Kingdom Hearts Protectors

Started by Gleech, January 12, 2009, 05:34:54 PM

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darkness shadow

OOC: mix of the 2, need to open the gate 2 do it

Xen: have you ever heard of the legend of the chaos emeralds?
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Quote from: ultrashadow on January 24, 2009, 11:40:19 AM
OOC: mix of the 2, need to open the gate 2 do it

Xen: have you ever heard of the legend of the chaos emeralds?
OOC: more of in KH II than KH 1...

"No... whats it about...?" Alex asked.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

Xen: it's about these 7 different coloured gems that have unlimited power... and the colours are the ones that are on my keyblade... i'm guessing that it's based of those legends, and this *holds up the rock* must be one of them...
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D

Light the Hedgehog

*some weird flash back that isn't supposed to be his flows through Tyson's mind*

*Tyson sees Sora and Xemnas fighting*

Tyson:...D*MN IT! none these flash backs make ANY sense!!! what does it all mean?!?!



OOC: If we're gonna teleport, we should teleport to where Tyson is so Light doesnt feel left out :P

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


I have to be here EVERYDAY for follow don't I -_-"
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on January 25, 2009, 03:32:50 PM
I have to be here EVERYDAY for follow don't I -_-"
OOC: lol yes, lol jk... we'll try and get back to Traverse town, pretty much Alex went to twilight town from following someone in the Re-united XIII...

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

hey! geech the mod now, nice sig

Xen: here goes nothing... chaos control! *nothin happens*... well... that was certainly dtramatic
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"Uh... i guess...."

OOC: Thanks, i made it last night! I was gonna have a pic of Sonia and Manic like crying in the background or something... but i couldn't find a good Sonia pic (found a good Manic pic but not a Sonia one..)

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

Xen: maybe there's more to it... if one story is true, it's possible the other one is to
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D

Light the Hedgehog

Tyson: *appears out of a black hole to the left of Xen*


"Tyson?! Where'd you come from?!" Alex yelled as he jumped back in surprise.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D