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Started by shadowDOESrock, January 29, 2011, 04:30:01 AM

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Quote from: Maddie8D on February 04, 2011, 10:09:45 AM
I can agree that the boy has had his...troubles, but bitching at him wont help. I can also agree he's gotten better, though he still has his weak spots here and there. But now, all we have to do is say not to do it once, and he won't. I am not on any one's side either, as you can tell. Anyway, The point is, just leave him alone, and we'll see what happens.

and karma is just a button, it aint gonna change anything...i mean really, dont live off of it. Bringing him back to zero, will just piss off the haters, and the'll take another 122 hours to make that number go back down...
I'm not sure what side I'm on o3o, but I can  see your point, and karma really is just a button. But some people just need to get over the hatin' xD


Quote from: valia_wolfie on February 05, 2011, 06:55:26 AM
I'm not sure what side I'm on o3o, but I can  see your point, and karma really is just a button. But some people just need to get over the hatin' xD
Indeed x3

At least i have someone on the border with me .3.


Quote from: Maddie8D on February 05, 2011, 09:09:38 AM
Indeed x3

At least i have someone on the border with me .3.

Unfortunately sitting on the fence is rather uncomfortable. The sides need to think of these poor people that use it :/


karma is not a button.

Is it a system of respect and reputation.

When karma goes up, so does privelage. People trust you, they look up to you, you make a better impression.
"Hey, that guy has alot of karma, he must be a great, helpful forumer"
If karma goes down, people barely give you quarter. You're often ignored or treated as a lower class.
"Oh, he has low karma. He mustn't be a very good member"

So while we have the moral high ground by ignoring karma, this is just like comparing private to commander. Not all people are like that.


Once you know a person is cool, their karma shouldn't matter. You're saying if I had a low amount you wouldn't see me as a good person? I could have -1000 karma and still be respected here because I'm a good member. That's like those damned achievements on the PS3. Karma is nothing but a number to me because it doesn't reflect a damned thing about someone's personality. It just says people don't want them to be given a chance from new comers that think it means something.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Like I said, moral high ground. But that's our opinion, I'm showing you fact.
And that's how human society works, unfortunately.


Quote from: BloodFury~ DFX on February 05, 2011, 03:48:57 PM
Like I said, moral high ground. But that's our opinion, I'm showing you fact.
And that's how human society works, unfortunately.
I don't mean to be a bitch and all but...

Internet much?

W/e people have opinions and thats that .-.


I ternet? The internet was created by humans. Humans' way of classifying things is still very much intact, if not WORSE on the internet.