The NoMercy Tips and Cheats topic

Started by darkyellowz, October 29, 2010, 09:15:41 PM

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okay now, i know there are few L4D gamers here, so i will share to you the tips and cheats of the poupler campain, NoMercy or NOMERCY.

so first off, you start on a roof, there are about 2 ways that i know to get down, one is go through the roof access, another is to jump down one of the sides to a platform things and waiting for your team-mates to get down while you get raped by infected on expert.

okay so your down the building, if you went down the building, then you would of found some awesome stuff (maybe), okay so now your out side, there is a witch spawn close by, so get ready to cr0wn her if she is there, if you are on xbox360 and you hit her in the head and kill her in one hit to the head you get an achievement, Cr0wn 50G, its also for the PC one too, there is also a achievement for using only pistols, so you get get a pistol if it is neer you before or after the witch if it is there, so grab one if you see one, or be a total bad-ass and use only one pistol.

okay your out of the ally now, so we are on the streets, find a sing that says "Give Blood" or something, and look for the door neer by and go into it, look around and grab some things then leave, or you can do it like a total bad-ass and jump out a window.

okay we are neer the subway, the first thing you will see is a car outside the subway, don't set it off or you will get butt-fucked by millions of zombies, but if you want to get the achievement "Zombie Genocide", anyway perceed into the subway and into the safe room, and then you know what to do? CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR! then you win this part of the campain.

if you have anymore tips on the 1st part on the campain if you are a L4D player, please post them on this topic, next time we go into the subways and incounter your mother, wait, thats a tank, HOLY SHIT, RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The off-topic section isn't the only section on the forum dude >.>
And all these things
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Today we encounter the Subway, where you face the fresh sandviches, wait, wrong game.

okay now, you are in the safe room from before, and if you play this map on vurses you might find the places only infected can get to so you know a idea of where they will spawn, okay now some people would say you should take the stairs, when i do that i get mauled by something, there is another way, THE VENT!, when i go that way i am safe in a one face shootdown in viorment, and i get eathier a molitave or a pipe bomb or both or none of them, so you go throught he vent and guess what, STAIRS!, i hope your not bill or you will die of seeing stairs, i always rember zoey saying "hey bill its your fav, stairs.", it was so funny, well perceed down the stairs and check in the booths, if you are lucky, there are wepons on the table, okay going on... i will edit this once i get my throught back.