I'll give karma to the one who can write a decent creepy pasta about this site.

Started by jkid101094, February 04, 2011, 02:07:01 PM

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Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


one time i got onto this site and i lurked a bit but then at one point the screen went black so i waited awhile and it went away and it had this pic of a person and his gut torn open then a message thing poped up and sayed "L.E.A.V.E. N.O.W." then a yes/no thing appered and i pressed no and a screemer poped up infront of me and i just FREAKED. The end.


Long before 2008, a Italian SZ member cooked a pasta and took a picture of it and uploaded it to the site on the off-topic section... Whoever looked upon the picture of that pasta back then didn't go online anymore... perhaps they lost connection to the forum... or perhaps died. So John deleted the topic without looking at the topic and the picture was never seen again about that pasta...



Hold on, I'm working on one...and actually putting some thought into it.
I'm writing it in the style that most of those who write about hack pastas do.  xD


You guy's got me loling. xDD

Quote from: Dracoslythe on February 04, 2011, 05:28:43 PM

Hold on, I'm working on one...and actually putting some thought into it.
I'm writing it in the style that most of those who write about hack pastas do.  xD
Yay. I like hack pastas...even though they kinda freak me out. x3

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on February 04, 2011, 05:32:23 PM
You guy's got me loling. xDD
Yay. I like hack pastas...even though they kinda freak me out. x3
Awww, mine's not meant to be funny.  But like I said, I'm not a horror writer, so you might end up loling at mine.  xD


 There was a topic about a hack.Ah hack that was awesome.You would download .Work Perfectly.
Until the next day.S.A.D.X would start going crazy.If you went to the site, SADX would pop up, with sonic looking terribly evil.
If you did this more than 3 times...Sonic zone  forum would open up perfectly, except when you went
to topic about a villan...BOOM! Pictures Of sonic and his friends would show up ..Killing their selves
Then 1 last image.You and sonic looking VERY happy, you pulled out a gun shooting sonic.You would walk up to the screen,
saying" I'm proud",Then shooting yourself in the head.
The site would return to normal, but the peoples avatar would be all screwy. They would be those pictures you saw.
The members would say VERY rude things to you.The worst was ANY sonic picture you looked at would cause you
a Death VERY soon.It would be the saddest sight to your eyes,EVER.....................


I've always thought the internet was a seemingly harmless place where people could come together to have fun and just let loose.  How horribly wrong I would turn out to be.  It was just a matter of time until all hell would break out; the internet would lose any meaning of the word "fun" it ever had.  Specifically one site I visited often...Sonic Zone Forums.  Now before you go pointing your finger with that "you're just making this up!"  Or "there's little kids on this site, stop with the scary stories!" nonsense, just hear me out.  Every word I write is true; every line a new tile in the path to understanding the unseen and unmatched evils of the world.

Sonic Zone Forums was your average Sonic the Hedgehog fan-site.  It had its ups and downs, and most certainly its share of hard times.  The forum had been through so much together and still, for the most part stood strong.  It was a place that I had been with at the beginning; a place I had planned to stay with until the end.  We had our regulars, then the ones that mostly everyone knew, even if they didn't come on that often, then the ones that nobody knew but they still seemed pretty cool, then of course, we had the noobs, the ones that nobody wanted to associate themselves with.

It was that one fateful day.  As usual, I had thrown down my book bag and booted my computer up.  The first few pages I had opened up were the ones I always opened up:  Deviantart, Facebook (oh so cliché, right?), and Sonic Zone Forum.  Everything seemed fine for the first few minutes that I browsed.

It began when I found myself on the tab with Sonic Zone.  All was fine at first, even after the horror began.  It wasn't until I tried to leave the tab and check my Deviantart messages that I realized.  Screeching noises reverberated throughout my room; my speakers were muted.  There was no way that my computer could have been emitting that terrible noise.  Sure enough, as I put my ear near the speaker to make sure it was as I heard, the sound was deafening.  There were faint whispers mixed in with the screeching.  The whispers sounded like those of a pleading child who was abandoned by her parents.  It was horrifying, even more so after the screeching had died down and I could hear the words that came from the speakers.  "You don't love me anymore..." I scooted back from the computer, but I was unable to take my eyes off of the screen.  The screen never wavered from its original form, and I was still able to browse the site.  I wasn't, however, able to leave the tab, lest I face that terrible screeching.  Something had taken me over, making me unable to leave that site.

In desperation, I cried out to mom, but she merely shrugged it off, thinking that I was just tired, and that I needed to sleep.  True, I was tired; it was late at night, but an energy chain bound me to this site.  Shrugging it off that maybe I was hallucinating, I tried to close out the browser.  The next thing that happened made me question my sanity at this point.  I was shocked through my mouse.  That's right.  An electrical current was transferred, shocking me and paralyzing my hand temporarily.  The shrieks got louder and more belligerent.  "YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE, DO YOU!?"  The little girl sounded almost demonic.  "I...I love you..."  As if possessed, that was all I could say.  I couldn't even call out for help.  "Good," the voice, sad once more, said.  "Then stay with me...forever?"  I couldn't say no, I couldn't scream.  All I could do was nod.

Out of nowhere, the screen suddenly changed.  The bright, cheery blue theme of the forum transformed into a bloody red scene.  The friends that I normally talked to seemed to have all taken the form of a user by the name of "littleprincess937."  Every last one of them had that username, and the avatar of a small child, chained to a chair, crying, with bloodstains on her pale pink dress.  In a trance, I smiled, talking to her like I would any of my friends.

My mother, though, was my savior in this case.  She had gotten fed up with me not listening to her apparent repeats of "go to bed!"  She tore into the room and turned off the computer on her own by holding the power button.  Just as if I was in a hypnotic state, I snapped out of the trance.  I still don't know why it didn't harm her like it did me when I tried to close out of the browser.  She got quite angry at me, yelling "you were doing nothing but staring at that damn screen!"  I dismissed this, and never bothered to tell her what I was seeing.  But I can tell you this...I decided that I was never going to touch the site again.  I cleared my browser, deleted the site from my favorites, deleted any contacts from there on any other social network I was on, and forgot about it altogether.

However, one day, about six months later, out of curiosity, I decided to visit the site out of nowhere.  I don't know what sparked my curiosity; maybe it was the fact that I really missed talking to my friends.  The site seemed fine, it didn't seem demonic, anything.  It was as if that day was a time in history that was stalled, lost in motion.  This relieved my fears, and I began to visit the site again.  But I felt...different.  There was a hidden calamity that I couldn't quite point out.

The bloodied walls of my room, broadcasting messages of loneliness (I only see these at night; it's as if the darkness is the glasses), and the strange feeling I can't shake – even to this day – that I'm not the only occupant of my mind...

I still don't know if this is best or not...


Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: Dracoslythe on February 04, 2011, 06:11:37 PM
I've always thought the internet was a seemingly harmless place where people could come together to have fun and just let loose.  How horribly wrong I would turn out to be.  It was just a matter of time until all hell would break out; the internet would lose any meaning of the word "fun" it ever had.  Specifically one site I visited often...Sonic Zone Forums.  Now before you go pointing your finger with that "you're just making this up!"  Or "there's little kids on this site, stop with the scary stories!" nonsense, just hear me out.  Every word I write is true; every line a new tile in the path to understanding the unseen and unmatched evils of the world.

Sonic Zone Forums was your average Sonic the Hedgehog fan-site.  It had its ups and downs, and most certainly its share of hard times.  The forum had been through so much together and still, for the most part stood strong.  It was a place that I had been with at the beginning; a place I had planned to stay with until the end.  We had our regulars, then the ones that mostly everyone knew, even if they didn't come on that often, then the ones that nobody knew but they still seemed pretty cool, then of course, we had the noobs, the ones that nobody wanted to associate themselves with.

It was that one fateful day.  As usual, I had thrown down my book bag and booted my computer up.  The first few pages I had opened up were the ones I always opened up:  Deviantart, Facebook (oh so cliché, right?), and Sonic Zone Forum.  Everything seemed fine for the first few minutes that I browsed.

It began when I found myself on the tab with Sonic Zone.  All was fine at first, even after the horror began.  It wasn't until I tried to leave the tab and check my Deviantart messages that I realized.  Screeching noises reverberated throughout my room; my speakers were muted.  There was no way that my computer could have been emitting that terrible noise.  Sure enough, as I put my ear near the speaker to make sure it was as I heard, the sound was deafening.  There were faint whispers mixed in with the screeching.  The whispers sounded like those of a pleading child who was abandoned by her parents.  It was horrifying, even more so after the screeching had died down and I could hear the words that came from the speakers.  "You don't love me anymore..." I scooted back from the computer, but I was unable to take my eyes off of the screen.  The screen never wavered from its original form, and I was still able to browse the site.  I wasn't, however, able to leave the tab, lest I face that terrible screeching.  Something had taken me over, making me unable to leave that site.

In desperation, I cried out to mom, but she merely shrugged it off, thinking that I was just tired, and that I needed to sleep.  True, I was tired; it was late at night, but an energy chain bound me to this site.  Shrugging it off that maybe I was hallucinating, I tried to close out the browser.  The next thing that happened made me question my sanity at this point.  I was shocked through my mouse.  That's right.  An electrical current was transferred, shocking me and paralyzing my hand temporarily.  The shrieks got louder and more belligerent.  "YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE, DO YOU!?"  The little girl sounded almost demonic.  "I...I love you..."  As if possessed, that was all I could say.  I couldn't even call out for help.  "Good," the voice, sad once more, said.  "Then stay with me...forever?"  I couldn't say no, I couldn't scream.  All I could do was nod.

Out of nowhere, the screen suddenly changed.  The bright, cheery blue theme of the forum transformed into a bloody red scene.  The friends that I normally talked to seemed to have all taken the form of a user by the name of "littleprincess937."  Every last one of them had that username, and the avatar of a small child, chained to a chair, crying, with bloodstains on her pale pink dress.  In a trance, I smiled, talking to her like I would any of my friends.

My mother, though, was my savior in this case.  She had gotten fed up with me not listening to her apparent repeats of "go to bed!"  She tore into the room and turned off the computer on her own by holding the power button.  Just as if I was in a hypnotic state, I snapped out of the trance.  I still don't know why it didn't harm her like it did me when I tried to close out of the browser.  She got quite angry at me, yelling "you were doing nothing but staring at that damn screen!"  I dismissed this, and never bothered to tell her what I was seeing.  But I can tell you this...I decided that I was never going to touch the site again.  I cleared my browser, deleted the site from my favorites, deleted any contacts from there on any other social network I was on, and forgot about it altogether.

However, one day, about six months later, out of curiosity, I decided to visit the site out of nowhere.  I don't know what sparked my curiosity; maybe it was the fact that I really missed talking to my friends.  The site seemed fine, it didn't seem demonic, anything.  It was as if that day was a time in history that was stalled, lost in motion.  This relieved my fears, and I began to visit the site again.  But I felt...different.  There was a hidden calamity that I couldn't quite point out.

The bloodied walls of my room, broadcasting messages of loneliness (I only see these at night; it's as if the darkness is the glasses), and the strange feeling I can't shake – even to this day – that I'm not the only occupant of my mind...

I still don't know if this is best or not...

^ This
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


Sit down, children. Let me tell you the story of a sick, twisted mind. The sheer hard proof that if god exists that man was not his design. For the story I tell may haunt you for months, maybe years...or the rest of your life. The story of the Sonic Zone Murderer...

I had visited the peaceful pages of Sonic Zone everyday for about a year and a half now. Eagerly awaiting modship because of my popularity, I was cruising through. Busting spammers and telling staff how to do they're job. In a joking manner, of course. My mouse has a tendency to randomly click things. Probably something caught in it. Food? Grease? I'm not sure. Anyway, I was cruising my mouse over the list of birthdays, moving it to the scroll bar, when it suddenly decided to click a profile. It does that often and I usually got ones with no posts and odd names. However, this one was a bit different. It had some odd symbols that seemed to be another language. Squares? Stars? Random dashes? There are codes for such shapes on the forum, so I figured it was just a spammer trying to look cool with his name. Then I noticed everything else was filled in the same way. His signature, his title...the only thing he lacked was an avi. His sig, however, had a link. Curious to see what kind of porn this dumb kid was peddling, I clicked it. I was brought to a black page with the word, "DO NOT ENTER" in bold, red text. I sat for a minute, rather shaky, as I get nervous easily. It was a link, I hovered my mouse over it and without warning the page began to load. My mouse had clicked again...When it finally did, what I saw was horrifying. Bodies...pictures of them. Sliced, diced, decapitated, hung, mutilated. You name it, it was there. I immediate went to close the window but a script on the page gave me a box with nothing but an OK button which prevented me from doing so. My next reaction was to click the back arrow. I did and SZ loaded once again, but this time with the palette of the website. Sonic had been replaced with a bloody hand and all the text was now those symbols. I was afraid to click the topics. I tried refreshing. I tried going back. Every time I was presented with another error. Task Manager was apparently disabled and I still failed to close the window via our favorite little "X". I shut my laptop, what else could I do? I imagine a movie was brought up in the next window via a script because I heard loud screams coming from my headphones. I would have taken them out but that wouldn't have done any good. So instead I placed them down and plugged my ears. I could still hear it in my head. I unplugged the charger and waited for what seemed like forever for the computer to die. I would have ran out of the room, had it not been midnight and already petrified there was no way IN HELL I was going out there. I turned my computer back on after plugging the charger back in. Everything was normal again. I waited about a week to go back to Sonic Zone. I began to miss my friends and was relieved to see that the forum was back to it's natural blue. I never bothered looking for that member. I couldn't figure out how to do the symbols and besides, that's the last thing I need to experience again. A sick, twisted mother fucker hell bent on showcasing his sick acts to helpless little kids on the internet. When I finally got to posting again I recorded my experience in a topic. Hardly anyone posted and those who did called me a dirty liar. The strange part is...thinking back...I am no longer scared. In fact...I think...I think I might actually enjoy those memories...

Quote from: Author's NoteYeah, it sucks. Sue me. It's me first creepy pasta. Shush. :P

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: Skyle369 on February 04, 2011, 05:22:52 PM
Long before 2008, a Italian SZ member cooked a pasta and took a picture of it and uploaded it to the site on the off-topic section... Whoever looked upon the picture of that pasta back then didn't go online anymore... perhaps they lost connection to the forum... or perhaps died. So John deleted the topic without looking at the topic and the picture was never seen again about that pasta...

that looks like a dog