What was your scariest/worst moment of your life?

Started by Fiamonder, January 23, 2011, 10:54:23 AM

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My brother, mother and I had gone to Atlanta, Georgia to take a vacation. The day after we got to the hotel it was bright and sunny, so my mom decided it was okay to go to the pool, even though there was no lifeguard. In fact, we were pretty much the only people in the pool area. There was a kiddy pool, and a regular pool. I didn't want to go into the kiddy pool because I thought I was a big girl, so I asked my mom and she said I could only put my feet in the regular pool. So while my brother sat in the kiddy pool, I was dangling my feet in the regular one. Well, I kinda shifted my weight a little bit so I could put my feet in a little deeper. I fell in the water and my mom didn't realize it until maybe 3 seconds later. In total, I was under for about 5-8 seconds. And I wouldn't go to the top. I had to be 4 years old. Obviously, I didn't die. But now, I'm a little careful every time I go into a pool. The second bad thing that happened was that 3 years later, my grandmother died of cancer.

I used to have dreams that those little clay things from Nick Jr. would kill me. I stopped having dreams like that when I turned 10. XD
I love Randy Orton~ :3


Quote from: jkid101094 on February 03, 2011, 12:05:09 PM
Hi, kiddy. >:3

This isn't the scariest or worst moment of my life, but I just want to tell it anyway. I dunno why...I like telling this one. Keep in mind that this isn't a dream...

So one night, my mom and I were sitting in the front room watching some movie. My brother and our friend were in his room watching "The Leprechaun". I was starting to find them horrifying at that age (I think I was 4...5...6? One of those. I can't remember). My brother really didn't like that. He's the kind that'll tell you, "It's not scary" as he watches you piss your pants. Anyway, he and our friend called me i the bed room and promised to pause the movie because they wanted to talk to me. I said sure and went. Next thing I know, they slam the door behind me, cover my mouth so I can't scream, and push me into the bar of our top bunk. They took my brother's belts and tied me to the bed so I couldn't do anything, slapped duck tape over my mouth and eye-lids (that doesn't seem too plausible, but apparently they got it to work because I don't remember closing my eyes), and made me watch a killing scene (I think he was in a cop car or something? I dunno). Luckily, for me. Mom got suspicious and tried to get it. When the heard her they tried to quickly untie me. She got in before they could, though and fucking RAGED...I honestly think the experience may have traumatized me... ._.
AHHHH SLENDERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but that kinda happened 2 me... my brothers would scare the shit out of me by jumpin out of closets with knives and masks...

i used 2 try 2 punch them but it failed.....
"What do you if you live in a shoe and ain't got no soul?"


when it was dark and we were camping my little cousin angie yelled at me "IM GONNA JUMP IN" and she threw a huge rock off of this cliff she was standing on then she was really quiet and i thaught she jumped then didnt come up. :( then she started laughing and i almost passed out cuz i thaught she drowned...ugh.
When life gives you lemons...throw them back and demand cookies.


The most horrifying moment of my life was when my fat bull-dog started to trow up it looked like he was dieing there was puke in the halls stairs underwear jus jeez it was like impossible and just gross he even got it in my shoes D:


When i got on a ride that drops its like the superman at sixflags


When I was young, I fell down the stairs and I had to stay in the hospital for 3 months.


the night they broke into my house and i saw them on the porch...


the worst moment of my life was when i falled of the bridge some broken bones but everithing fine



My life is so frickin' boring, nothing ever actually happens. The most I've been scared of is close family members being put in hospital and their lives were at risk.


Quote from: raiseyourweapons on July 16, 2011, 06:31:02 AM
My life is so frickin' boring, nothing ever actually happens. The most I've been scared of is close family members being put in hospital and their lives were at risk.
Which are generally the worst moments..


Probz falling off a scooter and getting KO'ed and breaking my arm


Quote from: Tana~ on July 16, 2011, 08:57:15 AM
Which are generally the worst moments..
When my best friend was in the hospital I wasn't too worried at all because I was sure he'd make it out.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o