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Started by TailsLover2010, November 25, 2010, 07:25:43 PM

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This thread is about Classic and Beta. Here is one little thing I made.

And then.... there's a city I'm working on.

To the left is My House. I am the most powerful person on the island. I'm on the Obsidian-Framed Night-watch Tower. The Right is Station: Control 64. Even farther on The Left is the wall. Most Foregin people don't get in. And to The North is Construction Zone.

More View on Station: Control 64

This is a Elevator. Since sand and gravel are the only physics controlled bricks, I use them. Cause if you fall of the platform you can destroy one brick and then the others will fall down one.

We are now inside Station: Control 64. This is Control Pad 2. It controls all the electricity on the island.

This is Control Pad 1. It controls the army and other law enforcement people.

Another thing if you didn't already notice, that the sidewalks are made of the finest obsidian.

Lets take a look at my house shall we?

This is the inside of my house. It has a bed made with the finest wool in the island. A Nether 64/Dream-craft, and a lovely Obsidian Play-box 3. Oh and a T.V.

Now we can see my Downstairs.

This is my downstairs. It has a couch made of the finest lumber found anywhere in the island. A N64/DCR and another lovely OP3.

Here is a better look at Night-watch Tower, and The Wall.

This is a better look at the Construction Zone.


By request, I am giving pictures of the seed Glacier.

This is where I spawned. mmmm sexy pine forest.

Nice sexy ocean whar you can is go fishing.

Underwater tunnel, hide from scaries here.

in the underwater tunnel, also these are what 1.8 pre-realese generated so it may be different in 1.7.3


It looks like good ol' minecraft alpha. ya know, before the enderpussies.

A secksey swamp for sum mushroom humping.

-No advertising in signature, please.


A random building I made in classic:

I was short on time while doing this.


I love creative games, but for some reason, this one kinda bores me after awhile. And I hate my self-clicking mouse so badly. >.<

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


These are some of those few games out there that the graphics doesnt matter but still a very good game

Super Sonic Boom

Quote from: jkid101094 on November 29, 2010, 11:50:56 PM
I love creative games, but for some reason, this one kinda bores me after awhile. And I hate my self-clicking mouse so badly. >.<

The creativity factor is there, for the people who actually are legitly bored- otherwise I would pass on this if you would like to spend your money someplace else. *coughTF2cough*


Quote from: Felix on February 04, 2011, 04:04:45 PM
These are some of those few games out there that the graphics don't matter but still a very good game
acually the graphics are very good, it's just the style that makes it look old, you can also download texture packs


Alpha is now beta. olololololololol shuld go edit
-No advertising in signature, please.


Quote from: TailsLover2010 on February 19, 2011, 06:40:30 PM
Alpha is now beta. olololololololol shuld go edit
sorry to say this but your 3 months late, it became beta between the holyday season


it does have good graphics but i'm not in to it


FFFF- Minecraft <3
I'm hooked on it, but I can't stand when I even get the tiniest bit of lag in ANY game and Minecraft tends to have some minor slow moments every now and then depending on who's server I'm on.


Quote from: TobiTheGoodGirl on June 13, 2011, 08:22:04 AM
FFFF- Minecraft <3
I'm hooked on it, but I can't stand when I even get the tiniest bit of lag in ANY game and Minecraft tends to have some minor slow moments every now and then depending on who's server I'm on.
Oh man...I tried playing online with GD...never doing that again, the lag was terrible. @_@

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


My lag normally isn't too bad, just sometimes it is xD



I luv minecraft. I play with tobi and darky. :P


I owned a server with lots of people, I lost it due to a crash though.

First try at making a sig, It's decent.


Didn't you manage to save the server, Fia? D: