How did you meet your best friend?

Started by Multicannonboy101, January 29, 2011, 12:38:02 PM

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They say your boyfriend is your best friend so...
I met him on here, though we didn't really start talking til I added him on MSN.
You guys know the rest <3


I met all of my friends where i live, but i met my girlfriend in Wisconsin and she later moved to my state


from kindergarden and were in high school now and stil hang out


I met him, when I was learning to how to play guitar when I was 8.
Now, i'm 14 and we have a band, where he is plays the bass, I'm the singer,my bro at the guitar and my best friend's ex at the drums.



6th grade. It was the 2nd day or school and I was asking all the guys around class if they had owned a Gamecube, and if they did would they lend me a memory card (I can't imagine how idiotic I looked asking around the classroom). Well this one guy, Desmond, told me I could borrow his, but I had to give it back as soon as I finished with it. After that we started hanging around each other alot more and started bonding. I never finished using that memory card, it's in my Wii atm and he still hasn't forgotten about it either xD. There you are lovelies, I told you the entire story. Have a great rest or the day, whoever's reading.

Super Sonic Boom

10th grade, we are basically in the same history and computer classes and it ends up 2 years later we will be graduating together with high averages. Best friends are something everyone has, it just is great to hear where you guys are meeting them! :)


It was my first day and we were both alone then we played with the same toy and we became friends <3


Veerryy first day at school. We were both 4, and Sonic360 knows him too.

I was already in my classroom with the others, but looked outside of the window... I saw a blonde guy approaching with it's mother, and he appearently seemed like a nice guy to me. He walked into my classroom, reached out my hand to him and simply asked him "Wanna be friends?"

That was the beginning of my life... We were on the same school for 5 years, until I heard that he had to move away. It was quite sad really... Never forget.

Even though he moved really far away, we still keep in touch. We see eachother once in every... two, three months? I believe that he also registered on here, he's known as Shad1place or Shad8D.

First try at making a sig, It's decent.


I just met him at a regular day of school we talked and became reguar friends and played a little more and then started hanging out and eventually we became the best of friends :D