Kingdom Hearts Protectors

Started by Gleech, January 12, 2009, 05:34:54 PM

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Kingdom Hearts Protectors

Its over 100 years since Sora stopped Xemnas, and the worlds have been at peace, until now. The heartless once again continue to live on, and if there's heartless, there's nobodies! Although, now, there is more that one Keyblade Master, many of them have found the location of Kingdom Hearts, and stayed to keep it away from the heartless, and make sure nothing gets out! Although, they failed... a group of Dusks and Shadows overpowered the Keyblade Masters. This gathered a new Organization, called, 'Re-united XIII', or just, 'The XIII'. These people aren't just 13 members, but they have 13 lead Nobodies that wield keyblades. The names haven't been found yet, but some do know. Some have tried to find out but they were killed in the process. The remaining keyblade masters must fight off the nobodies and heartless to save all the worlds! Or will the Re-united XIII take over the remaining keyblade masters? You decide!

1.) If you make a nobody, you either,
  1. have to make them have an 'X' somewhere in their name,
  2. mix up their name and add an 'X' somewhere.
2.) You can have a good nobody, like one that can help out the Keyblade Masters.
3.) Please keep the swearing low, I really don't get why you HAVE to add it, so you can, but please don't use it too much.
4.) No spamming!! The Roleplay section MAY be under the Off Topic section, but this DOESN'T mean that its alright to go ahead and spam, its named the Roleplay forum for a reason, and there's an Off Topic/Spam forum for a reason!
5.) You can't get the ultima weapon or the Kingdom Key (Mickey's). And no matter what your keyblade looks like, it would be like the same stats as the Kingdom Key (Sora's).
  1. Please put a pic of the keyblade you're using.
6.) Don't make your character like the cousin or long lost brother of Sora (they would be dead if they were a long lost brother)! They can only know Sora from hearing stories of what he did 100/101 (KH II takes place like a year after KH 1 if I'm correct, and this roleplay takes place 100 years after KH II, thus taking place 101 years after KH 1).
  1. Your character cant act like Sora, and they can't dress like Sora.
7.) Follow all the rules I put in my guide.
8.) All the other forum rules apply.
9.) Only the people I can control the NPCs (Aka, the leaders of the Re-united XIII).
10.) You can't make yourself a leader of the Re-united XIII, that's up to me and me alone!
11.) If you're a nobody, you have to have an 'unknown' cloak.
12.) If you're a heartless, you can be in a human form.
13.) You can make a pirate personality for your person if you want, that's why I added Port Royal to the starting list.
14.) You don't have to die if you don't want to.
15.) Don't make an invincible person, let someone else win once and awhile.
16.) You can't use your sonic character, all character HAVE to be human!
17.) You can only have 3 magic (if you say 'Yes' to magic users, then list the ones you have) and they can't be the 3rd level (Firaga, Blizzaga, etc...)!

(*only applies to Heartless/Nobodies) (**you don't have to do it) (Copy this to make your character) Character Setup:
Gender (Male/Female):
Side (Keyblade Master/Neutral/Heartless/Nobody):
Description/Picture (What they look like):
Personality (What they act like):
History (What happened before they were chosen by the keyblade):
Starting Area/World:
Keyblade (the keyblade they use):
**Magic User (Can use magic):

(*anyone can start in this world) (**Nobody only starting worlds) Worlds:
*Traverse Town
*Twilight Town
*Destiny Islands (The town)
**The World that Never Was
Olympus Coliseum/Underworld (KH 2 version)
Agrabah (Mixture of KH 1 and 2 version)
Atlantica (KH 1 version)
Halloween Town/Christmas Town (KH 2 version)
Hollow Bastion (KH 2 version)
*Land of Dragons
Beast's Castle
Disney Castle
Timeless River
*Port Royal
Pride Lands
Space Paranoids
*Deep Jungle

srry if i forgot something.

Name: Alex
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Side: Keyblade Master
Description/Picture: A medium sized boy with a dark blue shirt, and silver stripes on the sides outside sides of the sleeves, and black pants. He has blonde hair and greyish, greenish eyes, and peach skin.
Personality: A kid always ready for adventure, he cares for others and helps out when he can. He can be lazy sometimes, but when he's pushed a little he'll stop being lazy and start working.
History: He grew up in Traverse Town, and gained a few skills while hanging out with his friends that liked to hang aropund 'on the streets'. Once day, one of his friends went missing. His two other friends just thought he was joking around, or just busy with his family, but they went to search anyway. They walked through the ally they marked as their hang out. Suddenly a few shadow heartless appeared! Alex's friends ran in fear, but since Alex heard about the stories of the past keyblade masters and the heartless they fought, he knew what it was, and what to do! He suddenly charged to attack it, but the heartless all overpowered him! Alex flew back and fell on the ground after they hit him. Alex stayed on the ground for a little and then got up, he then felt some heavy force pulling him down on his right hand. He looked over to see something, it was a key-like weapon that he heard about, call the keyblade. He fought off the heartless, and found his friend trapped in the corner of the ally, he thought to himself, Could this have been a trap, luring me into it with my friend, just to kill me off? and then went to free his friend.
Starting Area/World: Traverse Town
Keyblade: Kingdom Key
Magic User: No

Some exeptions to the rules!
1.)You may have flight ONLY if you start in Neverland (this'll make sense), and you may put it under powers. BUT you can't fly everywhere, you may only glide in places other than Neverland.
2.)You can add a power if you're not a heartless/nobody, as long as its only for your keyblade (and isnt something that can overpower anyone and instantly kill them, this is against the rules >.>)

more to come.

Oh right, and you dont have to stay in the same place as everyone else (i saw this on another KH RP), but every post, you gotta put something at the beginning like:
~Traverse Town~
--Deep Jungle--
[-Hollow Bastion-]
Make sure you bold it, so people can see it. It also doesnt have to have those 3 beginning/endings, you can make your own as long as it stands out from your regular post.

Edited the swearing rule, i worded it weird so i fixed the weird part :P

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


YES,I can ttly do this  ;D nice setting btw awesome job  ;)

Name:Jaden Kuzo
Side:Keyblade Master
Description:He's a medium sized,guy,with a black long sleeve vest and black long plants,wearing a red coat with the symbol of a broken Cross with a cat sitting next to it.Wears white gloves and sometimes black shades,yellow skin,red orange spread out hair and carries his Keyblade on his belt.OH and he has black boots.And has a pouch to his right where he keeps Ebony.
Personality:He always acts as if nothing is troubling him,only focuses on the mission and destroys any enemy he sees.But in drastic situations,he'll help his friends...I mean "partners"and do what it takes to get them outta trouble
History:As a child,he wanted to know what his father was like,cause his father went to fight some kind of battle and never came back.Growing up,his mother allows him to go to the streets and sharpen his skills,so that when comes a time,he'll be able to help his dad in battle.One day he met a girl named Rosie,She admired hid determination to help others and wanted to help him get better and strengthen herself too.But on a tradgic day the sky turned dark,and his neighborhood was being lifted,When he came out,he noticed the only ones on the ascending land was him,Rosie and a strange black creatures.With his trusty gun Ebony given to him by his dad before he left,He tried to get rid of as many as he could,but in the end,the creatures managed to capture Rosie and break the island apart.As he fell from the land he heard a voice saying "Don't give up,you can save them....u have the mightiest weapon of all"He passed out.When he woke up,he realised he had a giant key in his hand.Being depressed about his loss,he decided to take a bounty hunting job,hoping to find Rosie and maybe his dad(Cliche I know)
Starting Area/World:Tranverse Town
Keyblade:Akimbo(Sorry Gleech,can't find a pic  :( but it looks like Tetsaiga from Inuyasha with the top part looking like the Fenrir.)
Powers:His Keyblade has the power to shapeshift into any bladed object with the same or more lenght than its original form
Magic User:Can only use Fira and Stop
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on January 12, 2009, 06:29:54 PM
YES,I can ttly do this  ;D nice setting btw awesome job  ;)

Name:Jaden Kuzo
Side:Keyblade Master
Description:He's a medium sized,guy,with a black long sleeve vest and black long plants,wearing a red coat with the symbol of a broken Cross with a cat sitting next to it.Wears white gloves and sometimes black shades,yellow skin,red orange spread out hair and carries his Keyblade on his belt.OH and he has black boots.And has a pouch to his right where he keeps Ebony.
Personality:He always acts as if nothing is troubling him,only focuses on the mission and destroys any enemy he sees.But in drastic situations,he'll help his friends...I mean "partners"and do what it takes to get them outta trouble
History:As a child,he wanted to know what his father was like,cause his father went to fight some kind of battle and never came back.Growing up,his mother allows him to go to the streets and sharpen his skills,so that when comes a time,he'll be able to help his dad in battle.One day he met a girl named Rosie,She admired hid determination to help others and wanted to help him get better and strengthen herself too.But on a tradgic day the sky turned dark,and his neighborhood was being lifted,When he came out,he noticed the only ones on the ascending land was him,Rosie and a strange black creatures.With his trusty gun Ebony given to him by his dad before he left,He tried to get rid of as many as he could,but in the end,the creatures managed to capture Rosie and break the island apart.As he fell from the land he heard a voice saying "Don't give up,you can save them....u have the mightiest weapon of all"He passed out.When he woke up,he realised he had a giant key in his hand.Being depressed about his loss,he decided to take a bounty hunting job,hoping to find Rosie and maybe his dad(Cliche I know)
Starting Area/World:Tranverse Town
Keyblade:Akimbo(Sorry Gleech,can't find a pic  :( but it looks like Tetsaiga from Inuyasha with the top part looking like the Fenrir.)
Powers:His Keyblade has the power to shapeshift into any bladed object with the same or more lenght than its original form
Magic User:Can only use Fira and Stop
lol cool, and 2 things (that i'll let it slide a few times, these arent rules im gonna be strict about): 1 you said Fira, but thats fine, i just dont want people going, "I HAVE FIRAGA, AND BLIZZAGA, AND etc..." and powers are for like the heartless/nobodies, but if its like that, its fine, because i dont want people to be like, "LOL MY GUY HAS THIS POWER TO LIKE FLY ALWAYS AND THEN HES LIKE LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!" but since its for your keyblade, thats fine ;)

Edit: I added an exeption list, so that people know what they for sure can and can't do.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

i don't know enough about kh to take part, so i'm gonna sit this one out
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


k, i figured you might not join, but if you wanna learn the storylines and stuff about all the different KH games, you can go to

ok the site really doesnt have the storyline, but they have the synopsis of all the games... (The KH II one doesnt tell you much about it XD it doesnt even mention the beginning of the game for all i know (aka the whole Roxas thing...)

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


soooo,can I start? ok
~Tranverse Town~

Guy:hehehe,think you can take me?
Jaden:I'm takin that bounty of yours,theres no stoppin me
Guy:hehe,JUST TRY KID!!!!!
Jaden:*swiftly pulls out Ebony and rushes to the man from below then raise up to shove his palm forcefully to his face,then wacked him across his neck with Ebony*
Guy*as he fell,he tried to grab his gun*
Jaden:*Steps on him and points gun to his mouth*So,your coming quietly....right!? >=(

                                               15 Minutes Later
Counter Guy:Hehe,another success,your getting quite skilled my friend
Jaden:Just gimme the cash!
Counter Guy:fine,here ya go*pays Jaden*
Jaden:*walks out of building counting his reward,then stops suddenly*......I'm hungry
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


OOC: lol its fine if you start, so i'll role with the play *pun* :P also when you say Ebony i think of the Ebon Hawk from KOTOR/KOTOR II XD

~Traverse Town~
   (Food Place)

Alex walked in, without his keyblade out. Its only been a few weeks since he got the keyblade, but he figured out how to make it come to him, and go away when he wants. Alex sat down in a chair and waited for a few of his friends to come. Just then a lady working there came up to him, "You ready to order?" She said with a smile.
        Alex looked at her and said, "No, im waiting for a few friends first,"
        "Ok, i'll come back later," The lady said as he walked away. The place wasnt fancy, but it had waiters and staff like that.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


                                                             ~Tranverse Town~
                                                                  (Food Place)
Jaden:*bursts through the door*Yo waitress,gimme the menu!
Waitress:Coming right up sir
Jaden:*While waiting,puts head on the counter with arms folded*
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


OOC: He has his keyblade with him at all times, right? Like you can always see it? Or am i wrong?

Alex noticed Jaden walk in, and the first thing he thought was, What's his problem...?

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


lol yes he does  :) its always slipped in his belt behind him,for he never bothered to learn it's abilities(Yes,he doesn't know of that little power I added.....yet)
Jaden:*turns his head towards Alex*What do you want >_>
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


"Um, i didnt want anything, hey wait, whats that on your belt...?"

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Jaden:.....its nothing you should care about *place's head in the space where his are crossed"(If you know what I mean)
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Alex got up, "Well it looks something like this..." He moved his right arm out and held it there until a Keyblade appeared. He then put it over his right shoulder since it was too heavy to keep in held in mid-air.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Jaden:That's a nifty lookin blade you got there,but doesn't matter,it's a piece o trash I bet*turns head*u can sit down now,ur attractin a crowd.Nice magic trick btw

Yes he may be an ass at first  :P
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


OOC: lol XD

"Its not magic..." Alex said as the keyblade disappeared, and he sat down. "So why are you here?" He asked Jaden.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!