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So... I just don't get it

Started by Ryltohn, February 10, 2011, 05:41:11 AM

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Do you hate Justin Bieber?

A little
Who is he?
I can stand him
I like him a little


Why is Justin Bieber so hated? sure he sounds like a girl, but past that he is decent. Is he so hated just cause he sounds like a girl?
All your bass are belong to me


It's one of those "I do it because everyone else does it" things. I don't much like his music, but give the guy a break!
I mean seriously, because hating makes you REALLY cool and you fit sooo perfectly in, right?? Ugh.


Honestly? I hate him because my little sister loves him. XD


I don't hate him as a person, just I don't like his songs.

Teh Shadic

I hate him because everybody in my school keeps being like "OH MAI GAWD I'MA MARRY JUSTIN BIEBER WHAN I GROW UP!!!!!!", and they keep singing his retarded songs, giving me a headache. If they were just like "Justin Bieber is really cool, and I'm a fan of him." then I wouldn't have hated him in the first place. -.-

In other words, he's TOO overrated. >_>



I hate him for the same reason I hate all child stars
They aren't good at what they do -_-
And all these things
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


I don't /hate/ him, persay... (I don't really like his songs, I mean yeah, one or two are pretty catchy, but it's the same way with almost everything people like or dislike; just like I don't really like country music, but there's a few artists I like.  -shrugs-)
I mean, for what he does, he's good.

But he shouldn't be as popular as he is.  I don't think it's right how he got so popular.
He posted videos on Youtube and was spotted.  Between his (actually decent) voice (you say Beiber sounds like a girl, even I'm guilty of doing that, but in the big picture, there's plenty of amazing artists who have the same range as he does) and his "cuteness that girls fall over" (sorry, I think he looks like a retard, to be honest :I), he became an instant hit.

My opinion...there's plenty of other people on Youtube who deserve that stardom more than he does.  But, it all depends on who sees your videos.  -shrugs-

I guess all in all, I can tolerate him.  Merely /tolerate./