Because if someone's intent enough to shove their hand down your bra for that money than that not only proves what low-life pricks they are, but you might be able to get them for sexual harassment...assuming your school has cameras. YAY FEDERAL COURT! 8D *shot*

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on September 27, 2010, 03:25:16 PM
Fuck America.
Fuck humanity.
Fuck life.
I'm lucky not to live in a place where my peers are thieving little dicks.

But that's why I go as far as to carry important things with me at all times. If I have money they're going to have to kill me before they take it out of my pocket (deep ass pockets FTW.).

There's a lesson with every mistake, Draci. Keep your shit in your pockets. Don't have pockets? Go the bra route. It's weird but it works. Because if someone's intent enough to shove their hand down your bra for that money than that not only proves what low-life pricks they are, but you might be able to get them for sexual harassment...assuming your school has cameras. YAY FEDERAL COURT! 8D *shot*
It was in my pocket.  I should have went the bra route like I normally do.  And no, it's not weird.  My bra is like extra fucking pockets.  I always have bulges in my shirt because I store stuff in that bitch.  xD

And yeah.  Even mom said that if it weren't for pulling me away from my friends, that we'd move, cause she hates the people of this area.
We got the two extremes.  Backwoods rednecks who'll do anything they can for drug money
And stuck up, bratty marine kids (not saying all marine kids are, but the ones around here DEFO are) who were raised with a silver spoon in their mouth, and think they can get away with any and everything because they think the world OWES THEM something.  @-@


Quote from: Dracoslythe on September 27, 2010, 03:31:36 PM
It was in my pocket.  I should have went the bra route like I normally do.  And no, it's not weird.  My bra is like extra fucking pockets.  I always have bulges in my shirt because I store stuff in that bitch.  xD

And yeah.  Even mom said that if it weren't for pulling me away from my friends, that we'd move, cause she hates the people of this area.
We got the two extremes.  Backwoods rednecks who'll do anything they can for drug money
And stuck up, bratty marine kids (not saying all marine kids are, but the ones around here DEFO are) who were raised with a silver spoon in their mouth, and think they can get away with any and everything because they think the world OWES THEM something.  @-@
So they pick pocketed you?

And, you mean they're like my brother? *shot*
Meh, one of the reasons I'm glad you guys are my only friends. I never have to leave you. :3
Just look at the bright side of things. If nothing good happens today, you have the rest of your life. Everyone has those shit days but we get through them the best we can and then learn something from our mistakes.

In essence:
Forget it and learn from it so you don't suffer the same experience twice. :3

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: Dracoslythe on September 27, 2010, 03:17:28 PM
And yes.  I have tried putting valuable items in my bra before.  They end up getting lost because they fall out @-@
Get stuffed bras... stuff em... although it does look wierd D:


Quote from: rockout909 on September 27, 2010, 03:49:32 PM
Get stuffed bras... stuff em... although it does look wierd D:
I don't stuff my bras.
If girls are ashamed of their size, there are things called pushups.

But I have no desire to make myself look bigger than I already am.
I actually prefer to look smaller.  @-@

And stuffing bras is pretty much the female version of guys being insecure about the size of their dick, although in the end, it really doesn't matter.  @-@