Red Dead Redemption - Undead Nightmare

Started by Ritz190, December 25, 2010, 11:47:02 AM

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Never have I played a game that implements Zombies in a threatening way...and in so many numbers...Most of you would say "But Ritz...Left 4 Dead does the same thing!" Well I don't own an X-Box and i never will unless it's given to me. Anywho...The original game itself is fun...Gta western. it was pretty short too, but with the undead nightmare add on, it gives it alot more replay value. These Zombies WILL ban together and they WILL kill you. Just the other day, I was knocked off my horse by a zombie cougar and was mauled to death by Zombie wolves and bolters. First zombie game where you HAVE to watch your back, or death will snatch you up.


Quote from: Ritz190 on December 25, 2010, 11:47:02 AM
Most of you would say "But Ritz...Left 4 Dead does the same thing!" Well I don't own an X-Box and i never will unless it's given to me
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


I preffer the classic resident evil games


Quote from: Ritz190 on December 25, 2010, 11:47:02 AM
Well I don't own an X-Box

For you to even mention the inferior Xbox version...
I'm guessing you have a shit PC.


I have a PC, PS3, and a Wii. My PC runs really well and I keep it up o speed. It can run games no problem so i really wouldn't call it a "shit PC". Resident evil is fun and all...but It more suspense than urgency most of the time.


I heard Its really good I want the Undead Nightmare add on.


It is, man. It even got it's own disk release. An add-on has to be pretty epic to pull that off.