Why Pokemon Black and White Stand Out and May Be Even Better Than Gens 1-4.

Started by jkid101094, January 16, 2011, 09:50:35 AM

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When I first saw concepts and designs I thought Pokemon Black and White weren't going to even come close to the other generations. The Pokemon looked dumb, the fact that the new region was based off America was a turn off and the trainer designs looked like crap, but thinking about it last night I figured that gen 5 might actually be the best of all. Why? Let's start with the basics:

1. Game Freak wants Pokemon to be darker and more mature:
I actually had heard speculations of this beforehand and didn't really think much of it. Looking at it now I totally see it. It's obvious Game Freak decided to show players that Pokemon didn't have to seem like little kid games, while not making it too intense (we don't need a Conker esque Pokemon game, now). First of all, the trainers look a bit older. While not a huge push it does show that they might be trying to attract older players. Remember how people used to say how fucked up the games really were? You basically, in short, use animals as slaves, keeping them locked up and drug them to fight until one of them ws knocked out then drug the more to heal them. Imagine stuff like that in the real world. You'd get arrested so quickly it wouldn't even be funny. Well, as much of a joke as it used to be the villains actually are based around it. For once people in a children's game are pointing out how messed up it really is. That alone tells you they're going for a darker atmosphere. The main villain in the game (I'm sure Draci could back me up on this) is actually trying to free Pokemon because he thinks they're being used as slaves. I don't think that actually promotes the most kiddie atmosphere. Look at Genosect. Team Plasma actually mounted a CANON on it's back...Now let's observe the designs:

Aww. Ain't he cute? That's what we've been getting since 1995. Don't get me wrong, there have been some pretty menacing designs, but the ratio was like...1/20. Menacing to cute. Now the scale has seemed to dip in the other direction. Pokemon like this:

...are no longer the minority and that's really saying something. According to my sources the abuse of Pokemon is also addresses which is something dark that I don't think I've seen in the other games. Thing like Lavender Town stuck out in the past because it was a dark place in such a cheery world that stuck out and perverted the childish mood. Look at Black city. Sure White Forest is all happy (that may be the reason they switched them, to let that player choose the region's mood) but Black City seems all dull and dark...

The entire new region seems to be Lavender town these days...

2. 156 New Pokemon!:
That's right. We thought they were running out of ideas but my math indicates that this is the greatest generation to generation increase in Pokemon history. The dex stopped at 493 with Arceus and now ends at 649 with Genesect. Let's observe, shall we?

Gen 1 (Kanto): 151.
Gen 1 ~ Gen 2 (Jhoto): +100 (151 to 251).
Gen 2 ~ Gen 3: +135 (251 to 386)
Gen 3 ~ Gen 4: +107 (386 to 493)
Gen 4 ~ Gen 5: +156 (493 to 649)

That's even more than Kanto introduced. This clearly shows that the Game Freak fire isn't dieing out any time soon. Plus, for me, the new menacing looking ones are a bit of a plus.

That's all that really comes to mind at the moment. Most of this is just sleep deprived rambling. Besides the obligatory update and new features there isn't much I can say until I actually play it, but from the info I have I can almost grantee that this game is going to be better than most. This rant is mostly about the games being darker, despite the title, but I had to thrown in that second factoid. :P

For me it's: 2>1>5>4>3, but that might all change this coming April...

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o



Alright, for real this time:
This is what I've been saying.  Pokemon is maturing with it's original generation:  older teens.


Also, who manipulates their own son? (in a Pokemon game, Jkid, don't get excited.  xD)  But all in all, like I said earlier, I like the whole Parent/child relationship thing.  It's pretty cool. (again, in a game.  The whole "evil organization father and rival son" thing was done in the Gold/Silver arc of Pokemon Special with Giovanni and Silver)

Geechisu is the center of this entire thing though:  It's /his/ fault N is how he is.  Geechisu only let N see Pokemon that were hurt be humans, who then grew up thinking that Pokemon were only used by humans as tools (not only for battle and hurting them.  This is also seen in Pokemon Special:  N sees Black and White using their Pokabu for acting purposes, and he's crying, saying something along the lines of "even here, Pokemon are being used by humans.")

N is seen as the antagonist, when in reality, he's /a/ protagonist.  Geechisu is the real antagonist here.  And it's just like in real life:  hypocrisy.  He really wants everyone to let go of their Pokemon not because of what he's tricked N with since he was a child (that Pokemon are abused by humans) but because he wants to be the only one to use Pokemon.

N does apologize for his actions after you beat Geechisu in the game, and it's really heartfelt (I'm sure the AI speaks differently towards Black, the male character, I only played through as White), with him saying that "you're different, your Pokemon really wants to be with you, ladeda."

And I was with you at the start:  It looked really dumb, but I really enjoyed the game, and the storyline was <333[/spoiler]


Finally, Pokemon takes a step in the right direction. I always saw more potential in the series.


So you say the darker the genre, the better it is
Yet you curse Shadow the Hedgehog?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on January 16, 2011, 06:56:06 PM
So you say the darker the genre, the better it is
Yet you curse Shadow the Hedgehog?
I loved Shadow. :I
And I'm not saying that exactly. I'm just saying that it's a nice change...and read the disclaimer...I should probably change the title. xP

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on January 16, 2011, 07:12:06 PM
I loved Shadow. :I
And I'm not saying that exactly. I'm just saying that it's a nice change...and read the disclaimer...I should probably change the title. xP
Well, this is still one of those changes I don't really approve (shocking isn't it?)
I like my pokemon adventures to be all cute and stuff
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Eww cute pokemon? No way. This is all about pwning eachother in battles, not playing around and being a poncy little kid with a bunch of balls.


now if only the tv show was darker and didn't suck charmander bawls.

But i can agree with the series being darker. and maybe a bit less engrish (i.e. fufufufufu)
the story is at least interesting this time around, instead of rehashing the "team ____ capture pokemon, you stop them, find a lengendary, beat the remaining gyms, battle elite four, go to an extra zone." formula.


Quote from: BloodFury~ Goldie on January 17, 2011, 01:02:30 PM
Eww cute pokemon? No way. This is all about pwning eachother in battles, not playing around and being a poncy little kid with a bunch of balls.
There's some cute ones (i.e. Erufunn<333 http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Erufuun_(Pok%C3%A9mon))
Then there's some badass looking ones (i.e. Desukaan<333 http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Desukaan_(Pok%C3%A9mon))
Quote from: supersonic196 on January 17, 2011, 01:13:15 PM
now if only the tv show was darker and didn't suck charmander bawls.

But i can agree with the series being darker. and maybe a bit less engrish (i.e. fufufufufu)
the story is at least interesting this time around, instead of rehashing the "team ____ capture pokemon, you stop them, find a lengendary, beat the remaining gyms, battle elite four, go to an extra zone." formula.
Nope now it's like "team _ tries to get people to release their Pokemon, you stop them, find a legendary, beat the team boss and his father, go to the other entire half of the region" xDD


Quote from: Dracoslythe on January 17, 2011, 01:26:05 PM
There's some cute ones (i.e. Erufunn<333 http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Erufuun_(Pok%C3%A9mon))
Then there's some badass looking ones (i.e. Desukaan<333 http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Desukaan_(Pok%C3%A9mon))Nope now it's like "team _ tries to get people to release their Pokemon, you stop them, find a legendary, beat the team boss and his father, go to the other entire half of the region" xDD

I found there was more cute ones that badass ones, I found myself catching more pokemon before the elite 4 than I have in the other gens put together. You know the whole "OMG ITS SO CUTE *catches*" (next battle) "OMG ITS EVEN CUTER *runs back to the pokemart to get more pokeballs" I sat for ages watching shaking grass to catch the gen V pikaclone embargo or something was it? the elecitric flying mouse x3

As for badass, the knife pokemon and its evolved form were brilliant x3 *cant remember their names due to only seeing them once* But absol still wins... (or even that chandalier pokemon just to be different)
http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz169/JulieTF2/Pokemon/Black%20and%20White/fb411a6a.jpg (evolved form of the knife pokemon) I sped through the game so I don't really remember many new pokemon names xD

I even thought the character designs were great except cherans I didnt really like him or the one in the first gym with the blue hair :/ And I am so growing my hair long enough to make it like Adeku's hair xD
http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz169/JulieTF2/Pokemon/Black%20and%20White/ee15f81a.jpg (look draco more men with ponytails)
And we now officially have gym leaders who are "coloured" (political correctness is supposadly important) Aloe. Oh and did anyone else think sharga looked like Drake from the elite 4 in gen3? you know the old pirate man that used dragon pokemon.

Bad side - You can't catch any 1st - 4th gen pokemon until yoiu beat the elite 4 D: I mean it took to long for me to get absol >:U

and yeah to the guy he does the whole heartfelt apology and "your pokemon want to be with you" nonsense I just sat clicking the A button till the talking was over at the long bits like that.


Quote from: NiGHTS on January 17, 2011, 02:34:26 PM
-lots of words-

and yeah to the guy he does the whole heartfelt apology and "your pokemon want to be with you" nonsense I just sat clicking the A button till the talking was over at the long bits like that.

I payed attention...
It was N.  8D  -shot for being a fangirl-


The tone is darker even though it is still rated as a E for everyone unyet shadow was slated for it darker tone of game curse you sega hahaha


I also cough at the whole "pokemon are human slaves" bullshit
As we have observed many times in the anime alone, if a pkmn doesn't like its trainer, they can simply ditch'em, especially since not only can they come out of their poke balls whenever, but they can also dodge that red light that takes them back in
Therefore, like Ash's pikachu, if the poke ball was uncomfortable, they could just come out and stay out
I seriously scoffed, laughed and rolled my eyes for the whole game cause of team plasma's bullshit
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


In my mind, Pokemon is a cock-fighting simulation game.

But im gonna post this here

Creatures Inc. help make pokemon
Creatures Inc. also made Giygas

Just wanted to put that out there