How to post without getting the other members mad.

Started by xSalashawty, November 22, 2010, 02:01:43 PM

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There has been alot of topic bumping the past few months(ok maybe not alot) but still. It has to stop. Here;s an actual way to do it without getting the other members by 'bumping'

~Click on 'recent unread topics' since it will supply you with a new page of fresh and active topics!
~If you run out of recent ones, click on all unread and reply to active topics. (I'd say more than a month is a bump, so if their more than a month old then don't post)
~Use proper grammar

*Use your brain when you post. It gets REALLY annoying when somebody goes:
"Colros iz da betta dan SAXD!!!1!!11!!!!one!11
Y no Crlos?
How I download gmaes?"
Or something like that.
-Talk to the community!
-Don't just read the first page of responses. Read the most recent, too.

* Respect: if you give it, you get it in return. It's as simple as that
- We are a forum of people with different opinions and different values like others around us.
* Don't troll. Trolling, flaming or otherwise disrupting the continued enjoyment and entertainment value of the forum is just... plain silly
* Don't discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, nationality or disability
* When replying to a post, insure that your reply adds to the topic with a noteworthy answer or aids in furthering the conversation.
*(?) Keep all arguments with a single person to Private Messages (Causes less drama and problems)
*Do not harass, annoy, or insult moderators and admins, they are here to help.
- We're not your parents.
- Act like adults regardless if you are one or not.
*(?) Just because the guidelines do not state it, does not mean it is allowed. Keep away from trying to elude the rules.(Although, there are only 3 rules in the offtopic/spam [No viruses, no porn, and have fun] please try not to actually HARASS the user. Take a joke chillpill.)

Example(from Jazz)
* Don't make a topic like this:
(Title) Sonic 3
(Message) i haz digtal klok it picure C:/documentsandsettings/username/pictures
That is spam.

The topic leaves no room for discussion, it is COMPLETELY OFF-TOPIC and you incorrectly linked an image.
Don't be the member that does that. You'll be off the forum before you can say "timmy fell down a well?"
Also, the rest of the members will consider you stupid and not able to type properly.

There are more, but those are the ones that should keep you out of trouble I guess
*(?)should or might be in the rules
*are actual rules here in which can be seen HERE.

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.

Jazz Nova

-Use your brain when you post. It gets REALLY annoying when somebody goes:
"Colros iz da betta dan SAXD!!!1!!11!!!!one!11
Y no Crlos?
How I download gmaes?"
Or something like that.
-Talk to the community!
-Don't just read the first page of responses. Read the most recent, too.
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


Not to mention we need some respect regarding a few things and such

- Respect: if you give it, you get it in return. It's as simple as that
- We are a forum of people with different opinions and different values like others around us.
- Don't troll. Trolling, flaming or otherwise disrupting the continued enjoyment and entertainment value of the forum is just... plain silly


Please try to use proper spelling, punctuation, etc. outside of the spam section. Especially if you're starting a new topic. I'm not asking for perfect grammar, but it would be nice if your post didn't need to be translated into readable English.


Quote from: TheGameNinja on November 22, 2010, 07:07:46 PM
Please try to use proper spelling, punctuation, etc. outside of the spam section. Especially if you're starting a new topic. I'm not asking for perfect grammar, but it would be nice if your post didn't need to be translated into readable English.

It's actually already up there TGN.

Quote~Use proper grammar


Oops, sorry. It was so short I guess I missed it. But I stand by what I said. :P


I'm about to bold the sentence of proper grammar since it gets alot of people if it's improper.
im abot two bold teh sentnce of poper gramer since it get lot of peple if it inpoper

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


Well, I just thought up of a few more. Let me put them

- Don't discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, nationality or disability
- When replying to a post, insure that your reply adds to the topic with a noteworthy answer or aids in furthering the conversation.
- Keep all arguments with a single person to Private Messages (Causes less drama and problems)
- Do not harass, annoy, or insult moderators and admins, they are here to help.
- We're not your parents.
- Act like adults regardless if you are one or not.
- Just because the guidelines do not state it, does not mean it is allowed. Keep away from trying to elude the rules.

And that's all I could think of at this time


Quote from: Rigged on November 22, 2010, 07:18:17 PM
Well, I just thought up of a few more. Let me put them

- Don't discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, nationality or disability
- When replying to a post, insure that your reply adds to the topic with a noteworthy answer or aids in furthering the conversation.
- Keep all arguments with a single person to Private Messages (Causes less drama and problems)
- Do not harass, annoy, or insult moderators and admins, they are here to help.
- We're not your parents.
- Act like adults regardless if you are one or not.
- Just because the guidelines do not state it, does not mean it is allowed. Keep away from trying to elude the rules.

And that's all I could think of at this time
Those are in the rules, actually. But I'll post it anywho~

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


Quote from: Joey Wheeler on November 22, 2010, 02:13:34 PM
-Use your brain when you post. It gets REALLY annoying when somebody goes:
"Colros iz da betta dan SAXD!!!1!!11!!!!one!11
Y no Crlos?
How I download gmaes?"
Or something like that.
-Talk to the community!
-Don't just read the first page of responses. Read the most recent, too.
lol, that is like every guest user ever....



I'm going to bump this topic in a months time just for the lulz.

Sorry :D



that's if you;ll remember this topic.

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.

Jazz Nova

Don't make a topic like this:
(Title) Sonic 3
(Message) i haz digtal klok it picure C:/documentsandsettings/username/pictures
That is spam.

The topic leaves no room for discussion, it is COMPLETELY OFF-TOPIC and you incorrectly linked an image.
Don't be the member that does that. You'll be off the forum before you can say "timmy fell down a well?"
Also, the rest of the members will consider you stupid and not able to type properly.
...I think this topic should be stickied in this section, where people will actually read it.
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively